Saturday, December 24, 2011

3 months on Xmas!

Logan in a XMas outfit!
So I've decided to transfer to Blogger, I know more people over here, sorry to mess up all your links! Here's a cute picture of Peanut to make it all better!

Peanut will be three months old tomorrow! We'll be in the southern half of the state, celebrating with Boi's Grandma tonight and his Dad tomorrow. And the rest of his family around there. It'll be Peanut's first overnight trip, I'm a bit freaked I'll admit. I know it's a holiday, but I want him to stay on schedule, I don't want an overtired screaming baby. I guess it's just a wait and see how we do.

-Thursday Morning  the 29th-
So I never did post this, but I'll use it for this one. As you likely know, the weekend did not go well sleep wise. Peanut was very unhappy from 11pm to 4am that night, and was overtired for the rest of the day. I think as of tonight he's finally fixed though. He had his 10PM wakeup but skipped his 11 and seems to be going strong now.

Peanut got a shitload of presents. Tomorrow we're doing the last Christmas too. And he's getting his 3 month old shots :( He's been EXCELLENT with his toys now. From an occasional smack or sometimes a grab, to actively grabbing things given to him and sticking them in his mouth excitedly. Boi was playing Monnkey See Monkey Do with him earlier, he'd open his mouth, Peanut would open is.

So he woke up at 1 to eat, but that's ok, I was still up. Hopefully we can hit the hay soon.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's been awhile

IMG_1255I've been busy. Busy with little Peanut, and busy trying to win a snowblower. But since I last posted, Peanut has had many firsts. His first time getting his thumb into his mouth (without fist/other fingers in there too). His first time grabbing onto a toy. And his first time grabbing his feet. Excellent progress little boy! He's needed much help tonight in his sleep, but nothing so horrible that it keeps him awake for long. Just. For. Short. Bursts. At least Boi is home for the evenings this week. Hopefully by next weekend his gas will be fixed. I can hope! I'm thinking I might experiment tomorrow, we need to go shopping, I'll pick up some soy formula, give him a bottle in the afternoon, and if he takes it and it digests ok, give him another one at night. But I don't know if it's still my milk, or if it's still in his system, or if his system is still repairing or what. But it's an idea, I want him to be comfortable after all.

IMG_1260Feeeeet! Look at him grabbing at them :D He's doing mini situps to get at them too, work those stomach muscles little guy!

He's only been napping in 20 minute spurts the last few days *pout* I'm really hoping that this is his growth spurt. He's a bit hungrier than normal, but not a whole lot, but the problems napping, eating, extra fussy, and the fact he should get one around 3 months (yes, that's coming up this weekend) all point to one thing to me. Growth spurt! It's going to happen whether I like it or not, and it's better now than over the weekend when we're not at home with swings and such to help us survive.

UPDATE It's the next morning, the little guy went to sleep at 945 and slept (with miniwakeups at 1030,1045, 1130, and again sometime after midnight) till 815 this morning. Wow! Alas I slept like crap, and feeling sick (likey just thanks to sleeping like crap) so I couldn't enjoy it. He is now trying a fail nap in his swing and Boi is passed out on the couch. Hopefully I'm back on my feet soon and can make today worthwhile.

Please vote for us!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


IMG_1178Peanut is starting to get interested in his feet! Several times today, while he's been in a seated position I've noticed him staring very intently at them, and bringing his feet together in a clapping fashion. So exciting! New stuff! Hopefully he'll be grabbing at them soon too!

So on the left are figurines of his foot and hand, much thanks to MIL and SFIL in their creation! Not sure what I'm going to do about a finish on them. But how cute are they :) His pinkie and ring finger didn't fully come out, but from this angle that doesn't matter. And it's still 98% great.

  More IMG_1171Feet.

Boi works the next 5 days, boo hoo :( But then on Monday we're going out again! Not sure what we're going to do (wtf, the cats just ran me three times chasing each other) if it'll be dinner and a movie again or what, but whatever, it'll be fun. Maybe I can think of something else in the meantime.

I'm also looking up ideas for our bathroom redo, now that we're funded again. I don't want to spend a zillion bucks on it, but I want to love it. Hopefully I can get it all figured out!

IMG_1184MORE FEET! My (ignore the dying polish) toe against his whole foot! Hee hee! Such a cutie. Oh, he's also started to lurch forward the last few days, so I have to be more careful about how I settle him. He's always wiggle worm, but this is more of a coordinated attack, I watched him do it tonight, he scrunched up his face before he tried to plow it into his feet as I had him propped up next to me.

He's in bed right now, I'm hoping tonight will be better than last night, which was better than the night before, which was... well you get it. He fell asleep nursing, which actually he rarely does, so maybe that will spur a different/better result for tonight. Gotta break him of the habit. Though he did very kindly decide to blowout his diaper this evening onto his activity mat, so that's in the wash. Gives me something extra to do tonight!

I'm hungry. Guess maybe I'll go eat some more fruit salad. I could really go for a peanut butter cookie though... what the heck, I deserve another cookie. Specially made, no dairy. I can't wait until he's acting normalish again and I can start adding in more processed foods into my diet.

Nope, another hell-rific bedtime. Woke up 40 minutes later and cried for an hour. Let's hope that's the end of it...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Day in Pictures

IMG_1144This morning's nap, and the beginning of my idea for 'things happening right now!' We were just doing some tummy time while I was waiting for the shower to be open and he wanted to stop, so he shimmied onto his side and promptly zonked out. Too cute :)






IMG_1147He was chilling with Boi, they were playing and doing some excellent daddy son bonding while I was getting ready for the day. I believe some tummy time followed this as well, yay for Peanut's neck and arms!






IMG_1148Chilling out in his swing while we ate lunch. I made vegetarian minestrone soup for Boi, some chickeny pasta for me, and we both had half of a butternut squash.

Nothing makes him happier (other than me of course ;) than watching his fishes go around in circles above his head.

Looks like his pants turned into shorts too, heh, poor little guy!









IMG_1149Now it's time for Peanut to eat! This is the face of a little boy who's looking for some good milk! Potato chips? No! Orange juice? Heck no! Only milk will do!

 Just look at those pretty blue eyes :) I wonder if/when they will change. So far I don't see any other colors seeping in!

 Oh, and yes he is wearing a plastic ring as a bracelet, don't judge, Peanut likes it!









IMG_1150Time for another nap! This time in his swing. Nothing like being gently rocked as his fish swim above his head to elicit some happy nappy feelings. 

This nap actually ended up being longer than I bargained for, but it all worked out in the end. Boi and I played a little bit of Secret of Mana and just relaxed since it was his only true day off with his Mom in town the other two days.

 He's still got on his bracelet! 










IMG_1151We're getting ready for a walk with K&B, but we forgot to take a picture later with her and Peanut. I did bad :( We got his socks and booties on when she IMed, so then we were just chilling out waiting for their arrival before getting dressed any further. It was a super nice day today, but little boys still need to get bundled up!





IMG_1152We're back from our walk! Look at how cozy Peanut looks in his moby! We stopped at the neighbors to give them a christmas card since they've been so generous, and K recognized him as her 7th grade science teacher. Not mine though :( K and I were seperated, so sad!

He really likes being walked around, and I'm so glad he's finally big/strong enough to be put in the wrap this way. He like it so much better than the newborn hold. He's not a baby that likes to be wrapped up tight or not to be allowed to look around. He ended up staring at K's scarf for mos of our walk though :)







IMG_1153How about a diaper change? We've trying to finish up his size one disposables hense the sposie. He was feeling a little damp though so he got an outfit change, a onesie for bed and just some warm pajamas for over it for now.

Pooh! He dressed in it just for K's visit :)





IMG_1154Hey, it's a football game! Our team is in the lead!

Boi then settled in with Peanut and explained to him the game play by play. They also did that his last night in the hospital for a Badger game. He'll get this football stuff figured out soon :)

 I got a headache and curled up in a ball, I did see the Packers win though. Yay Packers! Yay Peanut!

 Have you noticed that they're undefeated the same year Peanut was born. COINCIDENCE? 







IMG_1158Peanut helped to set up our Christmas Tree, errr Festivus Pole, umm.... Christmas Pole? He's already got some presents! So we ran out to Target today to pick up the... garland thingie to wrap around the pole. Maybe we'll have a tree next year, but I'll leave that up to Boi if he wants one. I think this works perfectly well and it's already driving Kiara insane. So far Kairi hasn't woken up enough to care about it though. Lazy cat :)



IMG_1160Next we attempted some tummy time, but tummy time this late is rarely that productive. He didn't like it too much. Boi managed to keep him entertained for awhile though anyways! I was still nursing my headache, but Boi picked up the slack like a pro!

Sometimes tummytime is so great and he pushes up so far he starts hitting his head on his toys :)




IMG_1165Next we started part two of our project. The night before with MIL and SFIL we started it up, it's a kit to make a model of his hand and foot. So boy made the mixture, they made sure Peanut was calm and held, and then with Boi's help I plunged Peanut's appendage into the gel and snuck it back out when it had hardened enough.

Today we mixed up the concrete and poured it in. So in 12 hours, or before Boi leaves for work tomorrow, we'll free them and see how they look!


IMG_1169Next up was bedtime. What with the project the night before, we figured it was a good time for a bath, just to help make sure he was clean and moisturized after all that excitement. He was quite tired though due to his last nap being so short, so he didn't enjoy it quite as much as he could have.

But here is his, looking pretty happy, in his ducky robe. All clean and dry!

And yes, he is licking his sleeve XD That's the new thing around here, if he's wearing long sleeves, they're rather perma-damp.

And aww look at those baby feet!






IMG_1177And finally, after a quick massage and being put into his pajamas, we fed him, and rocked and sang him to sleep. You can sing to him whatever, and he'll sleepily listen, and then you switch to 'Hush Little Baby' and his eyes will close and he'll fall asleep.

He went to sleep very quickly since he was so tired. Here's hoping that tonight is finally the night he goes to sleep and stays asleep. He should know that after the bedtime routine and he's put down in the dark (redlight) room he's staying there for 12 hours. And he used to know, but ever since his shots he's forgotten. Feels longer than that, maybe it was, but that's when I remember it starting. He's only been alive 11 weeks, and home for 10.

Wait, there he goes, damnit. Boi ran up :( Sighs.

Well, I hope you enjoy my photobomb!

I love a sleeping Peanut

IMG_1140The in-law invasion weekend is completed. As you can see, much fun was had by all, by the smiles. Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to have a new interesting(ish) post (because my posts are usually blah and mundane) showing Peanut's life in regular(ish) intervals. Like the first two will be a picture of him napping on me, and then 30 minutes later, chilling with Boi. It should be fun, as we have some things planned for the day.

So yes, the invasion weekend, MIL and SFIL flew up and hung out with Peanut on Friday and Saturday. Boi cooked his special Pesto Cavatappi on Friday, which I couldn't eat, but I had Kale and Squash soup. Quite simple it's just.... kale cooked in chicken broth and chunks of roasted butternut squash tossed in, lol!

IMG_1133We played Apples to Apples on Saturday and went to Chang Garden for delicious food. Peanut found both to be quite interesting, but decided he like Apples to Apples the most, and is an excellent card shark! He's sitting on his bumbo with a pillow to help the back of his head. He made it a few minutes before it was no longer interesting, hehe.

Speaking of which, SFIL thought of a slightly different way to play it, and it's quite fun, so if you want to know more, you'll have to come over to play ;)

He didn't do a great job sleeping last night. He had only been waking up to fuss once in the first two hours, last night it was 3 times. And he only slept 4, 4, 3, 1. Someday we'll have consistency, and it will be good. Last night he managed to wake up every time while I was in deep sleep though, so it was especially painful.

So yeah, look forward to the next post!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Back to Side!

IMG_1096Peanut rolled over from his back to his side today. I almost didn't find the camera in time to snap the picture! I wish I saw him actually turning, but I suppose I'll see it many times in the future! :D Hopefully we'll get a repeat performance soon!

He also recently added the couch to places where he can roll from tummy to back. Score!

So last night, Peanut tried his darndest to not fall asleep again, but eventually succumed... and then slept 8 hours tonight. Of course I didn't, I woke up wondering why my baby wasn't crying to eat. But if he keeps it up, someday I will to!

IMG_1101Shoes! He has tiiiiny feet.

You guys get a short post today, Peanut and working have sapped what little energy I have. Tomorrow is going to be uber busy, but Mom's stopping by to babysit, so that'll make things either. Then it's the In-Law Invasion Weekend! 


Monday, December 5, 2011

My Crying Baby

IMG_1082Peanut went to bed last night at 845. He was up at 915 and didn't go back to sleep until 12:15. And even then he woke up around 12:45 and it took me 10 minutes to get him back to sleep. We ended up running a hairdryer while I rocked him to keep him from crying and to make the transition from my arms to his bed easier. Oh little boy. He woke up at 530, 830, then I brought him to bed with me, as he was gassy again, so I could help him work it out until he fell asleep. Well we both ended up sleeping till noon, whoops :) Things were ok, we got some good tummy time in, and then... 1:00 he became unhappy. He refused to eat at 2. And again at three.  Crying in discomfort/pain, his voice getting hoarse :( Boi called at 4, I had to move him from looking at the tv to out the window just to kind of hold a conversation with him. Finally got him to eat at 4, had to hold him funny to keep him crying long enough though.

Well, it's 10ish now. Boi is home, Peanut rolled his way out of tummytime again, he's quieter now. We'll attempt bedtime at 1030, he's been keeping himself up so late so many nights, I'd be happy with it. It was a two soda day today, hopefully tomorrow will be better, if not I'll call the ped to make sure that this is still a normal reaction.

~Next Day~ Well, we were up with him until 1 again, and after projectile spitup this morning and an impressive coughing spell, I called up the ped. The nurses decided to get him in right away, and we ended up having to go to a different location with a different doctor so he could be seen. Fortunately he looks good, gained some weight, and the doctor thinks it's just a stomach bug. So for now I'll put up with the screaming, spitting, coughing, lack of appetite and count on him getting better soon!

Friday, December 2, 2011

End of Mini Vacation

IMG_1049It is ending soon. It wasn't entirely relaxing, but it was different and good. Boi got off at 4 on Tuesday, and then had off Wednesday and Thursday. On Tuesday he came home tired, and Peanut had had his appointment. The day started out funny, his sleeping has slowly been getting better as the milk protein has left my system. At it's peak he's sleep in 1-2 hour stretches max, and not always even make it an hour. Then he would manage maybe a 4 hour stretch to start with and 2 hour stretches after that after the first few miserable nights. So I figured that morning when he woke up at 7, that he'd have me up at 9 no problem. His appointment was at 1045 so this seemed perfect. No the little bugger decided he could sleep a 3 hour stretch, so we were rushed and I forgot to grab my list of questions and the immunization schedule I wanted.

His appointment went good, I went in and signed some more papers, then we measured Peanut, he came to 21.3 inches, but I don't believe that, I've been measuring him longer, I thought she did a weak job of straightening him out as she was doing it, and then we the charts came back he dropped from 25% to 1% for height. Bad nurse is bad. He weighed in at 11lbs 5oz, which was a jump from like 15% to 25% (aww my chubby monkey likes to eat!) which was also less than I had him, but it my scale obviously isn't that accurate and I always just did it in a (clean) diaper. So I won't argue that one. Then after her fail job at his length, she measured his head three times because 'it just seemed like such a big jump.' Fail lady, the charts showed that it was the proper amount of growth. His head is also at the 25%. So much for our predictions of a huge headed kid!

IMG_1055We went back in and I told her we were non smokers about 50 times (didn't we do this at his last appointment, wtf) and gave her his reactions to milk. Then the ped took her sweet time coming in and he was starting to fuss so I just held him close and we did some dancing to cheer him up. Then she came and we discussed my shot schedule (she had to look it up, as I forgot it thanks to silly Peanut, and I only for sure knew what vac's I wanted that day - DTaP and Rota) but yay for the internet it was quickly found. I was amused she wasn't more familiar with it, as it seems to be the most popular alternate schedule. But I guess that's small towns for ya. I asked if there was anything additional we should do considering his allergy, she said that he'd be fine, as long as I supplemented my calcium. Which according to on-line sources, fruit flavored tums contains dairy, so FML, I'll have to get some plain tums.

Then whatever whatever whatever, nurse comes in, and slowly gives him his oral Rota, he eats it up very good. Then she gives him his shot... the ladies on my board have said that the first shot their babies didn't even notice, so I figure just let her go at it, otherwise some of the ladies said their doctors let them nurse while they gave them the shot to help distract the babies. So of course Peanut screamed and cried during and after the shot :( Maybe I made the wrong choice to just let him brave it out. So then the nurse left and I nursed him till he was calmer, we packed up, made his 3 month appointment for two of the shots we skipped that day, and headed out.

IMG_1051So then from noon to 5 he alternated from screaming his head off to sleeping heavily. I gave him Tylenol as soon as we got home and again when Boi came home around 5. He was calmer when Boi got home at least, and was willing to play a little. We put him to bed at 8, he woke up at 9 and cried for an hour, then again at 11, crying in pain/discomfort. Poor baby :( But then after that he slept fairly normally, despite Boi's dire predictions. 

On Wednesday Boi spent a good chunk of the day trying to finish up the baseball cards for his families Christmas list (I tried to talk him into something that would take less time but I lost) and while he did that I was on Peanut duty. At least Peanut was happier. Then when he was done we switched, and I worked on getting them on-line. Peanut slept pretty good that night slept 5/3/3.

Thursday Boi promised me the day off from Peanut. And it was good. He took charge of putting him down for naps and making sure he had stimulating time and also comfy snuggly time. And just brought him over to me on the couch whenever he got hungry. I got a good bit of work done, along with some household stuff like dishes, laundry, etc. Boi also installed the new light fixture during an abnormally long nap by Peanut. Mom stopped by with a toy for Peanut that played classical music. For right now he likes watching the pretty lights it makes, I'll have to see if he likes one song more than others. We went to the bank to set up a savings account for him, but I was a fail mom and forgot his social security number. But we stopped by Ace and bought some more batteries for his swing and Boi picked up some christmas lights. So now we're a festive household. Alas the plug doesn't seem to be linked to a switch, so we have to go outside to turn them on and off. So they're likely going to be off a lot, lol :) I'm working on a candy cane christmas wreath, just got to get it really sturdy still.

Peanut went to bed pretty easily, he got a bath, then Boi read him a story, he ate and was asleep within 5 minutes after. He usually wakes up briefly about 30 minutes after we put him down for some reason, but goes back down easily... but not last night.  Not sure if it was just simple gas or maybe some delayed discomfort from the shots, but after 30 minutes of listening to Boi try to settle him, I went up to help. He wasn't breathing very easily, likely thanks to all the crying, so we put drops in his nose and sucked out some mucus. He was a bit easier to keep calm then, but still would stubbornly not close his eyes. It was 11:00 when he finally passed out in my arms, I carefully transferred him to his bed, and we snuck out. We didn't get a very relaxing evening that night :( But then he slept till 5, and then he woke up again at 830. I went in to feed him, and d'oh, after I started I realized he hadn't had a diaper change since his bath. Sure enough, he didn't eat well and was very fussy. So I changed him, tried to get him to eat some more, but he'd had enough of that and just wanted to jabber. So I brought him downstairs, and he's now napping in his swing, I'm blogging, and Boi is watching the Price is Right.

So there you have it! And here you go, babies aren't just for cuddling and cooing: 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

9 Weeks Old

IMG_10189 weeks old and he's getting quite good at stuffing half his fist in his mouth. Also, here he is taking his morning nap, zonked, arm completely comfortable straight up in the air. I thought it was cute :)

Boi says hi and says I should write "stuff." So there you have it.


I get to snuggle against his shoulder as I type, that's nice. He's got two more days and then I get him for 2 or 3 days. We're both too lazy to go find out. Ok, he's not too lazy, apparently I'm STOPPING HIM from going to get it. The only way I'm doing that is by snuggling against him. What I think he means to say is that he was silly and didn't look when he grabbed the schedule, when the whole point to bringing it home was to find out if he worked on Friday or Saturday. He makes a point in that if that was really all we wanted, then he would have looked and not have brought it home. I SAY THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS! Really, all I want is food. Yummy food, like baby cheeks or baby toes. I bet they be tasty. But no, I don't think you should go wake him up and bring him down here Boi, we spent an hour getting him to sleep. I cheated by putting a finger on his temple and another on his nose, and his eyes shut due to the proximity of my hand, and then he just fell asleep before I lifted them BRILLIANCE I SAY! But then he ended up waking up - which he usually does do at least once before drifting off into nighttime sleep. 

IMG_1014Boi gave him a massage, I usually do it, but he got home as I was putting him to bed, as he was becoming fussy and I couldn't wait any longer. He did a good job. Ok, Peanut was becoming fussy, if any of you were confused and thought I was talking about Boi. No, but Boi did warm up a tofurky while I was getting Peanut to bed. LEFTOVERS OK, SHEESH. Anyways, it was stinky and I thought Peanut had farted. INSERT PICTURE OF PEANUT CRYING AT TOFURKY! Boi thought of the picture, so you can thank him for me putting it in. I'm no longer snuggling against his shoulder as I had to reach for my Powerade. It's green flavored. I should just switch to water, as I've already consumed one today (orange flavored), but I needed to take my vitamin so I opened another. I also should be working but I've gotten several hours in and now I'm staring at and going blaaaaaaaaaah so I'm taking a break by snuggling (not that I'm doing that anymore mind you) and blogging.

IMG_1000What else should we talk about Boi? THAT'S RIGHT, BABY HAIR! I had three pictures to choose from, one was blurry, one was EXTREME CLOSE UP and this one was a nice in-between. Boi agrees that you can see the new hair growth nicely in this picture. My tummy gurgled, foooooooooooood I want! Anyways, baby hair, isn't it cute? I hope he doesn't loose the stuff he was born with. I don't know what the chances are of that exactly. I know he doesn't currently have a baldspot, he has baldish spots, but not a baldspot. Just the silly infant hairlines. He's excellent and sleeps on different parts of his head and doesn't favor one spot over another. I don't think. We'll see what the doctor says on Tuesday. I've decided to go with the Sears vaccination schedule. So he'll get the DTaP and the Rota then. And we'll go in at 3 months and get two different ones. And we'll hold off on the HepB for awhile. So there's that.

IMG_1002HANDS! Here are our hands. We tried like a bazzilion pictures, we didn't get any real great ones, here's the best. Boi just left me temporarily for his soda and a cookie. OH that's right, I bought root beer with caffeine in it, darn it all! Bad job me! But it was on sale. But I didn't know. Or I didn't realize. I knew one had caffeine in it, but I can never remember which. Boi is watching the football game and is no longer reading what I'm typing, so I can type evil things about him, like he's a doody head. BIG FAT DOODY HEAD! Hahahaha!

Peanut is slowly improving, I don't think I'll have to cut out soy. Which is good. The rash is still on his face, but his diapers are more normal - so normal THEY TRIED TO DESTORY HIS SWING! He got poop on the safety strap, the cover, and it soaked through that. Eeeeuuu! He also got poop up his tummy and up his back. Way to poop little guy. DARN IT HE'S AWAKE! he slept for like 40 minutes, I wonder if he's gassy? If that's what's wrong, Boi should be able to fix it with a pacifier... we'll see. And while I'm waiting to see, I'll embed a video I took right before bedtime. Yup, he was just crying in his sleep so it was likely gas. I could feel the bubbles moving when I was rocking him to sleep, I guess they started up again. Nothing like plastic in your mouth to make it all better!

Ok, g'nite y'all, and enjoy this video!

Friday, November 25, 2011

2 Months Old!

IMG_0972Today Peanut is 2 months old! He has spent the day most whiney unfortunately. Lately days he doesn't sleep much, he's whiney. Days he sleeps all day, whiney. We've apparently hit an uncooperative whiney phase. That or the dwindling amount of dairy in my system is still bothering him a lot. He cried a few hours yesterday afternoon while we were up north, while we were all trying to eat and enjoy the game, and he put on a repeat performance for us today. I had to undress him to keep him from overheating from crying so much. Hense the picture on the right there. Hopefully someday soon he'll be back to the happy boy most of the time. He was pretty happy when he was awake during the night, but we're not going back there. And then of course when we got it fixed was when I accidentally fell off the no-dairy horse.

So I made myself dairy free mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. The pie will be ready to eat in a half hour or so. The potatoes were delish, and so was my turkey loaf. Mini thanksgiving for the win! I can't wait to dig in to the pie!

IMG_0978We've got to make it 4 days without Boi again, he's got inventory going on :/ supposedly he'll have an extra day off though after that, so then I can has a happy again. And I'll hide his phone so they can't call him in and he won't know it so it'll be ok. Just don't tell him! And forget this when you read this Boi! It's not ok to stiff people on their vacation days!

I really want that pie now... I hope it's good. I used coconut milk! Same with in the mashed potatoes. It tastes way better than almond milk. I was also going to try to count my calories today... but I didn't really do a good job doing that earlier and now I don't want to try to figure out the homemade stuff today... maybe I'll try it tomorrow. When I'm hopefully much more rested. Chances are I'll be just as tired though. I should also try to do some work, looks like I got contacted today, but today wasn't a really good day. We didn't get to do a lot of the stuff we wanted to do either, like take a walk since it's still was kind of nice :(

I think maybe I'll get a tiny slice, mwaa haa haa! Have a good evening!

Monday, November 21, 2011

I miss milk

So I screwed up and ate cheese. Then 6 hours later he got scream worthy gas. So then I figured, well lets make absolutely sure. So I drank milk. And ate pizza. And ate yogurt. And I was happy. And then the last two nights Peanut was lucky to make it a 2 hour stretch. So. Fucking. Tired. I had me a wine cooler after putting him to bed and told Boi he was on Peanut patrol. I crashed like 20 minutes. Then I got up every freaking hour to either feed or soothe him. Then at 4 I fed him, he was wide awake, so I tagged back out since he needed to wake up at 430 anyways. I slept like 20 minutes. Boi left him in his swing, but he did not nap after he left, Peanut started crying. Pacifier nowhere to be found, and still too early to feed him, I turned on the swing full force. And now we're laying here. I discovered I was only wearing one contact. For how long no one knows. Well, who else is there but me I guess.

I hate insomnia. I haven't gotten like... more than 4 hours of sleep a night for a week or more. Mostly much less. I think, too tired to remember. Having a baby should cure it. I should be so tired I can't help but just fall asleep. But no, I'm just so tired I can walk around with one contact in and not notice. I'm getting a nanny for kid #2.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

We're Just Doing This

Since he woke up at 7PM, we're obviously just screwed. So we're going forwards and not backwards. We'll get him to bed a little later each night until we're fixed. So I've got my Mountain Dew and we're playing at 1:45 at night. In the dark though. On the off chance that he does just crash. I'd be thrilled but I doubt that'll happen.

It's now 5:45. He got hiccups that derailed naptime, and then he wouldn't nurse them away. 

It was 5:45, now it's 8:00, I'm working on waking him up from his nap. He got crazy fussy after I started that last paragraph.  I want to make sure this is just a nap and not sleep. Because he can't sleep, we need to move him away from sleep. We need him to sleep during the night!

Sooooo it's 10PM now, he fell asleep in the carseat at 10 am, then we crashed at mom's, got some human interaction and some food, he got bad gas, woke up at 6, stayed up, we went home, and he's been napping ever since. Atta boy.

Boi will hopefully be home at midnight. Then he has tomorrow off. Wee! I think I'm going to have him take the first shift. He's screwed anyways, he works 6am Monday.

IMG_0943All I talk about is sleep. 

Update! He woke up for good at 1:30. Boi sent me to bed, got up a few times to help him with the crying, and then we swapped at 6. Got him to nap in the swing, but then we both crashed around 9. Woke up at 1130, woke up Boi for the game and to help me wake up Peanut so that we could continue to force awake time. It's now 2:30, the Packers are winning. Peanut has been napping again for an hour, gonna be plenty loud now in hopes he wakes up on his own. 


Thursday, November 17, 2011

5am again

Fuck this, neither this kid nor I are ever sleeping at night again. He's been up since 1145 and it's 5 now. His longest nap was maybe 30 minutes. He's been like this since Sunday. I'm doomed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life at 7 Weeks

IMG_09029:45 PM (Last Night) Peanut and I chill out on the couch, he has minor gas issues, doing some work
10:45 Peanut wakes up and bedtime starts, got almost as big of a smile as Boi got a week ago while giving him a massage.
11:15 Talk to Boi, he's not going to be too late so I stay up and wait
11:20 Fold laundry
11:30 Curl up on couch staring mindlessly at 'No Reservations' then an episode of 'Inuyasha' on Netflix while poking at the facebooks. Wishing I was tired enough to fall asleep or awake enough to be productive
12:30AM Boi comes home
1:00AM Go to bed
1:00-1:45 Awake listening to the loud radiator
1:45 Change a stinky diaper, Feed Peanut and lie awake for awhile listening to the radiator some more
5:00 Feed Peanut and lie awake for awhile listening to the radiator and now a snoring Boi and scratching in the walls
6:30 Boi's alarm goes off. More than once
730 Boi is gone and Peanut wakes up. Bring him to bed with me and feed him. Doze on and off while a noisy grunting baby chills out next to me who is suspicously doing a lot of coughing/sneezing
10:30 Feed Peanut, get up, put him in the swing, do morning things while he half dozes and half stares at his fish above him
11:00 Eat eggs on toast and ham (Boi got me a giant free ham) while watching 'No Reservations' on Netflix
11:15 Peanut permanently wakes up. Play with Peanut (tummy time, fish on mat)
11:30 Hoping Peanut has had enough awake time to poop if he's gonna, change him. Peanut pee's three times, but I avoid. Dress Peanut in something cute. Peanut starts spitting up clear liquid. Still sneezing and coughing. Nose looks clear though
11:40 Peanut starts pooping 
11:50 Peanut gets changed and pee's again. All over his cute outfit. Still sneezing and coughing so I decide to try to get him to sleep a lot today and put him in something warm.
12:00 Peanut gets the hiccups and I nurse them away while watching a new episode of 'No Reservations'
12:10 Put Peanut down on the couch for hopefully a nap.  He stays asleep
12:15 Start looking up possible heating repair guys while talking to Mom about getting their guy over to patch up the siding outside our bedroom. 
12:30 Eat more ham and a few oatmeal cookies and get a can of coke for headache and continued sleepiness
12:40 Start blogging and start looking for something randomish to put on. See 'Wonder Years' and figure what the heck 
12:50 Start working 
IMG_090312:55 Peanut wakes up
1:00 Finish up an amazon order thats been open a few days while holding a coughing baby 
1:15 Put Peanut in his swing to watch his fish, put on the next episode, clean up kitchen/do dishes
1:25 Watch Peanut to see if he's sleepy or going to stay awake. Uncertain. Kairi starts to want attention
1:30 Attempted playtime (singing and dancing and spinning and the mirror) after downing ibuprofin for headache. Got a few semi-gummy smiles.
1:35 Take a picture of him next to a Pooh
1:40 Settle down on the couch with him on my lap after more coughing up clear liquid. Is he just becoming a drooly baby or is a symptom of being sick? He's never spat up anything but milk. Sounding a little congested.  Start new episode
1:45 Radiator goes on the fritz and give in to his his fussing and feed him
2:00 Peanut goes back into his swing, eat more ham and finish coke. Kairi goes to the window, and turn on a new episode
2:10 Peanut falls asleep in his swing, KMFX that he stays that way 
2:20 Peanut wakes up for a minute, falls back asleep. Feeling hopeful, brings work back up. 
2:25 Eyeballs again. Push swing. 
2:30 Peanut falls aleep again, will he stay that way? Start a new episode and continue working. 
2:45 Radiator makes a loud bang and Peanut wakes up again.... and falls back asleep. Phew. Get a Powerade, Kiara becomes interested in me, meowing... she better not wake him up! Sickish boys need their rest!
2:55 Next episode, Peanut wakes up again... and doesn't fall back asleep
3:00 Pause TV and take Peanut up to the bathroom so I can shower and hopefully that'll help him sleep good.
3:20 Realize the broken radiator makes the bathroom no longer a restful spot. Smell a dirty diaper, change. Skillfully avoid getting peed on
IMG_09043:30 Feed him, hoping my antibodies will keep him from getting sicker.
3:45 Season 1 of Wonder Years ends. Start season 2 as Peanut sleeps on boppy. One handed interneting while he goes in and out of sleep 
4:15 Transfer Peanut to couch and go feed two annoying loud meowing cats. Peanut stays asleep, huzzah for acheiving deep sleep at last!
4:20 Collect snacks (cookies and... yeah. Ham) and more water. Call Boi and ask him to pick up some saline spray for the little guy. Start working again. 
4:25 Deep sleep didn't last long, squirming starts. Likely objecting to sleeping flat on his back. Hand on chest seems to calm
4:35 Peanut starts to fight sleep laying on his back (he dislikes it) so I transfer him into his swing. Start to watch him to see if he'll wake up or go back to sleep
4:40 Give him one last chance and turn on the fishes. He quckly zonks Start warming up a pan for pea soup
4:50 Start sauteeing onions. Peanut wakes up coughing. 
5:00 Soup bits all together and simmering, Peanut once again napping. Switch into night mode, lights on, shades drawn, fold laundry, play with the cats a little
5:25 Feed Peanut 
5:45 Peanut dozes off
6:10 Attempt to put Peanut for a nap in his crib and finish up soup
6:15 Peanut is awake and crying, singing and dancing commense! Spits up on my shirt, this time normal milky color!
6:20 Activity mat time 
6:25 Peanut becomes unconsolable
6:30 Boi calls, is headed home 
6:40 Finally accpets his nook and sleepily lays on my lap.  What was wrong, no one knows, but he's no longer coughing/sneezing and his breathing sounds better
6:50 Place Peanut in swing and put sweet potatoes in oven
6:55 Attempt to keep Peanut happy
7:15 Feed Peanut
7:20 Boi comes home 
7:30 Eat soup
7:40 Potatoes are done! Boi changes Peanut, yay!
7:45 More soup and a potato!
7:50 Back to Wonder Years and Peanut is now happy in his swing. time for chat! 
8:00 Peanut fusses up, back in my arms, attempt to finish potato.
8:02 Attempt failed, lament potatoes
8:15 Start bedtime, bathtime!
8:30 Feeding
8:45 Asleep

Pretty much a 24 hour period there. *sighs* time to relax and hope he sleeps well tonight! He's sounding and looking better than he did this morning at least, hopefully tomorrow it's the same :) Time to hopefully work and enjoy the evening!

*update* 10:45 now and he's not actually asleep yet. He just fooled us with a short nap. So much for working after he went to bed... 

*update 2* 4:00 AM now, Boi went to bed at 2, and it took an hour and a half of him laying on my chest but I finally was able to move him into his rock 'n play to sleep. Of course it's been over 2 hours now since he was last fed so who knows how long this will last. We're down in the living room, I could go upstairs to bed, but I might as well stick it out here, and hope he sleeps awhile. And when he does wake up, goes right back down. I guess if I don't update again, we were both able to finally get some sleep. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

7 Weeks Tomorrow!

Peanut is 7 weeks tomorrow! At the end of the month I'll have accurate weight and measurements! I just have to decide between now and then if I want to do the normal vaccination route or the alternate. It's not like I don't have the time to take him in for additional visits to space them out. And if you're thinking to yourself the ol' "if it worked for you/us then the normal way it will work for your kid' line. Mmhmm. Things have changed since I was a baby!

I want him to be vaxed, I want him to be protected from these things. I do think it's a little insane how much we put in their tiny little bodies. But mainly I just think it's a little insane giving him so many doses together. I had just 4 vacs together last fall, and I had crappy leg pain for a couple months. And there would be nothing the little guy could do to let me know that that was what was wrong :(

Ok, so that's all on that. Below, an even better almost rolling over video! 

I miss Boi :( He worked 15 hours last night, booo. He better come home on time tonight, but then he'll be gone before Peanut and I get up for the day tomorrow :( I spend a good chunk of my day trying to fulfill my required calories sans dairy (Soooooooooo hungry!), then over half of it entertaining Peanut or tyring to get him to nap. Whatever bits remain, I fill with work, a bit of fb, perhaps moving pics from the camera to the computer, blogging, with tv on in the background. And then once Peanut gets older I want to try to phase a lot of that tv time out. If only Boi were here, I could be a bit more lazy! Ok, the goal is more productive. At the very least the kitchen is more likely to get cleaned. Someone comes over and I'm like AWESOME here take this kid, and I'm just going to start a load of laundry :)

IMG_0848So I think there's a critter in the walls and/or attic. And the radiators are making different sounds. Possibly broken. The upstairs seems perpetually colder than the rest of the house as if the water isn't making it up there. It sounds kind of like a toilet up there when it's running. And every day more and more insurance claims are coming in. And I can never remember to take my vitamin. And leg raises SUCK! And I want a cookie. And cheese. But I can't have cheese for awhile. It's been awhile now that I've been strict no dairy, and the last couple days Peanut hasn't had any long painful gas episodes. So perhaps no dairy for a loooooong time. We'll see about adding it back in if I confirm later on with a giant glass of milk that it is the problem.

So someone has brought it to my attention that I post too many nice things about Peanut. So I submit example 1 of not so nice things about Peanut. When he decides that he didn't want to eat that much after all :( You guys might get a crying montage next time :P

Friday, November 11, 2011


Born: 9/25
Came home: 10/2
First sponge bath: 10/4
Bellybutton: 10/11 
First Bath: 10/12
Held Head Up: 1o/20
First Smile: 11/3
'Rolled Over': 11/06
'Rolled Over Twice':  11/09
Stringed two vowels together: 11/10
Started intentionally using fist as comfort: 11/29
First stomach virus: 12/2

As in 'aa-oo' according to baby books, they're supposed to stick to one, and he's stringing them together. So I think that's notable! 

So he was being Mr Fussy Pants two evenings ago, so I was trying to find different things to make him happy. I thought maybe I could convince him to nap on his belly in his crib. INSTEAD HE ROLLED OVER! I cheered for him, then flipped him back over to try the nap again (happy but tired with him at this point) AND HE DID IT AGAIN! So now I'm pretty darn excited, repeat rolling over? I ran downstairs to grab the camera, came back up, and he wouldn't do it again, but he tried. He was jabbering pretty good though, the video doesn't do the jabbering justice though.

Yesterday was date night! I started off with a nice nap when Boi took Peanut down to the living room when he woke up. Then I went in for my final appointment, I'm apparently healing beautifully and now I must do 10 leg raises a day. They hurt, but oh well, will do. No pain no healing. Or less healing I suppose. Then Boi continued to take point on Peanut all day, enabling me to lounge around. It felt gooooooood!

IMG_0882Then Mom came over and watched Peanut while Boi and I went out for dinner and a movie. I drank two alabama slammers (mmmmmmmmmmm) and ate a big ol' new york strip steak. I'm just doing it for Peanut! He needs more iron! Then we went and watched Puss in Boots. It was cute, but definitely no Shrek. Swung by the grocery store quick for more gatorade and then went back home. And snuggled with my little boy :) It was a fantastic day off that ended with Peanut sleeping for 5 hours straight :D Too bad we stayed up for 2 of them figuring he'd be up as usual, but he wasn't. Oh well :) He still did it which means he's capable of doing it! Now was it natural or was it the oz of formula/bm slushie we gave him before bed that was leftover from earlier. It did calm him down if nothing else so he could enjoy our bedtime routine a little bit more.

Either way, it was a good day.

He's been a good boy today, he's allowed me to get some work done, do some cooking. Boi got me a giant cooked ham, so I made pea soup. I need to think of other things, other than like, a sandwich. I also need to cook that pumpkin somehow. There we go, time to go think/research and get some more work done before he wakes up.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Holy Growth Batman

Carseat1to6weeksSo yeah, I'm tired, but I wanted to share this. The day we brought him home (1 week) to the other day at 6 weeks. He's bursting out! He didn't even fit that great the first week so we had to pad the straps a bit!

Aww look at that cute orange pacifier... Jed ate it.

Peanut met his other Grandpa today, and proceeded to sleep most of the day. I got ... well it didn't feel like much done. Maybe I just got a lot of 'soaking in the peace' done. 

36ish more hours until my last appointment. And also Boi's day off. Maybe we can make it a date night! Oooo I'm gonna start planning this! Speaking of Boi, here's some daddy son bonding time!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

4-6 Week Growth Spurt!

IMG_0788Looks like Peanut had his growth spurt, hoping that's why he was so inconsolable for me this week. I had him on my lap on a pillow, suspected he was longer than he ought to be since his feet weren't on the pillow, so we stretched him out best we could, and came up with 22 inches :) So he's grown about an inch, give or take, in the last week. I'd be fussy too! I guess that means that the two tiniest newborn outfits that barely fit him last week are now down for the count (striped monkey and the light blue sweet little boy). I'll put him in the other newborn one today and see how that one still fits.

After the couple super awful nights of sleep for me, I went ahead and took a Tylenol PM. Bad Mom! I know, but the interwebs indicated that the main problem with the sleepy part of it was it decreased supply, so it was one of those ok in moderation things. So taking it one night isn't the end of the world. And it totally sucked getting up to feed him that night, but so worth it in the end. I slept like a champ, I've slept great (for me at least) since. I typically sleep like crap when I haven't slept, so I guess for me just like Peanut, sleep begets sleep. And he's slept ok, 4, 1, 2, 3 the night after the last post, then like 3, 1, 2, 3 or something the night after.

Not sure why both nights he only managed one hour after the first stretch. And the last few times I swaddled him for bed, he had his swaddle half off and uncomfortably close to covering up his face. And with the one I was using he basically can not move his right arm at all so it was impressive of him to manage it. So I've decided to just stop swaddling him. I was on the fence about whether it was really helping him sleep better/longer anyways. Plus if he can move his hands, he could possibly manage to get a hand in his mouth and comfort himself back to sleep. 

IMG_0791LAST NIGHT THOUGH, I so wish there was an easy way to just know. I had my first glass of milk last night since I cut out dairy a few weeks ago. And he was up EVERY HOUR last night with gas. Was it random? Was it the milk? And he couldn't get himself to sleep after 6 so I gave Boi the big eyes and he got up to try to calm him down. As long as he doesn't work early I don't feel too bad giving him the big eyes. He can sleep whenever however, and once I'm up, naps are near impossible, so it's better for me to stay in bed and keep sleeping, and send him to bed once minimum sleep has been achieved by me. Speaking of which, I need to go wake him up and start his lunch.

Done! So yeah, sleep. It's all about sleep. If I just drink mainly water, it'll be cheaper at least, and cutting out dairy in might make weight loss easier. And then in general, making sure he sleeps in different positions, making sure he isn't always falling asleep while nursing so he learns he can also just fall asleep in his rock 'n play... hoping he doesn't become too dependent on just me singing/rocking/nursing him. Mainly for my own sanity. Because that was the only way he'd sleep for me, aside from a car ride, those couple super fussy days this week. When he would sleep that is.

Oh yeah, and enjoy the halloween pics. Managed to get a couple cute/interesting ones out of him yesterday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Operation No Crib!

IMG_0733Ok, so, crib is going to have to wait. His grunting syndrome is much much worse when he's flat on his back, so the plan has been altered to him sleeping in his own room, but in his rock 'n play. He's elevated in it. So I'm trying to put him down for naps laying down flat on his back so he doesn't become too dependent on the elevated position... but alas today that backfired on me. Every time I'd put him down, he'd slip into a light sleep, but wake up 5 minutes later. After being awake for 3.5 hours and now being completely inconsolable, I packed him in the car for a drive to grandma's, taking all back roads so he'd be sure to be asleep upon arrival. Then after they kindly fed me, I woke him up, nursed him, packed him back in the car to sleep. He's still sleeping actually, heh. I finally got to that pile of laundry, got some work done, played with the cats, and other random things I've been ignoring.

No nap though :/ While last night was better, he slept... ignoring feedings, 10-1, 1-3, 3-4, 4-7. I slept... well, tiny chunks. Itty bitty bits. Actually I slept the best around 8 when I came upstairs from trying to nap on the couch and curled up with Boi. Of course if I had tried that earlier it likely wouldn't have worked. Or so I'm telling myself. 

We didn't really get any good Halloween shots. So tomorrow or Friday (depending on my energy) I'll likely try to reproduce it. What's a few days, right? Unless Mom and Dad managed to get some good ones, we tried some different poses, but all mine turned out blah.

IMG_0762So I declared on Saturday he could hold his head up properly. Nice and steady, not forever, but if he's resting comfortably on my chest he can raise his head up to gaze at me for quite a while now, without his head bobbing around. Of course then the next time he picks it up it falls towards my shoulder :D but I have to imagine it's pretty tired from impressing me at that point. He's also trying to hold his head up when he's awake during burpings. That is quite annoying because unless he burps quickly, at some point I know it's going to crash in some direction so I have to multitask to keep him safe. But I let him anyways, to become nice and strong! (Video evidence: )

Ok, so I mentioned something about monthly pics. These were my two ideas - for the life of me I couldn't get him to FACE THE CAMERA but the face one is cute anyways. So we'll have a years worth of pics of his head. Then a monthly one with him on the chair. We'll see how long I can keep up with these :)

Oh, other milestones! So yeah, clearly he's rocking the head thing, and he's been tracking things since we brought him home. He has no problem looking me in the eye. Hand-eye coordination is awesome, I'm still working on getting a good video of him on his mat, but he's now a pro at grabbing onto hair and shirts. I think that's all the milestones. He has no desire to try to roll over or anything, but that'd be waaay advanced.

Oh also, I think he's growing more hair :) his upper forehead is feeling rougher, and I see little hairs. I hope it's hair and not like cradle cap or something that's making it rough. Let's stay positive!

I think that's it with the updates.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Operation Crib: A night in the life of an infant

ActvityMatSo last night, I decided to try operation crib full force again. I let him zonk out, put him in, and he slept fine for about 2.5 hours. Alas, he zonked out almost 2 hours before Boi got home, and I really didn't manage to nap or be productive during that time. After that, the struggle began. 115, up, fed him, made sure to get a good burp out of him, moved the footrest next to his crib to soothe him to sleep, but then he spat up a few times after that, got another good burp out of him... and around 230 he finally was asleep.

Crawled back into bed, but I'm a horrible sleeper and I maybe slept 15 minutes before 330ish and he was up and crying again. Went in, he was a poopin' so I held him for awhile for him to stop, changed him, fed him, burped him, and  this time I swaddled him to see if that would help. He fought it for awhile, but fell asleep again like by 430. Was a little less grunty... that or I fell asleep sooner, but before 6 he was up again. Rinse and repeat, but this time... he wouldn't close his eyes. And freaked out if I didn't have my face within view. Decided, ok well if he just wants to see me he can just come to bed with me now. So, 7amish we crawled into bed... but now he wanted to be rocked and see me. Didn't want to lay on my chest either or in the crook of my arm. Thought maybe he didn't eat enough, fed him again, but he kept it up.

Boi was awake thanks to all his crying by now, so I took him down to the couch. But now he was overtired and not productive awake, so we walked and walked and walked. Finally got him to rest quietly on me on the couch and I dozed off. Boi came down around 9 shortly after he calmed down, took him, changed him, and this time Peanut allowed the swing to put him asleep, while I napped restlessly till about 11. Boi made lunch, I fed him again, and thanks to his morning fit, zonked out and I put him back in the crib. I crawled into bed and Boi put up the gate so the cats couldn't bother us. Around 230 Peanut was getting too restless to sleep through, we got up.

Now I just got him to sleep... but now I have to wake him up to feed him because K&B are in town and we're going out to dinner. Oh well! Better go do that! He should hopefully fall back asleep in the car regardless!

-cut to this evening-

Mom watched and played with him this evening while I nursed a headache and exhaustion on her couch. Fortunately it's gone now, and I just fed him to go to bed, alas I see eyes. EYES? Kid, you were just awake for a few hours, now is the time to sleep! Ah well... wish us luck. At least he's calm so he should go to sleep soon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sleep is for the Weak!

Ok, we're trying the crib tonight. I don't know that it's going to help a whole lot, but maybe it will be great. I barely slept again last night, we ended up napping till after 11 just to try to get the required amount of sleep in short bursts. We tried a few more things last night to stop his mid night thrashing and grunting, but it didn't help.  So I guess maybe if he can't sense me, maybe that will alleviate some of it. Like we have discovered that I can't give him a bottle, and he won't take a bottle if I'm around. Maybe it's a little of that. Which I don't entirely buy because he will sleep like a rock on my chest. But we'll see. A few nights isn't going to hurt anyone, and Boi doesn't work tomorrow so if it's more of the same, so be it.

CdSwingTomorrow he's getting professional pics taken, thanks to K and her family (I love you guys and many hugs). Kinda early, but we can handle it! Especially if we manage to get some good sleep.

We had some more firsts today, we had a few more coos (specifically an uUuu that melted my heart) and we tried on cloth diapers for the first time. The prefolds were huge, but we got on a bumgenious pocket dipe on at the smallest setting. Contained his pee just fine! So yay! We saved a sposie dipe already! Look at how cute he is with that green on his bottom :) And those giraffe leggings that definitely were too big :) He's so stylish! 

Then after a bath (mmm he smells fresh again!), we went on the activity mat, and he was staring at the yellow toy pretty hard, and kept trying to swing his far arm over to it, so I pushed him closer to it and after a few more tries, wham, he hit it :D I'm impressed, I figured it'd be a week or two before he actually hit it seemingly on purpose! Right now he's supposed to be just mainly tracking items with his eyes, but he's been doing that forever <3

BumboThen after some more tummy time, just for fun I grabbed his bumbo chair. Boi plopped him in. And he sat there like a champ (note the chair supports the back of his head, angled slightly backwards and I was there for the moment his head started to look too unsteady)! He seemed to like it too! Not to mention he looks kinda like a peanut in that pic. Though rainbows... elephants... future politician in the making? I hope not! Astronaut!

So that was today! I also made chili today, mmm healthy food, and it was I think my first real cooking? Too bad all we have are unhealthy snacks. Tomorrow I'm going to (try to) get some more healthy foods in the house. Only a week and a half or so until my restrictions are lifted and I can start to exercise a bit.

Strange how I can't wait. Maybe more so I can't wait to feel good enough to do it. Though this last weekend I've progressed to not always noticing my incision. Pro yo. Can't wait till I rarely notice it!

The dude is now asleep. Feed him in a half hour and then hopefully we'll all hit the hay. :D Wish us luck!