Thursday, September 22, 2011

Just Some Pics

Valence So today I decided to tackle the valance, Dad got it up, but it was just a bit sparse. It's not coming down again until... it's retired, so I didn't really want to go too crazy about it. So when I was out at Target looking for the (evil) balloons I found some snazzy sparkly looking alphabet stickers. Which for some reason only had one U, but whatever. It's not perfect, but what is, right? And it should be easy enough to remove some day if I come up with something more creative :)

So that got me moving today. Trying to stay active, getting in postions to encourage him to face my back. Of course, all this work and he probably won't be here for another week.

Then I also figured I'd take a picture of some of the nice handmade blankets and clothes we've gotten. So thank you Mom, K, T, J, and S! I feel like I'm missing stuff to go in here, but I can always make a cooler more updated pic and shout-out later.

Hopefully this dancing and bouncing on my ball will tire me out tonight, slept like crap last night and we have an early appointment tomorrow! Here's hoping I go into labor yet tonight so I can skip that bad boy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maternity Leave

Well, as much as one can be on it when you're self employed. Still pregnant, Boi's Brewers still are at magic number 3, my next appointment looms on Friday. I was cranky Monday, calmer Tuesday, whatever today, and we're getting sick most nights now along with the usual pains and annoyances.

That is all.

Friday, September 16, 2011

39 Weeks!

Well, we've got one week to go folks. Or three. Sometime in the next 3 weeks or so, I will have a Peanut in my arms.  We've had some contractions tonight, but I get a bunch of them and start timing, and then they go away. My contractions are shy. Lots and lots of pressure too... hopefully good for dilation, but so very awkward. 

More stomach bug this week, totally awesome. And now I'm sleepy. But I made apple crisp this evening, now all I need is Boi to come home. He was thinking he'd get off about a half hour ago, and said he'd call before leaving. So either he's still there or he forgot.

We'll take another belly photo tomorrow night, but it's going to look the same, I still look completely NOT full term. But it'll be good to compare anyways, especially since Peanut's been laying in my belly different. Not sure if it's the same right now - he's been really active since after my sampling of dessert... but it's like he's got his legs in and his butt is out by my ribs.

Ok, getting sleepier. Every 5 minutes it's getting cranked up a notch. Maybe if I doze off I'll have consistent contractions...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

38 Weeks

Heh, it's getting too tiring and painful to even type anymore. It's been a bit of a crappy week. I had a stomach bug or something last week, then we tried going out downtown Sunday and I was a complete wuss. Well, ok, I forgot my hat, it was hot and sunny, I was retaining water, it was exhausting me, then I got a headache and nausea, and we had to just go home.

I think I may have a no pants rule until he pops out. Just too much pain/annoyance in wearing pants now.

We had another appointment today, Boi almost had to miss it, if he had it'd be the first he'd missed, so an awesome streak going. Didn't really learn anything at the appointment, I'm electing not to find out if I'm dilated till 40 weeks, and so it was just be same ol' same ol'. I think my BP was at an all time low of 102/62, gotta have fun somehow, right? I did bring up my hands/wrists though finally, it was just as I figured though, carpal tunnel, now I just have an official diagnosis. I've got the worst one wrapped up (it's just started to get quite painful the last couple days) and hoping to hear from mom about a wrist brace I remember her owning. Our insurance didn't cover the maternity belt, so I assume they won't pay for a wrist brace either ... though I do still have some money left in my HSA account, I bet that could apply.

Boi installed a new garbage disposal for me, and K came by - finished up her Peanut blanket and touched up the paint on the radiator and ceiling for me, Dad installed the valence.... they all rock. Well, everyone who's helped me out in any way lately, big or small, rocks, but you know, those are standing out in my head. And I bought a new toaster? It all evens out in the end, I'll be doing most of the work soon enough I suppose.

We're back to fall weather. Blankets and sweaters oh my! My favorite things! Our cats went wacko this morning though. Boi went down to feed them, I guess they were ok then, then he went back down... and saw a loose or feral cat at the window with Kairi. He shooed the cat away, but we're thinking maybe he sprayed her? Or she was just beyond spooked, because then Kiara starting hissing at her, and Kairi backed into a corner. We had to lock Kiara up while we went to the appointment, fortunately they were back to normal (mostly) when we returned, and let them sniff each other through a gate. And now they're contently sleeping at my feet.

The naughty girls though, I understand it was stressful morning, but Boi found Kiara in the Pack 'n Play (2nd time) and Kairi on the changing table (1st time). I swore if I found either of them on any of Peanut's stuff again, I'd start taking action against them. So we're trying cheap low tech solution of balloons. I'll throw them in the crib/pnp/changing table and that should discourage them (especially if they're insistent and pop one - plus I'll hear that and know what they were doing!) Obviously it's unacceptable for them to possibly be anywhere near the baby like that if I set him down and walk away for a bit. Hopefully this will teach them.

Oh by the way, I'm going to blow your minds. Peanut is due NEXT FRIDAY.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another Happy Appointment

Passed my GBS test, no need for antibiotics during labor :D Nothing else new, same ol' same ol'. Next appointment is in one week. We both continue to look good. And no, no checking on if he's ready or if my body is getting ready as of yet. All I know is I do get the sporadic contractions. We had a good long 45 second-er today, Boi excited asked a little while later if I had another - if I did I didn't notice. Ah well.

We've had a productive day today. Reinstalled the car-seat base in it's final position in the middle (well, still not satisfied, but we're closer to getting it to work with the seat-belt vs latch - I think I'm just not strong enough to assist in my weakened pregnant wussy state). Boi did some fancy power tool work for me. Sterilized and cleaned the pump parts and all the bottles. Boi mowed the backyard. Did the dishes....  went to the appointment and also bought a new baby gate to try with the cats... we plan to make salsa tonight. Or tomorrow.

3537weeks I loved hearing the doctor say as she left 'see you next week - unless I see you at the hospital first!' So we took a 37 week pic, same dress so I could compare to the 35 week. Hard to say if my belly grew at all, sine it definitely did drop. Well, that's not completely true, he was high up in the first pic, but he was also SIDEWAYS (oooooowww) Regardless, good job Peanut! Get down there and get ready to leave. Evacuation orders will be coming soon! He spends most of his time down there now, except when he's being really naughty he comes back up to get his foot lodged in my ribs. And makes me miserable. I say it's worse then him pressing on my bladder... as long as I'm at home :)

I'm actually pretty happy I didn't go into labor yesterday. I think the 'oh how ironic!' comments would have driven me insane :D And even though I don't have a set day to look forward to for Peanut, I am quite excited that on Friday K will be in town and we will be doing dinner! And she'll even let me bring a date! We'll see how good Boi is and if he deserves a nice meal out ;)

Time to go snuggle under a blanket with my sweatshirt on, enjoy the cool air and a nice foot rub <3

Saturday, September 3, 2011

We're Term - Woo hoo!

37 weeks today! On average he should be around 6.3 to 7 lbs. The appointment yesterday was good, my weight is still under control, BP 106/70, Peanut's HB was at 142 and his HB went up when he squirmed so he appears to be free of his cord. Clean bill of health! I go in again on Tuesday and find out if I need to be on antibiotics during labor. Yaaaaaaaay. But only 10-20% ish of women are Group B Strep + (I believe those are the stats offhand at least) so I'm hopeful I'm not. I've never had an IV or any antibiotics, I'm consenting to a hep-lock, but I'd really rather nothing happen with it :)

After the appointment, we went home and started to get ready for likely our last 'trip' alone together for a long long time. Our local cinema stopped showing Harry Potter as of 4pm Thursday :( But I was not to be deterred, we planned on seeing it and timing just wasn't working out previous to today. It was playing in several of the bigger cities, so we printed out some maps (our GPS is dead) and  took off on an hour and a half trip to Green Bay. We got there, Boi went north when I wanted him to go south (I was thinking Red Lobster) and we ended up downtown, where we recognized the area and a local vegetarian restaurant we'd been to in the past.

So we stopped there and nommed, then headed to visit M&J and their daughter B.  B is almost 2 and very friendly, I asked her if I could hug her when I got there and she threw her hands up, and then wore our shoes around and wanted very badly to snuggle with me on my lap. Haha, what lap! We had a pleasant visit, then took off to see the movie, which we also enjoyed. We discussed dinner and decided to do Red Lobster after all - it was very yummy :)

Then we drove home, the Brewer game not coming in that great, but that was ok because they weren't doing great. By the time we had come back into good signal strength for our local stations, they started doing better! So the evening had a happy conclusion.

Boi went into work at 6 this morning, and quite frankly didn't get enough sleep. I suppose I'm as much to blame as him though, I could have scurried him off to bed, but I enjoy hanging out with him. He threw in his whites for work today and I stayed up to make sure his shirts got evacuated and hung up. Alas I discovered I can no longer reach the back of the dryer :( Gonna have to turn it on in the future to bounce some of the items in the back closer to my reach!

This morning has been a bit nervous though. Two hours into this morning I realized I hadn't felt Peanut move. So I cracked open a soda, downed half of it, and laid back, usually enough to make a parade start. Nada. I had almost gotten to another 2 hours and only 5 movements when my cat spooked me and him and he got mad for a whole minute. Then nothing for another half hour... desperate times came to desperate measures and I finished off Boi's leftover dessert for lunch. My squirmmer is back at the expense of a bellyache! But I'll take it :)

Let's see if I can make something out of today! Boi should be home at 5!