Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Birthday Week!

So, it's birthday week, HUZZAH! I loooooooooooove birthday week!

Sunday: Wakes us up 4 times between 230 and 400. Is up till 7 when he crashes for a nap. After he wakes up from that, and he's on the potty, he poops in underwear. I threw him in the shower, and he began to sing happy birthday to me. The stinker. Afterwards he asks me to play and I tell him I'm feeling sad from the morning. So he sings twinkle twinkle to make me happy. A little snippet from that day.

Monday: Went to play at the gym! Peanut used the phrase "Watch Winnie the Pooh on the TV" which was jaw dropping. And then at the park he kept asking "hot it work?" and ducking down to try to figure out how the different equipment worked. Overall a good day.


Tuesday: School today, so we'll spend some time getting ready for the party while he's there. Afterwards I'm thinking we might have a Winnie the Pooh movie night to psych ourselves up for Thursday.

Wednesday: School today. Mr Veggie works, but Uncle A flies in! We'll be playing at Meemaw's house in the evening.

Thursday: BIRTHDAY!!!! We go to school just in the morning today, then we come home for our AWESOME Winnie the Pooh party! With GG and Grandpa S!

Friday: GG and Grandpa S are around for awhile. Chilling with all ze families.

Saturday: We're going on a train ride!

That's the general plan.

New gems out of Peanut's mouth:

"Watch Winnie the Pooh agin?"
"Sleep in a tall bed!"
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5!"

Also singing the alphabet song with us! Ahhhh life is good :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

More Peanut

It's been a chilly week here, highs in the 40s-60s. Fall weather. And considering he just grew, we've been messing around with his clothes. I've got a big ol' pile of clothes that he's too big for now.

He's upstairs right now watching trains. Or napping. He should be napping, he didn't sleep much last night, he was up past his bedtime last night due to the fact that his mommy was at a football game until late and poor Meemaw and Papa had to watch him all day. At the last minute. They kind of rock. Though I just heard him cough, sooo... I don't know.

We'll be spending the afternoon working and planting outside. We also watched the first new episode of Sesame Street of the season. It was pretty good, there was more singing and dancing this season, and Peanut happily danced and waved his arms and such.

Gonna go check up on him.

Yay, he was asleep!

He invented a new game, of course from Winnie the Pooh. I had my measuring rope, I was working on a project, when suddenly he grabbed it and started saying 'heave, ho! heave, ho!' like when they pull Pooh out of Rabbit's doorway. He's just so gosh darn cuuuuute!

Better go get ready, we've got flowers to plant and raspberries to plant as well! My berry patch will soon be both black and red raspberries :D

Friday, September 12, 2014

Digital Artwork Storage

---forgot to post yesterday, my bad ---

Upside down stamps!
Ok, so, I know that I loved going through my parent's files of all my artwork growing up. And he's bringing stuff home from school, but some of it is just... 99% teacher and 1% Peanut. So what I'm thinking of doing is taking photos of the stuff he makes, and keeping the stuff that is actually him doing stuff, and ... tossing the stuff that he clearly had next to nothing to do with. I love it regardless, I love walking into his school and seeing stuff in his cubby waiting for me. But I'm not going to care about most of it in 15 years. Obviously. "Ooooh, lookie, 100 sheets of paper with one crayon stroke on it, with the teachers carefully hand drawn fish depicting friendship!" So yeah, that's my plan right now.

I'll do a little montage on here, that's one of my goals today!

A run through of school mornings:
Peanut didn't nap yesterday so we were really hoping he'd sleep 12 hours last night. Nope, only 11. At least it's a good night sleep overall. But it did mean he crawled into bed with us at 630. And kicked us for awhile. Then gave up on kicking, crawled out of bed and turned the lights on and stood around demanding we get up. He's so nice to us.

Family tree!
So we get up and get him begrudgingly on the potty. He eats breakfast just in his pj shirt and underwear usually, there's no point to getting him dressed, more on that in a sec. We head down, he sometimes demands to go play with his trains right away, which means I have to release the cats. I want to get the basement to the point where I can lock the cats up there and Peanut will have free range of his trains in the morning. We ask him what he wants for breakfast, and it's usually peanut butter toast. He eats it with a towel on his lap, but usually he gets some on his clothes. Hence not getting him dressed right away.

So he eats, either a bite or all of it. While he's doing that, I start his lunch. I take a piece of bread out of the freezer and toast it to defrost. Then he gets a one slice grilled cheese for his lunch, fruit (this week raisins, as he's been anti non dried fruit) and veggie straws in his lunch.

He's done at this point and Mr Veggie has come down to head off to work. Peanut runs to the window to wave goodbye. Then we head up and Peanut now INSISTS on picking out his own shirt. Alas he does so indiscriminately, so I think I'll just be hanging up the shirt I want him to pick at the end where he always grabs. We're getting closer and closer to him getting the shirt on completely by himself, but I still need to tug the shirt down over his head, as if it's not a baggy neck hole, he freaks out with it over his face. This morning I actually did it all - he was determined to no wear a shirt, despite the fact it was like 40 degrees out there.

So we're dressed, lunch is ready, so we head on out. Usually we need to hop over multiple cracks in the garage/driveway before he'll hop in the car. But it's usually not too difficult to get him in the car. He likes going to school, just playing outside is pretty fun too. And that's our morning at home before school!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Boys Gone for the Weekend

New PJs!
It's actually been a quiet week or two here. It's been a lot of stressful ups and downs. We were all sick there for a week or two (colds, still have a nasty morning cough here but Peanut and Mr Veggie seem past it) and then in the middle of it we got bad news about my out of the home job, it was a start up and it was struggling and needed to cut labor.

School - it's going great! He's communicating so much better - still not in the normal range, but damn it feels like we're getting close to whole thoughts, pronouns are sneaking it, and he's often attaching 'the' and 'a' in front of nouns. And he's a singing fool. I go pick him up and he's playing trains with another kid, or pretending to make lunch with another kid, or playing chase/tag with groups of kids. There are always a chorus of kids who yell 'goodbye!' when we leave, and it only takes a nudge from me to get him to reciprocate (the first few weeks it was a lot of coaching 'say byebye back. No louder. No yell really loud!'). His teachers say, aside from a few quirks he always is a great role model, great at cleaning up, and participates in group activities (quirks? Yeah, well, he likes to dump his water on the floor when done drinking).

He's tooooo big
Yesterday he was in such a great mood, and it was after sleeping 12 hours, we had a monster on our hands tonight, after 9. And he's struggling to fall asleep tonight. Ah well.

We've been discussing his birthday party, a small thing on Thursday then the train on Saturday. We have a great idea for Thursday, but I gotta give the beginning credit to Mr. Veggie. The rest was all me ;) He suggested that we have a Winnie the Pooh birthday instead of trains, since Saturday was going to be about trains. And considering he wanders around quoting pooh lines and singing pooh songs, we can have a lot of fun with that. My beginning plan:

Breakfast of honey butter toast. go to school, come back and the house is all ready to go. Hopefully GG will be here by then, we will give Peanut a blue balloon, lift him up onto Mr Veggie's shoulders, and they'll go searching for the honey jar in the trees. Then we'll have lunch of yellow pasta (his favorite) and with stuffed tummies, we'll go discover Pooh is wedged... somewhere. We'll pound a sign into the ground next to him saying "don't feed the bear!" Then pull him out. We'll then get into the car, head down to Pooh Sticks bridge, and play pooh sticks. If it's a 'Windsday' we'll fly a kite too. Then we'll head back for cupcakes decorated like Winnie the Pooh. Peanut has requested 'cockolat cucakes.'

So that's our running idea. That's enough rambling for tonight.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September of Pictures and Videos!

I had every intention of uploading pictures or videos for every day this month to the blog, and kind of failed. But here I go making up for it!

Here he is reading on the first.

You'll just have to deal with it being sideways :( Maybe we'll make another one and remove this one, I dunno.

Then yesterday...

We went for a walk. Logan pushed on quiet roads, and I pushed him on busy roads.

Then today...

So that's that, a few days of catching up. I'm sleepy now, buhbye!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just a few More days till...

--- A few days ago ---

Birthday Month! Yes, September is Peanut's birthday month. And it starts Monday. Please oh please let us all be over our colds by then.

We went for a long walk this morning. Not that the distance was long mind you, just the time. I wanted to get out of the house for awhile so I suggested we'd go for a walk around the block. Just enough activity that I should come back breathing (that's the bare minimum I ask for, right?). Well... he wanted it to be a stroller ride. Ok, whatever, in you go. Two houses later, he wanted back out so he could push it. Into all the curbs. Repeatedly. What no curb? How about this driveway! Oh, wait, not into either of those? Let's beeline it for the middle of the road! We spent most of the time making zero progress. Finally he decided he wanted to get down on his back to examine the underbelly of the stroller, and my patience wore thin, picked him up and forced us forward a few houses (past the next storm drain, which also is a few minute delay). So you know. That's how it was. Finally when we got back to our street, he decided that he wanted to run instead, and bolted down the sidewalk. So, you know, there's that too.

I really should have been tracking that walk.