Saturday, February 16, 2013

Buckles and Zippers

Peanut LOVES buckles and zippers. He can buckle things up and unzip them, then he runs to me, grabs my finger, and drags me to whatever it is so I can unbuckle or rezip it. Loads of fun, over and over and over and over again ;) Here's video though!

A short update, but an update no less!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well, this is my third time in the last month being sick. The boys haven't been hit too hard fortunately. Peanut can say mama dada kitty hi good and he rotates on some animal sounds. He knows where his head, eyes, nose, mouth, tummy and feet are. He like to imagine feeding Sophie milk and cooking with me. He still loves accessories, and he is huge into climbing. He gives me hugs and kisses, loves clapping games and sneaking into the fridge.

Time to teach him to brush my hair! Gotta be creative while sick!