Wednesday, December 14, 2011


IMG_1178Peanut is starting to get interested in his feet! Several times today, while he's been in a seated position I've noticed him staring very intently at them, and bringing his feet together in a clapping fashion. So exciting! New stuff! Hopefully he'll be grabbing at them soon too!

So on the left are figurines of his foot and hand, much thanks to MIL and SFIL in their creation! Not sure what I'm going to do about a finish on them. But how cute are they :) His pinkie and ring finger didn't fully come out, but from this angle that doesn't matter. And it's still 98% great.

  More IMG_1171Feet.

Boi works the next 5 days, boo hoo :( But then on Monday we're going out again! Not sure what we're going to do (wtf, the cats just ran me three times chasing each other) if it'll be dinner and a movie again or what, but whatever, it'll be fun. Maybe I can think of something else in the meantime.

I'm also looking up ideas for our bathroom redo, now that we're funded again. I don't want to spend a zillion bucks on it, but I want to love it. Hopefully I can get it all figured out!

IMG_1184MORE FEET! My (ignore the dying polish) toe against his whole foot! Hee hee! Such a cutie. Oh, he's also started to lurch forward the last few days, so I have to be more careful about how I settle him. He's always wiggle worm, but this is more of a coordinated attack, I watched him do it tonight, he scrunched up his face before he tried to plow it into his feet as I had him propped up next to me.

He's in bed right now, I'm hoping tonight will be better than last night, which was better than the night before, which was... well you get it. He fell asleep nursing, which actually he rarely does, so maybe that will spur a different/better result for tonight. Gotta break him of the habit. Though he did very kindly decide to blowout his diaper this evening onto his activity mat, so that's in the wash. Gives me something extra to do tonight!

I'm hungry. Guess maybe I'll go eat some more fruit salad. I could really go for a peanut butter cookie though... what the heck, I deserve another cookie. Specially made, no dairy. I can't wait until he's acting normalish again and I can start adding in more processed foods into my diet.

Nope, another hell-rific bedtime. Woke up 40 minutes later and cried for an hour. Let's hope that's the end of it...

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