Saturday, December 24, 2011

3 months on Xmas!

Logan in a XMas outfit!
So I've decided to transfer to Blogger, I know more people over here, sorry to mess up all your links! Here's a cute picture of Peanut to make it all better!

Peanut will be three months old tomorrow! We'll be in the southern half of the state, celebrating with Boi's Grandma tonight and his Dad tomorrow. And the rest of his family around there. It'll be Peanut's first overnight trip, I'm a bit freaked I'll admit. I know it's a holiday, but I want him to stay on schedule, I don't want an overtired screaming baby. I guess it's just a wait and see how we do.

-Thursday Morning  the 29th-
So I never did post this, but I'll use it for this one. As you likely know, the weekend did not go well sleep wise. Peanut was very unhappy from 11pm to 4am that night, and was overtired for the rest of the day. I think as of tonight he's finally fixed though. He had his 10PM wakeup but skipped his 11 and seems to be going strong now.

Peanut got a shitload of presents. Tomorrow we're doing the last Christmas too. And he's getting his 3 month old shots :( He's been EXCELLENT with his toys now. From an occasional smack or sometimes a grab, to actively grabbing things given to him and sticking them in his mouth excitedly. Boi was playing Monnkey See Monkey Do with him earlier, he'd open his mouth, Peanut would open is.

So he woke up at 1 to eat, but that's ok, I was still up. Hopefully we can hit the hay soon.

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