Friday, November 11, 2011


Born: 9/25
Came home: 10/2
First sponge bath: 10/4
Bellybutton: 10/11 
First Bath: 10/12
Held Head Up: 1o/20
First Smile: 11/3
'Rolled Over': 11/06
'Rolled Over Twice':  11/09
Stringed two vowels together: 11/10
Started intentionally using fist as comfort: 11/29
First stomach virus: 12/2

As in 'aa-oo' according to baby books, they're supposed to stick to one, and he's stringing them together. So I think that's notable! 

So he was being Mr Fussy Pants two evenings ago, so I was trying to find different things to make him happy. I thought maybe I could convince him to nap on his belly in his crib. INSTEAD HE ROLLED OVER! I cheered for him, then flipped him back over to try the nap again (happy but tired with him at this point) AND HE DID IT AGAIN! So now I'm pretty darn excited, repeat rolling over? I ran downstairs to grab the camera, came back up, and he wouldn't do it again, but he tried. He was jabbering pretty good though, the video doesn't do the jabbering justice though.

Yesterday was date night! I started off with a nice nap when Boi took Peanut down to the living room when he woke up. Then I went in for my final appointment, I'm apparently healing beautifully and now I must do 10 leg raises a day. They hurt, but oh well, will do. No pain no healing. Or less healing I suppose. Then Boi continued to take point on Peanut all day, enabling me to lounge around. It felt gooooooood!

IMG_0882Then Mom came over and watched Peanut while Boi and I went out for dinner and a movie. I drank two alabama slammers (mmmmmmmmmmm) and ate a big ol' new york strip steak. I'm just doing it for Peanut! He needs more iron! Then we went and watched Puss in Boots. It was cute, but definitely no Shrek. Swung by the grocery store quick for more gatorade and then went back home. And snuggled with my little boy :) It was a fantastic day off that ended with Peanut sleeping for 5 hours straight :D Too bad we stayed up for 2 of them figuring he'd be up as usual, but he wasn't. Oh well :) He still did it which means he's capable of doing it! Now was it natural or was it the oz of formula/bm slushie we gave him before bed that was leftover from earlier. It did calm him down if nothing else so he could enjoy our bedtime routine a little bit more.

Either way, it was a good day.

He's been a good boy today, he's allowed me to get some work done, do some cooking. Boi got me a giant cooked ham, so I made pea soup. I need to think of other things, other than like, a sandwich. I also need to cook that pumpkin somehow. There we go, time to go think/research and get some more work done before he wakes up.

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