Saturday, May 28, 2011

Snug as a Bug

The both of us are today, Peanut and I. He's having another quiet day in the womb, though I wonder if when I suddenly feel tender somewhere, like around where my stomach ought to be now, if that means he's kicking it. I suppose I'll start feeling it sometime as well. And I am now in a sweater and under a blanket on the couch. I thought pregnant woman were supposed to be warm, oh well. And now the girls have joined me one giant warm pile! They turned 4 on Friday :D They each got a can of wet food, and didn't ask for food again for 10 hours :) Guess it filled them up good!

Yesterday I felt pretty good throughout the day, then this morning I woke up and was really feeling the pain again, and I was a bit queasy :( Then I went and picked up one of the girls and my back started to ache. Bleeeeeeeeh. At least the latter two went away. Until tonight. Vitamins for the bleeeh!

23 week birthday! He's developing tiny little lung sack-a-cles (super scientific I am)! The last step he needs to be able to make it outside of me! Sure he wouldn't be able to take a breath on his own, but that's why we have hospitals, and I'll happily take this step regardless! And he's the size of a mango! Approximately. Maybe smaller. Whatever, he can take his time growing.

Meeeeh I don't want to do anything tonight. I should clean the house, my new power supply is finally arriving tomorrow. And work is filled with gaps where my it's hard to get anything to work while it's processing.

Stomach Today! This may look like (well, like nothing to some of you) just another face picture, but to the astute eye, something odd might be in the picture. A strange black hole inside of Peanut's abdomen. Why, it's his stomach! Where all the yummy amniotic fluid goes! Today it's bound to taste like corn and chorizo :)

Ok sure, a black spot isn't all that interesting, but it's neat to see! the little black bits above it are his heart, that's all we were really able to notice, if there were more, the tech didn't call them out. But we did get stomach upon her asking us what we thought we were seeing. Or at least I did, not sure if Boi spoke up ;) I was definitely a bit more talkative during the whole process.

AAAAAh! I'm being consumed by a giant cat! If you don't hear from me again, I've been loved to death!

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