Thursday, June 16, 2011

Feeling Normal So Far!

Yesterday I just felt off. Nothing horribly specific, I was tired and could fall asleep on a dime, but I wasn't dragging. My stomach wasn't happy but wasn't being threatening. My head was fuzzy but no pain. Just nothing was working quite right I guess. So far today I'm not feeling any of that, so yay! But even while I was relaxing, trying to ignore it, or just giving in and napping, Mom and my sister finished up taking off the wallpaper in the nursery. 3 days of hard work for them! Boi was very tired last night, and well, me, so we didn't get around to sanding down the rest of the gluey walls or start priming. Then we paint, demolish and redo the closet, get the carpets super clean, and start filling in the furniture!

100 days to go! Woohoo! last day in triple digits!

-Cut to Evening-

Mom surprised me with a visit to prime the walls! Fortunately I had just finished up sanding, so we wiped everything down, I taped up the trim and let her have at it :D so now, the room is primed! Ooooh good feeling! Too bad we didn't take a wallpaper stripped picture, not a pretty site. So major progress, then I had to take Mom home since Kira came along to steal the car, so I got a free dinner to boot!

I'm pretty sure Peanut was trying to cause problems the other night - I felt a ton of pressure on either side of my belly so I'm pretty sure he got himself sideways. So I pushed myself back out of bed and waddled around, hoping he would move, gave up and flopped down on the couch. Watched out the window until Boi came home from work. But then we went to bed and I was out fairly quickly at least.

But now we're off to celebrate Captain Picard Day! Too bad we don't have any Earl Grey Tea... yum yum. Maybe we could go out and get some... Ah I don't know, but I'm off to figure it out. I'm too flighty to write today anyways!

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