Monday, January 2, 2012

A Picture A Day

Yay for Grandma's! She came and watched my Peanut for awhile today while I went to the store. I namely wanted some more oatmeal, working on keeping my production up, but I picked up some other nummies while I was out as well. Like more bacon. Which doesn't actually have as many calories in it as I thought, but mixed with some oatmeal, coconut milk and maple syrup, it adds up. Then I'm going to brown up some turkey meat in the bacon fat. Screw butter, I have bacon fat.

To the left is a picture of Peanut playing in his new jumperoo. Yup, I found my camera, so I can add pictures of him in it! It swallows him up, but I wrap him up in that blanket and he can manage fairly well. Can't wait to compare him in it now vs in February!

I'm challenging myself to take a picture every day this year. I almost completed it last year, but I missed a few days. I saw someone else make a board for it on Pinterest, and thought it was a good way of holding myself accountable. I don't need a long blog post or anything, just quick upload. Here's the board link - I'll see if I can't add it on a side bar or something as well. (Done!)

Oh and here's our 3 month picture! He looks a little less chubby than his 2 month shot, but he had just completed a growth spurt, so that likely helped re-position those chubby cheeks a little. The letters are a little cropped off, but it was my favorite shot of the ones closest looking like the 1 and 2 month, so a little cropped off will have to do.

Sighs, so it's 745 now and he's in a good nap. Sure. Just when I'd like you to be waking up so we can go to bed at a reasonable hour, you drift into a deep sleep. I see how it is.

Oh oh he sensed my frustration and woke up! And now he is fed, burped, and Boi called to say he should get out on time. Yay for that! He has tomorrow off as well. I like feeling more sane, and he helps me feel sane. Time to go play with the Peanut, be jealous!

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