Tuesday, October 11, 2011


BellybuttonPEANUT HAS A BELLYBUTTON! Boi went to change his diaper, and there it was, so he brought it down to me as a gift :) Lo and behold, he is somehow EVEN CUTER now. So hopefully tomorrow night it's not so gooey in there and we'll give him his first real bath :D

We spent the evening at Mom and Dad's, Brother showed up too. Chicken was eaten by me, and it was delish. Peanut was a gentleman too, he's trying to fool the world about his fussiness over the weekend. Hopefully that's mainly the end of it though. He can save fussing more for some other weekend. Totally not looking forward to next week though :( It's a goofy week for Boi, so even though he's taking a vacation day, he's still working 5 days, and one of those will be an overnight. Sighs - DREAD! Maybe a nice foot rub will make me feel better. First though I suppose I need to make it through my post-op appointment. Not entirely sure what's going to happen there... I hope they don't test my iron again, blegh. Oh well, show up and see what happens I guess. At least Boi can once again come with me :) Hard to be too nervous when he's around!

Other than that, it's just more and more explosive baby poop... and he should be insured soon. Woo. And Kairi just sniffed him. Jed was very curious about him too, so far so good on the pet front though. Oh, also he MAY HAVE grown half an inch. But I'll have to reconfirm that, it's kinda hard to measure a squirmy child. We'll have you in 0-3 clothes yet Peanut, and won't need to wash every day! Still have to do plenty of wash, sure, but I want to see him in something other than the same couple outfits! As sweet as it would be to keep him doll size forever, I know it's not possible, so I'm just looking at the positives. Oh and here's a pic of tummy time, sometimes he's a good sport and he moves his head back and forth, and he tries to help with burping, but tonight, he just laid there staring at me until his hiccups started and I gave in and cuddled him again. Also a few new babyshower onesie pics from the last post!



  1. I get to meet him in one more week!!! Wahooooo!!!!!!

  2. Less than a week now ;) And Sis will be home soon too!
    Peanut was just complaining to me the other day about how you were taking your sweet time getting down here. You better come with snuggles to console him!
