Here's Peanut's first audio track. Heartbeat is 165!
K was nice enough to extract that for me :) Thanks! Appointment was good, everyone seemed healthy. 27 more days till we might find out the gender :) And now this morning... I'm thinking french toast might be tasty. Just have to get up and make it. Gonna be productive today - I spent most of yesterday asleep. Boi was productive though, got the couches moved back and raked the backyard. I gotta match him today now - I should be rested enough now though!
Ate the french toast, yum! Much better than cereal, that's for sure. And it's Wednesday, and if you've been reading you know I love Wednesdays. I'm closer to the next week than I am the old week :) Peanut's getting to the point, if she's not already to the point, where she can start to hear my voice, apparently. Gonna have to start reading out loud or just talking more or something. Singing in the shower, pick a soothing song to play a lot to give Peanut another recognizable sound. Stuff like that :)
I said I was going to be productive today, right? Better go get on that!
There is a nice rhythm to that - you could make a song out of it :-)