Monday, April 18, 2011

Done With April

Not much point to staying awake much more this month, Boi works all week now, it's going to snow, can't think of anything left this month to look forward to... let's just jump two weeks ahead. A lot of women on my board talk about how fast the pregnancy is going, for me it's been slow. So very slow. Which is good in some ways... but now I want it to go fast. At least for awhile.

Visited Mom, she was very sleepy after waking up early to take my Dad and Grandpa to the airport, they went to DC to visit the memorial, the Never Forgotten Honor Flight. But we went for a walk, before the storm tomorrow. And I got to eat yummy chicken soup. I have officially already eaten too much today. And I'm still working on chili dinner for Boi tonight, you know I'm going to have to sample my handywork. Maybe I can hold off till tomorrow, it always tastes better the next day anyways. And with any luck, Boi will be able to tell me in an hour or less.

Nothing new on the belly front. Same old same old. Peanut should still be growing in there, big and strong, dancing like mad. Figuring out which nerve impulses makes me him kick me with his left leg and which ones makes him elbow me. Belly is getting more uncomfortable to sleep with, might explain some of my napping. Not sleeping quite as well. But we'll get that figured out. Better get that figured out, not like it's going to get any easier in the months to come. But that's really it... just more of the same.

Time to go cuddle a cat. Or a Boi, because he just came home 10 minutes early :D


  1. Do you sleep with a body pillow at all? I started using at around 5 months with Olivia and it was a god send! I still use one to this day! Corey calls it my 'other boyfriend'!

  2. I've been thinking about getting one, but I'm a tosser/turner, I can't stay on one side for too long (and it usually takes me a looong time to fall asleep) so I don't think it would work too great.

  3. Don't need to sleep on your left side (or is it the right) when you're pregnant. That was hard for me to get used to!

  4. I've been a side sleeper for life baby! And the left side is medically best, but hey, whichever you end up falling asleep on in the end I say is best.
