Saturday, April 30, 2011

First Garage Sale!

GarageSaleGoodiesHuzzah for garage sale season! K and I went out and did some intensive garage sale-ing, in the rain. Came out with some stuff, the cutest blanket ever, a bunch of fitted sheets, a musical mobile, (a bumper that i'm not sure about...), a baby monitor, clothes and bibs and shoes and a puzzle and hangers, and a baby album, all for a steal.

Peanut is 19 weeks today, or as I affectionately sometimes say, -21 weeks old :) In one week we'll be halfway there! Kairi is especially excited about this suddenly, cat is crawling all over me *getting.... strangled.... with love....*

Also K gave me a random site name website, so today, since Peanut is a boy today, his try-on name is.... Diggery Ashwin. Yeah, I don't think Boi is going to buy that one.

Ugh, last day of April. I can't wait for May! Say goodbye to this cold icky weather, say goodbye to a malfunctioning sump pump, dishwasher, and garbage disposal, and a questionable vacuum cleaner. Say goodbye to puking, to headaches, to gagging, to forcing myself to lay down and not do anything to stop the pains, to feeling exhausted and feeling like crap. May is going to be all about finally being able to focus on work, being able to work in the garden, to opening the windows, to starting on the nursery. To growing a cute bump, even though I'm told I look pregnant, I still want a proper cute bump. To feeling real movement, to reading to Peanut. To taking a few days to escape WI with Boi on one last outing before travel gets more difficult. 

May is going to be all these things, just you watch.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Yay for Mom's

My headache won't go away, through showers and Tylenol and quiet time. So I decided to get my jacket on and head out to the store for a few groceries and some soda, since apparently Boi drank the last few last night. Alas, this was apparently too much activity for Peanut or my head or something because I ended up throwing up before I got out the door. Sigh. So I plopped down and started complaining to my brother, and he suggested that maybe Mom would bring me over some soda. Now I hate to play the mom card, but I didn't really feel like having this headache all day, nor did I really want to risk getting sick again by pushing myself past what my body was clearly up for today.

So she brought me two, one for now, one to hide for in case it happens again :)

I'm feeling better now, not perfect but no longer miserable. Alas it's Wednesday though, there's an excellent chance I'll be going to bed alone tonight.  But I did my best to put positive thinking and thoughts in Boi's brain before he left this morning. To try to focus on what had to get done today and start it earlier then he might usually. Here's hoping!

At this point my uterous weighs over 2 lbs, with Peanut growing to 7 ounces of that, and is the size of a cantaloupe. But alas my stomach muscles are staying stubborn holding out on letting me pop. So I just continue to stick out funny, but I went and got, what I hope will be the last pair of pants to buy. They're convertible, so will serve dual purposes. Also comfy. I think I'm going to go be comfy some more in them.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Long Weekend

Well, the weekend is over. Boi's long week ended with baseball and fluff, but now he's back at it. He'll be home again Thursday though :) Got some unusual pains from about noon on Friday till noon on Sunday. Sharp pains are normal on either side, but no real explanation for them dead center under my growing belly. The ladies thought maybe they were braxton hicks, or perhaps the baby was hitting a nerve. Or maybe it was just stress. Whatever it was they've been gone for over 48 hours now, so I'm feeling a lot less stressed about it.

We're 18 weeks now, just two weeks away from halfway there. I'm starting to get some aches and itching around my bellybutton, I hear that it can get painful once it really starts to stretch there, yaaay. Ooh, an itch right now, gotta try to ignore it. And now suddenly sleepy. Stream of consciousness blogging at it's finest.

Just haven't felt like blogging I guess this week, sorry about that. Last night sleep was fitful, I kept dreaming over and over that I was dead or dying. So when Boi was getting ready for work and we were chatting a little, after he stopped talking, I fell back asleep and continued to converse with him. He prolly thinks I'm crazy now, after he jolted me back out of my doze to ask me what I was talking about, bleeeeeh. Dragged myself out of bed an hour later, at the very least I haven't felt sick at all today. Just exhausted.

We were playing a game last night of, name that feeling in my gut! We got one feeling that I couldn't for sure say wasn't gas or my stomach or anything else. But alas, still not certain of anything. Oh well, maybe in a few more weeks... I'm going to go close my eyes now...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I dreamed last night that I was about to have the baby :) Though it was quite weird, my doctor sat me down on my couch, so I could see out the front window, and I watched lots of people drive down the hill to come to visit, then I got tired of sitting there and I got up and walked around to talk to people, when someone was like, hey you had the baby! And lo' and behold I was holding a little newborn out of nowhere. Man that must have been an easy labor :) So the obvious next question was what was the gender? So I peeked in the diaper, and declared that she was a girl! Yaay! It also was a poopy diaper, but hey, no dream is perfect. But then someone said I must be sad because I already had two little girls?

And then I woke up to Boi getting up.

Unsure if it was a 'premonition dream', due to the fact that apparently it was a third baby... but then I thought maybe my brain was confused with the cats, since I never did see any other kids in the dream. But my brain was stuck on it, and I drifted back to sleep while Boi showered, and this time I did have two older girls... and an infant boy. But it was just a fact of the matter while I went and tried to resolve my schedules at both Target and Best Buy, telling them I couldn't work because I just had a baby.

So now I'm even less sure I can trust the first dream. The second one was clearly tainted by the sudden end of the first dream, but this is the first time I've dreamed clearly of a gender. I've heard ladies say they start dreaming about their little one and it turns out true. I guess just wait for another one and see if I dream of the same baby twice. Because they were two different babies all together.

Call me crazy, but I just found something nice to think about through the end of April :) And over halfway to 18 weeks!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Done With April

Not much point to staying awake much more this month, Boi works all week now, it's going to snow, can't think of anything left this month to look forward to... let's just jump two weeks ahead. A lot of women on my board talk about how fast the pregnancy is going, for me it's been slow. So very slow. Which is good in some ways... but now I want it to go fast. At least for awhile.

Visited Mom, she was very sleepy after waking up early to take my Dad and Grandpa to the airport, they went to DC to visit the memorial, the Never Forgotten Honor Flight. But we went for a walk, before the storm tomorrow. And I got to eat yummy chicken soup. I have officially already eaten too much today. And I'm still working on chili dinner for Boi tonight, you know I'm going to have to sample my handywork. Maybe I can hold off till tomorrow, it always tastes better the next day anyways. And with any luck, Boi will be able to tell me in an hour or less.

Nothing new on the belly front. Same old same old. Peanut should still be growing in there, big and strong, dancing like mad. Figuring out which nerve impulses makes me him kick me with his left leg and which ones makes him elbow me. Belly is getting more uncomfortable to sleep with, might explain some of my napping. Not sleeping quite as well. But we'll get that figured out. Better get that figured out, not like it's going to get any easier in the months to come. But that's really it... just more of the same.

Time to go cuddle a cat. Or a Boi, because he just came home 10 minutes early :D

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Seventeen Weeks

17-turnip Peanut is -23 weeks old today, the size of a turnip. Yeah.... that's the problem with these food comparisons. Turnips can be fat, long, small... doesn't work so well. Obviously bigger than the poppy seed we started out at, and smaller than the pumpkin we'll end up with, but how much bigger than an avocado is that really? But approximately 5 inches from head to rump, and 5oz, easy to remember. And my book further elaborates to say about the size of my hand with my fingers outstretched... don't ask me what part of the baby is my palms and which part is fat like my outstretched fingers though :) 

Peanut and I are trying to stay calm. But our exhaustion streak seems to be continuing, I'm not confident that my deciphering of irs code really does mean I don't have to file quarterly estimates until after I file my first annual business taxes. Boi is 23 hours into his shift from yesterday, he decided there was so much to do he would work between shifts and come home sometime today. Could be as late as 6pm... but I'm hoping he gets out before that, since he worked all night... he's been working so many days, I couldn't relax last night, so I called him at 1am to confirm he was going to stay the night, then went and let the cats out. Sure I didn't sleep great with them in bed with me, but I would have slept worse alone.

My nose is constantly running today, more so than normal, could be partially from my hormones I guess, since I'm not being very calm, could be allergies, could be rhinitis of pregnancy. Yup, it has a name, the pregnant woman's runny nose. I'm enjoying educating my mom, all the symptoms have names, when I guess they didn't before or they just didn't bring it up? I don't know, but like when we went out for lunch, and I got a pain in my side, I was able to brush it off as round ligament pain, and mom was like, oh I didn't know they had a name for that. I guess it's the pros and cons of this day and age... there's a lot more information out there, information that can calm you and information that can stress you out.

Still no real definite 'hey that's a baby' feelings. There have been a few times now where I've felt weird things, but they've all felt different from  one another. I don't know if they're all just something else, some of them are from Peanut, or they're all just different movements from Peanut. Maybe next week I'll have a more definite idea. But even more than being excited to know for sure I'm feeling Peanut, is when Boi can start feeling Peanut. It can't be easy being the dad, just being the spectator. Dealing with my mood swings, my aches and pains, being ok one minute and gagging the next. It'll be a lot more fun for him once he can participate a little bit.

Ah great, PBS changed their lineup again. Well, it started on the right show, now it's doing some guy going to Morocco? Ok... and I hit the channel up button, and a new channel appeared? I was on 20-1 and hitting up takes me to the old pbs station... now on 80-32??? Hmmm maybe the old station lost it's signal and it tried to fix it and it fixed it weird.... oh well... 160 more days to go ^.^

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peanut's First Audio Track!

Here's Peanut's first audio track. Heartbeat is 165!

K was nice enough to extract that for me :) Thanks! Appointment was good, everyone seemed healthy. 27 more days till we might find out the gender :) And now this morning... I'm thinking french toast might be tasty. Just have to get up and make it. Gonna be productive today - I spent most of yesterday asleep. Boi was productive though, got the couches moved back and raked the backyard. I gotta match him today now - I should be rested enough now though!

Ate the french toast, yum! Much better than cereal, that's for sure. And it's Wednesday, and if you've been reading you know I love Wednesdays. I'm closer to the next week than I am the old week :) Peanut's getting to the point, if she's not already to the point, where she can start to hear my voice, apparently. Gonna have to start reading out loud or just talking more or something. Singing in the shower, pick a soothing song to play a lot to give Peanut another recognizable sound. Stuff like that :)

I said I was going to be productive today, right? Better go get on that!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Trivia Weekend Ends

The long trivia weekend is over. I still feel kind of exhausted from it :) Or maybe I would have felt exhausted regardless, who knows. My computer is dead... again... hoping my uncle comes through and brings me up the new parts it needs to work reliably. I have stuff on it I need.... and I still don't have the house back to normal, hoping Boi doesn't work too late tonight so he can at least get the couches centered again. But after 2.5 days off, he's likely got a lot to catch up on.

I handled the weekend pretty well actually, I think. I didn't freak out or run away from the group at all... prolly helped that I got more sleep, and it was nice having my mind able to drift off to my belly every now and again. Then K picked up a bunch of $1 trivia onesies from old years, so yay! Did get sick on Saturday, but minor details.

Tomorrow, 11AM I have another appointment. Gonna get weighed (after last weekend -gulp) get my belly measured, then hear the heartbeat. Hopefully. Peanut is the size of an avocado now, twice as big as my last appointment (4.5 inches), and weighs like 5x more at around 3oz. Quite a bit bigger. Then at my next monthly appointment Peanut will be 6 inches and 9 oz. Peanut is putting on weight too at least :) And will continue to!

The snow is gone from my yard and there are tiny buds on my maple tree. Pretty red buds. Tomorrow I get all day with Boi, get a fun audio experience, and it'll be even more beautiful outside than today. And now Boi is home, not too late! Huzzah! Time to stop rambling!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I wasn't seriously expecting to feel anything before Saturday, but last night Boi and I hopped into bed, I settled in, and a minute or two later I announced to him that my stomach was feeling weird, and it was vibrating or something.... and then I stopped and went Oh.... wait... my belly. Inside my belly. It was different then I expected, I was expecting more bursts, but I was told on my board it happens both ways. So I guess I'm fairly certain now I felt Peanut :) Hopefully I can confirm soon with a second time!

Washed two of the onesies yesterday... had some new red stuff and thought I'd throw in the two red onesies I had with them. So tiny, fishing them out. Also coming to the conclusion that I either need to start finding more baby hangers or I need a system for dresser vs closet.... or a closet organizer with more shelves or cubbies... that one doesn't sound too bad really.

Tomorrow afternoon/evening... at some point during the day tomorrow, people are going to start filing into the house. With food, with computers, with chairs and tables. I'm going to feel claustophobic, I'm going to freak out at some point this weekend. Likely not going to sleep enough, or eat the right things. Should be a blast, eh? I'll survive though, it's good to see friends again.

And the weather will be BEAUTIFUL! Bring on spring!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Grow Baby Grow

I was laying in bed the other night and realized my stomach still felt firm laying down. Yay, usually it's flat laying down. Then of course I realized I should be on my side regardless, and forced myself to roll over. Sigh - well, it was fun for awhile. Grow Baby Grow so I can feel a firm stomach all the time!

I've had this post open for a few days now... it seemed that my late night out on Friday spurred a crazy fun hormonal imbalance. I guess I should be happy, I've gone most of the pregnancy so far fairly sane. Boi would tell you that I have had my moments, but nothing much more then moments. And  today it's better, which is good, because I had work that just, quite frankly, needed to get done and it wasn't working. And sitting here, not being able to get much to work, and not being able to have much else to do, is like crazy sauce.

We got Peanut a trivia onesie. We're hoping she'll fit into the month range that she'll be, and bought to size. Hoping we don't regret not getting a size bigger.

Oh bonus to not forcing myself to blog yesterday, I'd have to be saying "he'll" up there if it was an even day. You can tell which gender I'm hoping for ;) I can't help it, a boy would be great, but in my head I was always going to have a little girl. 35 days and counting until we find out for sure though. Hopefully. Can't guarantee a cooperative baby, but I'm told if I drink orange juice before hand, it can help stimulate the baby to be more active. Even if it falls into my list of things I don't want any of, you can bet I'll be plugging my nose and downing it that morning!

Then also just 7 more days until we hear her heartbeat. Hopefully. Maybe I should rename this post 'hopefully.' We'll be officially in the bubble where change can start. Where pregnancy becomes less 'that woman has gone nutso' to 'oh, I guess she is pregnant.' I can't wait to be that lady in the baby department who people think are shopping for themselves, and not for a baby registry. I'm sure I'll wish it happened later on after it happens, but right now, it'd be nice.

Saw on the TV today, a fictional show, but a lady went in to the hospital after slipping in the tub, and the trauma of the fall killed the baby. Yeah... I think I'm going to go out tonight and buy a bath mat. If nothing else, it's not bad to have. Especially when you have cats that like to play in the shower with you.

Well, gotta go vote before 8!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I just got a call from K, with exciting news! She found super cheap snowsuits, so since it'll be more expensive to get them when we actually need them, she picked up two, one blue one pink :) Soo super excited, Peanut will be warm! Hopefully Peanut won't be abnormally large and they'll fit through most of winter! *imagines her vision of my cute little girl (it's an odd day) in a pink snowsuit dancing*

Ooooh today we went shopping for Boi's new dress code at work. Think Geek Squad. Yay... But! Kohl's was having a sale on pillows, so I decided to get one, since it has been a year. And after a nap this afternoon, no headache! History - I've always gotten bad headaches, but a few years ago I discovered if I slept on memory foam pillows, I'd at least wake up headache free. The only caveat is they only seem to be effective for about a year, last winter I started to get them again and had to replace it. So while I know it's not going to help my baby headaches (constant almost non-stop tension headaches I've lived with since about 8 weeks) at least maybe I'll wake up from here on out in less pain. And every minute I'm free of headaches is like... I'm dancing on a cloud.

Tonight we're cleaning, we have Trivia in a week. And tonight we have the trivia movie. Gonna see how I'm doing, hopefully the nap will tide me over. But the showing isn't till midnight, and I know going to see it the past few years hasn't been fun... but I go and do it anyways. But I don't take notes, I don't care, if I can barely stay up for the movie, I can't be trying to analyze it at the same time. I'd explode.

Oh yeah, Trivia World's largest, yaddi yaddi. All weekend, etc etc. I will be getting my sleep, no way I can stay up all weekend.

Still haven't (for sure) felt Peanut. Still listening/feeling/whatever for it. The butterflies, the popcorn, the weird feelings. Didn't see anything for Peanut today either, Kohls was oddly empty of clearance racks in the infants section. Oh well. I used to find cute little outfits for like 50-1$ cents there back when I worked there... I'll just continue keeping my eyes out for great deals!