Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

In the Pool at his Great Uncle D's
Well, it's been a fun weekend. Spent Sunday at Boi's uncle's house where he got to see some of his family, and Peanut got to stick his feet in the pool. Then he was a good boy and slept the whole ride home. Peanut's tooth continues to grow out, but still not very visible. At least not to easily get a picture, but you can feel some good definition if he permits you to touch it. Today he is perfecting going from belly to sitting, so excellent job. He's pretty proud of himself about that. He's also getting better at standing up using leg power instead of just arm power. Which means he's getting into a lot more things these days, how I fear for our home.

He also decided that third naps are for 7 month olds and not 8 month olds. Sigh, he usually only takes two naps now, but last night he only slept 10 hours so he needed that third nap. I spent an hour trying to get him down. It could have been worse, him being awake from 330-10. He was actually in a fairly good mood - likely do to his crawling to sitting prowress. Then I decided, for both his and my sanity that we'd watch one episode of Yo Gabba Gabba before bathtime and bedtime. We switched from Netflix to Amazon since it's cheaper and you get more bang for your buck (on top of the instant streaming on the ps3 - book rental, extra free books and fast free shipping). Alas, the app seems buggy and it kicked us out, and then froze the console. Siiiiiiiiiiighs.

Look at me stand up at the coffee table!
Oh, and he tried his hand at some moist cheerios today. He's still working at the pincer grasp though, so not much gets into his mouth before I start shoveling it in before he wants to get out of his highchair. Then tonight I got my first experience of the joy of the next 4+ months nursing with teeth :/ Yeah. That's all I have on that.

I've got Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to get ready for our vacation starting on Friday. I REEEEEEEEALLY hope it ends up being a good time. It won't be overly restful, I know, but hopefully there will be moments of fun and sanity in it. I really should be cleaning and preparing now, but I'm pretty drained from the day :/ I'm being bad and having some ice cream, maybe then I'll be in better spirits. The house is a wreck :/ Plus I need to work. Damnit, I haven't even opened my email for a few days, that's going to be a disaster too.

But! I did finish and order Peanut's First Book! It won't get here until next week though :( So we can't take it along with us on our vacation. But I can't wait to get it and read it to him. And maybe make a second one next time a free book promotion comes along :) I made mom an account and put the free book promo in it and she got it for free too! I love stalking out coupons/deals/etc. Sometimes something comes along and it just inspires you :) Sometimes, at least, sometimes it's just Free Anti-Chafing Gel samples. LOL!

Anywho, here's the link to the book I made. Enjoy ->

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