Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I have Fanta

And it's delicious. Orangey. Sure it's 160 calories a pop, but they're delicious calories. So they don't count. And this morning  the 4 pounds I told y'all didn't exist vanished on my scale. So Fanta = less water retention. Clearly.

Nothing overly exciting has happened in the last few days. Boi managed to get off for D&I's wedding on Saturday, so that's a good thing. K has been worried that I won't have anything to wear, but I still have a nice stretchy fabric dress left. Just because I don't usually dress up for things doesn't mean I don't have something stored away I can pull out :) The only real thing is shoes... eh.I have a pair of flats that should work, strappy sandals that I'm sure will end up hurting my feet. Unless you have a cute pair of brown shoes for me to wear K, though I know most of your stash is black.

I'm sure Saturday morning Boi will be like "I have nothing to wear" and I'll be like, oh yeah? He does that every time, he has perfectly good summery dress up clothes. But he forgets about them. He'd make a great girl in that respect, always needing to go out and buy something new for every occassion. Oh well, he deserves some props, he survived a very tough day at work today (beyond the stress, it was a 6a-4p shift, yuck) so he is himself enjoying a non-orangey coke and some WoW. I stopped wowing, remembering I have been slacking on this.

Not a whole lot went on today, I remember being sleepy most of the day, but never actually napping. Woke up at like 2 and couldn't fall back asleep forever, then woke up at around 4, and there was a party in my belly till at least 520 when Boi came up to grab whatever he was missing for work. Pretty sure I still fell asleep before 6 at least. Then at 830 I was said to hell with it and got up. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight.

I think it's been officially long enough with the walls to put up the tree. I just need to decide exactly where I want it. Should it be right next to the crib, or in the middle of the wall, between (the soonish to be here) glider chair and the crib? Though if I do right smack in the middle, are we talking about proper center or the center between the edge of the chair and the crib? I'm making way too much out of this. I can take it down and redo it if need be (though really not sure if at some point the pieces stop sticking as well) but it's so much easier to fret over it and procrastinate. Procrastination is totally the prerogative of a creative mind. Too bad mine is rather dull right now.

Kairi has been a total b*tch today. I opened the patio door while I was making breakfast since it looked so nice out there, a few minutes later I find she's torn through it and is sniffing the wilderness. Fortunately Kiara seemed uncertain about following, as she'll just bolt, while Kairi stops to sniff the roses. Then the proceeded to annoy Kiara and I with her sorrowful meows for the rest of the morning. Then I decided to make sloppy turkey joes for lunch, but the pan I had out wasn't big enough for all the meat, so half went in and I wandered away for awhile... and came back to find her nomming on some of the leftover raw turkey. Eeeeww! Fortunately she didn't get sick, but she did nap then till evening, and she came over and settled next to me while I watched Jeopardy... and she was kneading her claws in my arm but I was barely noticing as Peanut had woken up... only to have her then stop and noticed my arm was all bloody. Argh!

I took some video for an attempt at a new video for Peanut, but alas, I haven't pieced it together. I hardly touched the computer at all today, I got on it for awhile to try to do some work, but my brain just wasn't with it. Boi took me for a walk around the block and I made it the whole way without needing to stop. *cheers* *claps* *good pelvic ligaments* If I could count on them all the time I wouldn't be so nervous about going out and about by myself!

Oh and hay, Mom In Law, if you're reading this, I hear you're going to be in the state next week. When exactly will you be around?

Halfway between 29 and 30 weeks! My new chant is "10 weeks, just 10 more weeks!"

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