Friday, February 14, 2014

Scraped Knees :( Nephew! :)

He asked to have his picture taken
My poor munchkin has a scraped knee :( I don't even know how it happened! I was vacuuming his room as a fun activity, he ran away, and came back crying and limping. We spent the rest of the morning snuggling, I gently cleaned it best I could and affixed a few bandaids in a pretty star on it, and then he went down for a nap no problem. Hopefully when he wakes up it'll be a little less tender.

But on the flip side, I have a new Nephew! Baby E joined the family early Wednesday morning, sounds like everyone did well with the encounter. Grandma and Grandpa have already made their way down there, I get to wait until it's a little closer. It wouldn't be too nice to Boi to take away HIS baby for an extra week and a half just so I can get a few more snuggles in. Sigh.

More happies, today Peanut put on a hat and said 'me hat!' More pronoun fun! Then he put it on MY head and said 'you hat!' Huzzah!!! That's my smart boy! We're catching up, just gotta get him to start saying his name and I'll be even happier! And we haven't had any gluten contamination lately either, that makes everyone happier. Although he is getting sneakier about finding/grabbing food out of most of our 'hidding' spots, so we have to be careful.

Grandpa's Retirement Party
Looking forward to the next 36 hours or so. Boi comes home a little after 4 and has tomorrow off to boot. I might be going into work tomorrow, not sure. But even then it's still a great time to be had, we've got new paints, it's movie night (How to Train Your Dragon), I think the both of us have been having more energy. Maybe we can convince him to read a train book instead of pretending it's a real train. Or that all our shoes are trains. Or that his fist is a train. Or there are invisible trains zooming around the house that he has to catch.

It's looking like Boi is going to be working mostly closing shifts? So I guess that means I need to just suck it up when it comes to bath time. That or he's never going to get bathed! But that does work well for the new job. Hopefully I can at least work 4-6 hour shifts then on most days. Gotta figure out a way to make bathtime less dreaded for me. Maybe a bathtime song would help. He's really inconsistent about bathtime himself. Somedays he'd stay in there for hours, somedays he's randomly afraid of the water, somedays it's 5 minutes and done.

Argh, I still haven't eaten lunch, and it's 2:00 already. If I was going to make chicken/veggie fried rice, I really should get that rice cooking now. I love making two versions of everything. It's either veggie and non veggie, or gluten and non gluten. Of course, there goes my chance, he's woken up. Time for more snuggles!

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