Friday, June 15, 2012

Refiguring Sleep Out

Giving him another week or two to decide that just because he's in bed and CAN stand in there, doesn't mean he has to. By rocking him completely to sleep before putting him down. And he's not going down easy, he's fighting it every rock of the chair. And even if you stay in the chair for several minutes, we've only got a 50% chance of getting him in the crib still completely zonked, if he even half wakes up, it's try to stand up.

I'm going to make this quick, as I wanted to try for a week's worth of posts, and well, it's already 11:20. Fortunately he slept through his recently common 40 minute wakeup, he may still wake up at midnight, but this is good progress. Still no second tooth, but here's the first one for ya.

He clearly isn't too pleased about it.

Or maybe just about it's friend, who I had hoped would have been here by now. But tonight when nursing he was doing this thing with his hand that I noticed the week the first one came in so.... *crosses fingers*


Post another photo!

I pulled this out of the garage today, it's not new to us, but it's new to him (a ring toss, if you haven't figured that out) His favorite thing to do now is to crawl around with a ring in his mouth :D I love it when he does that, he's so cute!

Didn't get nearly as much done today as I wanted to. Part lazy, part clingy baby, part I DON'T WANNA NAP baby. Although the ring toss kept him distracted for a good while.

I like distractions.

I'm going to make these posts happier. I'm hopefully going to go to bed soon here! That's pretty happy, right?

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