Well whatever, today we had a big ol' fun plan in mind. GMa's house! At first I thought it was mainly going to be making GF xmas cookies, however when we got there, we discovered GPa set up the G Scale train in the living room! One giant loop of fun! So that ended up being the core of our day, though OF COURSE we made cookies. He enjoyed cutting out shapes, though he need a guiding hand to push it all the way through. We read our new library books, The Night Before Christmas, The Last Train and The Rain Train. The last two weren't quite what I was hoping for, they're more poetry and pretty pictures, and not so much a 2 year old story. But alas, they're new train books and I won't complain! The trains were overstimulating though, and he was not into taking a nap, so of course he ended up with a couch nap in front of train videos.
I ran out for some chocolate almond milk. Genius. Even if he doesn't like the taste of almond milk... it's freaking chocolate. And he loooooooooved it. If he goes tonight and tomorrow night and sleep as good as or better as last night, then we'll try cow's milk on Monday? Maybe? Or really we could go a few days out after xmas. A week of chocolate almond milk isn't going to hurt him (I don't think!) Obviously I just want him to sleep without crying or being up all night. Not sleeping. He was being very well behaved, he tried his dinner, some carrot potato and meat, but it was too spicy for him. So GMa made him a PB toast instead. And he downed another sippy and a half of chocolate milk. We headed home and started to clean up the house some. As much as one can clean with an excitable toddler at least, dragging cloth diapers all over the house and demanding snacks and milk... which GMa so thoughtly drove over after I left it! Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks! She turned it into a xmas light viewing venture. I love how he's almost so super excited to brush his teeth, he was actually doing a really good job tonight. We read... well, first he wanted the duck to play with him, so the duck suggested different books to read. He ignored it's reccomendations. So we read Noisy Train, the Kitten book, Good Night Train, then finally... Barnyard Dance. That sure is a good way to chill out for the night!
Later on I thought he was asleep and went to retrieve my SD card that got left upstairs, and he totally was faking it and jumped up as I walked by. But I tucked him back in and he stayed, fortunately. So I'm finishing this post in peace :)
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