I've decided not to take Peanut to Storytime today - I would just feel so nervous he or I would pass on Croup to someone else. The Internets say once the fevers pass, he shouldn't be contagious, but I'm worried if I caught it from him (Itch throat over here!) that I might still be contagious since it doesn't really affect adults. So... homebodies we are. Maybe we'll got visit Gma and Gpa after his nap... though we're going tomorrow for a lunch/dinner doohickey. Maybe they could use another day of rest before seeing us ;)
I tried setting up a little art project, but he wasn't at all interested. Instead he wanted to play with the printer and under the desk. He's also got this bad habit of calling me daddy lately.
Him: Daaaaaaaaddy!
Me: Daddy is at work.
Him: Daaaaaaaaddy?
Me: What's my name?
Him: Daddy.
Me: No... my name is Mommy.
Him: No. Daddy.
Sighs. So not only does he really only say 'I love you' to him, but I get called his name too. It's a phase, I know.... and I'm hungry... sidetracked!
Ok, well, he woke up with poop... and the most horrible diaper rash. He was saying 'ow' with every step, even just laying there if he shifted or something, he'd grab his butt and say 'ow' :( So it's creamed up and Thomas is on so he'll stay still while it starts to heal him a bit. Hopefully... I had bought a box of GF mac and cheese for future use, but seeing as for a few hours there I had a borderline migraine, and a headache almost all day, and Peanut's not very happy, I think we're going to make it tonight.
Some things we did, like playing with trains, playing with the grocery store, with play doh, with markers, with catepillars. Dipping grapes into maple syrup. Reading the Froggy books over and over again. He wanted to place a call to 'Ho Ho Ho' and didn't want to sing anything but Old McDonald. And he could only have sheep, kitties and a train at his farm.
Getting ready for tonight to show one of the NYE shows from Australia or England or something before Peanut goes to bed. Let him have a little sparkling apple cider too :)
Happy New Year ya'll!
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