Yesterday was a festive day of me re-wiring the outside lights! We let daddy sleep in and headed for Grandma's house. We played with Uncle B for awhile, then had lunch and Peanut didn't nap until he was on the couch watching TV. That's his new thing, sighs... Oh, and Peanut drank a lot of chocolate milk at Grandma's.
Sorry about that, that's just my 'journaling' so I can make sure I don't forget for my scrapbook dealio, anywho...
Then we started to learn what Santa says, we stopped by Walgreens for some pictures, and we looked at a bunch of stuffed/pictures of santa. Peanut thinks at first it should be HA HA HA, but then I tell him no and he corrects himself to say Ho Ho Ho. And we got more of his scrapbook done with the said pictures
We played with daddy some this morning, and ate some yummy pumpkin bread. He fixed the dishwasher (we think) so I'll try running it tonight. We'll have a picnic tonight too!
He's napping on the couch again today, watching Rick Steve's with his eyes closed. It's the only way, aside from being in the car, we've gotten him to nap in the last week. Whatever, we all go through rough patches. We've got our Elf in the Shelf stealing the top of tree today too. So that's lots of fun. I really need to buckle down and clean tonight. That should be interesting with the kiddo. Adventures in paradise.
Nooooooot too much cleaning got done, but we did have a lot of fun with Stewart, our Elf. When Peanut would go downstairs, I hid him in a new spot, to get him used to 'looking for him.'
AND APPARENTLY HE'S NOW AFRAID OF THE SHOWER?! We went up for one, and I tried turning it on and he freaked out, so we peed in the potty, then the toilet, then the potty s'more, and in between he nervously peeked at the tub, so I tried just filling it up for a bath with bubbles, and he instantly calmed down and wanted in. So weird, showers were the only way he'd bathe for a super long time!
At least he's cute :D
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