I woke up sleepily Sunday morning, pleased that it was not my morning to wake up with the boy. I slumbered out of bed, sleepily replied to a text from Grandma, and went to hang out with my boys. I was going to have a busy day cleaning, so
I wanted to soak in some time with Boi before he left for work. Grandma texted me back. 'Check Facebook.' Uuuhhhh.... ok? So I open it up... and there's a picture of a truck in the driveway. I only know one person with a truck who would elicit such a simple statement out of Gma. Uncle A had surprised us all and come to town.
So to heck with cleaning, Peanut and I got ready to head out, kissed Daddy goodbye, and ran out to visit with Uncle A. We had a few hours of fun in there, before I had to head out to Ntown to see Boi's family. Of course that also meant that Bupa had to run the trains some more. Plus we kept him awake so he would sleep on the hour+ drive to Ntown.
He charmed everyone, played with balls and jenga blocks, ate potatoes and avocado, opened up a RC car, got into general mischief, and had a fine time. Took me... felt like maybe 45 minutes till he would falls asleep and calm down.
We watched home videos, eventually Boi got close enough, I drove out to meet him. I started to fall asleep on the couch so I went to bed.
Didn't sleep. Peanut was stirring too much, occasionally wanting to climb into bed with me. Eventually Boi came to bed and Peanut wanted in and I gave in and we co-slept, if you consider me not sleeping cosleeping. I crashed on the couch for an hour instead.
The Boys were supposed to make breakfast, obviously you can't ask a 2 year old to wait a few hours to eat, so he made him and I some eggs, then later Boi made toast to contribute.
Exhausted, I decided I couldn't stay any longer. We drove home through the snow, I was feeling rather ick so Gma watched him while I shoveled and tried to do stuff. Shoveling was all I could handle.
Went back, had chili, tried to stay awake. Came home, bathed Peanut and we both fell asleep. And I finally got some sleep.
Woke up, Boi was back at work, Peanut watched cartoons while I wrapped presents and got things ready for us to be gone for awhile.
Visited Gma and uncle A for an hour to help me chill out after stressing and hurting my neck. Got gas, came back, Peanut watched Thomas while I did a few more last minute things, like running the dishwasher, and putting notes in the blog here.
Waited for Daddy to show up, had wrapping paper cut to match the expected last minute gifts, the car running, all set to go. Took off, I drove down to MLtown, Peanut napping the better half of the drive (daddy too).
Got there, ate dinner and some Egg Nog, we checked out the decorations and the cat in the dog crate. Opened presents and caused mischief. Got lots of neat things, like DVDs, a train set, clothes and more. If I were more awake right now, I'm sure I'd be able to rattle off the whole list, but nobody wants that, right? Right. *yawn*
Then the present opening began. Peanut has become a bit of a pro at unwrapping, you just needed to tell him he had another present to unwrap and he'd leave the dog food or the car and come over to help. He scored lots more neat stuff, including more books, cars, cash register, a grover doll and a penguin.
This morning Boi rolled out of bed with the Peanut right around 8am. I soonish followed them, and got ready for the day. Boi and I started cleaning up the kitchen. You know, moving the presents and cleaning the dishes that didn't get in my last ditch effort while running around. Making room to make waffles! I had a new waffle maker and new maple syrup as xmas presents, and darn tooting I was going to put them to use ASAP! Used up the last of my rice flour, but it was still worth it, they were pretty delicious. And I have a little bit more to use tomorrow morning. Or maybe tonight as a snack? Mwaa haa haa! It was a chill out kind of morning. We had things to do... and none of them got done. To be fair, I did take care of two of them after his nap, but I don't think a single thing on my list got done before his nap. We spent a lot of time just going through stuff, all lazy like. We did open up presents from GG this morning, a few excellent new books :) I made some veggies and smilies for lunch, and then the boys went to brush their teeth and Peanut went down for a nap.
He napped pretty well, asleep quickly, but it was clear that the cough I shrugged off the day before had become a thing. Every 10 minutes or so in the monitor there was coughing. Poor bug. After an hour and a half, he woke up at 3ish and we turned on Thomas, didn't really feel like he got quite the rest he needed, so I was determined to have some chill out time afterwards. Then we thought we'd slip over to Gma's while Uncle A was between stuff so we'd see him a little, well, after stopping at the library of course. I made dinner, cheesy quinoa, wasn't as flavorful as I would have like, but Peanut liked it, right up to when he got distracted and wanted to get down. But Gma saved the day with brownies and cookies. That's saving the day, right? Sure, why not :) We headed over to Daddy's store then, I let him roam around without a cart as there were only a few other people in there. Niiiiiiiiice and quiet. We enjoyed a lunch break with him, picked up some much needed milk and some convenient cereal, and headed home.
He immediately headed downstairs, so I started on this ^^ intermixed with playing with toys to the tune of the Pink Panther of course. Priorities, don't'cha'know? Bedtime went well... if you consider reading books in the dark well at least ;) He wanted the lights off, so I did, finished up everything and turned them back on to read... and he got upset and hit the wall with his hand, demanding I turn it back off. Soooo we read stories in the dark. Fortunately I had 2 of the 3 memorized, and the last one enough to fake it. Then I told him no more, not in the dark at least. So a kiss goodnight, and he was asleep in 20ish minutes. Lot's of coughing, but he's staying asleep. THE END!
I've got a lot of videos, maybe tomorrow.
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