Friday was a super entertaining day, but let's see if I can remember Thursday... who am I kidding, who could forget Thursday?
The day the world ended! Peanut woke up around 1am... after being asleep for like 3-3.5 hours? And so began 4 hours of really not sleeping... much... if at all. I hadn't even fallen asleep yet, and Boi could sleep inbetween cries and through the talking. Finally at 5am I finally was able to get him to go asleep... till 630. Which he woke up screaming/crying so hardcore he had a hard time breathing. The closer he got to bed, the harder it got. I tried changing his diaper, I tried reading him a story in our chair, I tried taking him back to bed with me... and I ended up on the couch watching PBS with him. He was extra antsy for awhile, so I fed him.
I went back over at dinnertime, and he was a spitfire of energy. Basically all we did was play over there for awhile, Grandma and I worked on her scrapbook, then we took off for daddy's store. We quickly did some grocery shopping for eggs and milk and a few pouches for Friday.
We came home and started bedtime pretty darn fast. And he went to sleep pretty damn fast. He fell asleep nodding off in front of the space heater. Mmmm... warmth...
He woke up 3 times that night.
The next morning, we got ready to go! We were going on a 2+ hour drive to Mtown to see GG! We got a later start then I would have liked, but you know what? I needed the sleep pretty bad. Peanut was pretty excited for the first 45ish minutees just by watching all the cars and such and playing with the train on his lap. Then began the toy/book shuffling in and singing... till we hit Mtown and he passed out ;) Fortunately we had to drive all the way to the other side of town to reach our destination of the gluten free bakery. Then we received the call from GG that they were on their way, so we hightailed it to the capital building to look at the lights (and toy train!)
We got there and we were having fun before we could even pay an entrance fee! But then it kept getting better. The 5 and under area was full of circles, tunnels, bridges and slides. We got wet in the water house, so we took off his sweater at that point. Then we headed upstairs, where the cow on the pully, the hamster wheel, the block world, the arts and crafts, the telephone booth, the diner, etc etc were. Peanut was in love with the hamster wheel. It would have been a lot of fun being in there alone, but I had to try to not go too fast so that he'd fall down. I think the person outside could force it to stop, but whatever, trying to keep it at a fun fast pace while holding his hand was a fun challenge :) He had a lot more fun in the arts and crafts area then I thought he would, so maybe he's finally going to start showing more of an interest in drawing. Or maybe he just liked how wet and messy the area we chose was. Water was constantly running through and there were cups of paint. We barely managed to get an apron on him before he dove on in to explore and play. I took off my sweater and dove in with him :)
Man, trying to remember all the details, but I'm so glad we went. He so happy running around and completely unafraid to just dive in and figure out how to play how he wants in a new area. We got back to the car and drove home, Peanut slept most of the way. Our car is really bad at keeping warm in cold weather, for the longest time I was having to alternate the defrost on and off once the sun went down, but eventually figured out if I turned on the rear defrost too, the temp in the car didn't seem to drop as fast. So we managed like that for the last 30 or so minutes home. We got home, I made some smilies and some veggie egg cups for dinner (and a gluten free doughnut!) and put together his new duplo train.
And of course, like I mentioned, once he fell asleep, he didn't wake up till 8 <3 He could have slept longer, but I dun care because hey. No wakeups! He didn't cry or anything this morning, I heard him shuffling around on the monitor, so I poked my head around the corner and sure enough, he was poking his head out of his door :) I'll try to post today... tonight! We'll see.
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