Update on Saturday: He grew .5-.75 inches! Woo Hoo!
Sunday: We woke up (early) and played downstairs on the new bed for awhile. Daddy worked late, so we headed over to Grandma's to keep the house quiet. We came in our Packer gear to cheer them on. We enjoyed their new xmas tree, and lots of snuggling time. We stayed up extra late waiting for Daddy to stop by, then he crashed for his nap.
Grandma took extra good care feeding us, making Peanut french toast, me eggs, and everyone turkey bacon. Peanut demolished it all eagerly. Plus I was extra lucky with a twin yolk egg scramble!
We discovered that Peanut, with his new height, was now trying to go up steps one foot alternating on the steps. Awesomesauce! At bathtime, I taught him to float/lay on his back in the tub for a fun new way to play in the bathtub. He thought it was fun to turn his head and slurp up bathwater. Sighs.
Napping awkwardly by the door |
When he woke up he was UBER cranky. I tried giving him a teething toy, and he went to town on it. So I dunno? He's likely just overtired, but that's something to watch out for. He ONLY wanted crackers with peanut butter spread on them. Picky guy. Not even yummy berries. He kept asking to go outside, to the point of insanity, so I took him over to grandma's for a short while, then headed over to daddy's work to have a 'lunch break' with him.
Went home for more... yeah... peanut butter and crackers. Though I convinced him to have a pouch too. We keep pouches on hand since they're pure vitamins when he's being cranky about healthy eating. I didn't want him going to bed late, so we just filled the sink with water and splashed our hands and face wet and clean. A few stories (including City Bus and The Little Train) in bed, and I tucked him in. Only went up once to resettle him and he was out in < 30 minutes. Woo hoo! So hopefully he sleeps better throughout the night now that everything isn't quite as new and exciting. I fully expect him to wake up once and maybe play a little, but hopefully not for 2.5 hours.
This >>> is just a picture of the curly hair he has on the back of his head. The center back of his head has always had different hair. Fuzzyier, lighter, curly. The rest of it is fairly thick but straight and not frizzy at all. So will they fight the rest of his life, or will straight give in to curls, or vice versa?
Oh, and here's Peanut jumping off the couch.
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