Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year Eve!

Last Day! Last Day! I'd like to keep up with this, but maybe like twice a week. Tuesday and Friday maybe. Because somedays I just whine, and nobody wants to hear that, but that's just how the day is going. Or somedays... we just want to sit around all day and play with the same boring toys, and that's boring to blog about.

I've decided not to take Peanut to Storytime today - I would just feel so nervous he or I would pass on Croup to someone else. The Internets say once the fevers pass, he shouldn't be contagious, but I'm worried if I caught it from him (Itch throat over here!) that I might still be contagious since it doesn't really affect adults. So... homebodies we are. Maybe we'll got visit Gma and Gpa after his nap... though we're going tomorrow for a lunch/dinner doohickey. Maybe they could use another day of rest before seeing us ;)

I tried setting up a little art project, but he wasn't at all interested. Instead he wanted to play with the printer and under the desk. He's also got this bad habit of calling me daddy lately.
Him: Daaaaaaaaddy!
Me: Daddy is at work.
Him: Daaaaaaaaddy?
Me: What's my name?
Him: Daddy.
Me: No... my name is Mommy.
Him: No. Daddy.

Sighs. So not only does he really only say 'I love you' to him, but I get called his name too. It's a phase, I know.... and I'm hungry... sidetracked!

Ok, well, he woke up with poop... and the most horrible diaper rash. He was saying 'ow' with every step, even just laying there if he shifted or something, he'd grab his butt and say 'ow' :( So it's creamed up and Thomas is on so he'll stay still while it starts to heal him a bit. Hopefully... I had bought a box of GF mac and cheese for future use, but seeing as for a few hours there I had a borderline migraine, and a headache almost all day, and Peanut's not very happy, I think we're going to make it tonight.

Some things we did, like playing with trains, playing with the grocery store, with play doh, with markers, with catepillars. Dipping grapes into maple syrup. Reading the Froggy books over and over again. He wanted to place a call to 'Ho Ho Ho' and didn't want to sing anything but Old McDonald. And he could only have sheep, kitties and a train at his farm.

Getting ready for tonight to show one of the NYE shows from Australia or England or something before Peanut goes to bed. Let him have a little sparkling apple cider too :)

Happy New Year ya'll!

You're Sick, Stay in Bed!

Sighs, kid. You're going to kill me. Up this morning, still determinedly at 7AM. Who cares if you didn't fall asleep until 9ish. And woke up a few times (but much less than normal). Up at 7! Which is way too early for when your daddy doesn't even get home till midnight. And when you only sleep < 10 hours (with wakeups) and you're recovering from croup, you need a nap. Hands down you need a nap.

Ok, clearly I started writing this during nap time!

Well, we had a little fun this morning playing. It was a bit of a power struggle though, I couldn't wake up, Boi was struggling as well. But I tried to do nice things. I tried reading him his favorite book, he kicked and screamed at it. 20 minutes later he was happily reading it to himself while ripping out the pages (yay, it's a library book). The whole morning was like that. Scream for something, adamantly deny ever wanting it, then come back later to it and sassily have at it.

And really it's continued to be that way. Example: Ask for milk. Deny wanting it. Then later go in the fridge, grab it, and dump it all over the living room floor. I hope it's just lingering sickness that is doing this.

Nap time, another power struggle. Me: You're still sick and you're clearly tired, stay in your room and go to sleep. Him: No! I'm going to climb on this gate, throw things, scream and cough my head off! Me - after trying everything else: Then I'm going to hold the door shut until you give up and go to bed.

Fortunately that worked. He didn't sleep awesome, but he seemed to remember that he couldn't open the door, so every time he'd wake up, he just complain a bit and go back to sleep. Unfortunately we're going to have to start ignoring him at night maybe now too, we were responding to every wake up, however he's well enough now, I think, to fall asleep and stay asleep. So if he continues to wake up... he's just going to have to settle down on his own. It's so tough :(

Quick recap as I want to start a new post for today (Yeah, I didn't finish it last night) we got up from our nap, watched Thomas, then TV was off. Didn't eat much, same ol' same ol', doctor's office called about him to  check up, 3 call backs later >.> Went to visit Daddy at work, picked up some healthy food, came home and in bed, only woke up twice!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Last Day With Uncle A

PJs need not match!
Sunday! I'm happy because Peanut is clearly feeling a lot better. His eyes look tired, but not super sick. He's coughing a lot less,and he's only got a low grade fever. He still woke up tons... but what else is new? We woke up this morning, no cartoons on, the PS3 was stalling, but he laid there and watched whatever cooking show cuddled up with me. We stayed there for almost an hour, before he decided to get up, and I got him some cottage cheese. He had a few bites and lost interest, instead sucking down some milk.

Daddy got up and they shared some cereal, still not a full normal breakfast, but food is food. He and daddy went to play on the train table, my stomach was bothering me. But they came back up to visit on the daddy train, so they were having a good time. Cartoons came on and we aimed to get him settled a bit. Too much play = coughing = pain = puke. Nobody wants that! I made some smilies... Peanut ate one. Maybe. 

We hopped in the car, daddy was getting ready for work, we headed for Gma's. We  ooooh at grandpa's trains, ran the one he had out. A quick change, a story, and down for a nap... back up  to change him again. Yay, normalcy again! And he took a short nap. Gpa bought a new train dvd, so they curled up and watched that, slowly driving out Uncle A and I from the room ;)

Yummy milk while Uncle A sleeps
But then we were up and playing, reading books. Uncle A gave me some photos he'd taken that had gotten almost forever lost. Peanut snacked on a little bit here and there and was acting a bit more normal. Nothing too much out of the norm that I remember. But then the best surprise of all, Daddy showed up during dinner!!! I got hugs in! Alas, he showed up because he was going to have to work a split shift as the closing manager was sick. But nothing to be sad about, because now we got to see him, and otherwise Peanut wouldn't see him till the morning. Which reminds me, we were going to stop at the store... left my list at Mom's... sighs. But it was sad because it was our last day with Uncle A, he's headed back down the long road home early tomorrow. Safe travels Uncle A, we enjoyed your visit, even if there wasn't a lot of quality fun time to be had, thanks to uncontrollable circumstances!

Peanut got a daddy bath, which is always fun. So much fun he was refusing to leave the bathroom! But we eventually got him out and in some new pajamas. No real complaining. It took him a good 45-50 minutes to fall asleep. Which I'm strangely thrilled about, because he was playing up there instead of sleeping :D :D :D So far he hasn't woken up either.

2 more days of daily updates. Which is a good thing, I could use a break ;)


So, Aunt J mentioned on Wednesday she thought Peanut had a cough. I brushed it off , he often coughs. But sure enough, it got worse and worse. Last night, while watching a repeat of Craig, I heard it. The dreaded barking sound. Last March Peanut got really really sick. That included Croup, amongst other ailments. It was easily one of the worst months of my life, it still brings dark clouds overhead thinking about it. When we were getting ready for bed, I heard his door slam against the closet, how I know he's out of bed. I look out the door and he's just leaning up against the gate, taking hard ragged breaths. Not crying, just looking pitiful. I wrapped him up in my arms, we got his humidifier running better, and I hung out with him in bed , listening . He woke up a lot, my poor ill' monster. He was up at 7 and I got him propped up on the couch with the tv.  He slowly improved as I made waffles and called the nurse line and got an appt.

Gma, PGA and Uncle A came to open presents and set up his new train table. That cheered him up! We got lots of cool new presents, but he was fading fast and early, so we hurried upstairs for a naptime, he crashed soon after.

I had to wake him up around 1 so we could get to our appointment. He allowed himself to be carried the whole way, down to the car, into the office, sat on my lap during, carried out... very unlike him. Weighed in at 29lbs 5oz (fully clothed) and we saw our doctor. She agreed on my diagnosis and gave him a steroid to help his breathing. She also agreed that it sounded like he was better off gluten free. Then we headed over to grandpa's house to play a bit. He was taking Uncle A out for a fish fry and invited us, while Gma went to a snowshoeing event. Peanut tried my fish and potato... but all he wanted was cottage cheese. And he's got Gpa wrapped around his little finger, and he ordered him a second helping of it. What a decent guy ;)

He went to bed a bit after 8, I decided to put my feet up for a bit and relax after the oddity of the day. Peanut was sick, but not too sick, as long as we kept him from playing too hard, his coughing didn't seem bad, more so just low energy. But he woke up... a lot. Especially from like 930-1130ish. I was up and down the stairs over and over. Everytime he coughed. I tried staying with him, rocking him, ignoring him, sips of water, whatever, you name it, I tried it. But every time he'd cough he'd start crying and walk to the door. It got a bit less after 1130, however he developed a fever in the middle of the night. Of course in the middle of the night, it's like, maybe he's just got too many blankets? I took off his pjs, but Peanut likes clothes I guess, and he grabbed himself a new pair of pants to wear, so he wore that to bed afterwards. By morning though, we were like, yeah, ok, fever. Gave him some advil, it was 100.5, and by that point I figured he'd likely been that high for awhile and there was no point to letting it sit that high. I know lots of people say don't treat a fever unless it's super high... but the kid sadly crawled up on top of me 30 minutes after waking up and passed out. He needed it.

We did our best to quietly play and watch tv/movies. I made him cheesy chicken, and like 10 minutes before it was ready, he was letting us know he needed a nap. We held off to try to feed him, however he flat out rejected the food, and then was a complete mess for naptime. Things really just got rough for him around then. He took a short nap. I went up there when he woke up to calm him, but he was stuck between wanting to fall back asleep but being too miserable to do so. So I took him down to the TV to see if he was a little distracted if he'd nap, but that didn't work either.

Insert  fun with puking here.

We took him over to mom's for some new distractment, it worked for the first 10 minutes? He wanted papa (He's calling gpa papa now instead of bupa) to run the trains, then he tried to chase the dog... but insert some almost fun with puking and we put on the Polar Express. The poor kid wouldn't eat dinner (but did drink a cup of chocolate milk) and didn't utter a single 'choo choo' or 'all aboard' during the whole movie. While we got him ready to go home though he did have a few small bites of a cookie. Calories! We got him changed for bed and realized that he hadn't peed at all in the last 7-8 hours? That's a little scary. He went right to sleep. He woke up every 20ish minutes from like 830-1130 or something, or at least it felt like that.

The good news? Around 5AM he woke up talking :) Of course we still needed to make him go back asleep, but he didn't wake up coughing, or crying, he woke up and started talking. Hopefully now it's hit it's worst and he'll start feeling better fast!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful

Ok, I took notes and some pictures along the way, however lack of access to my computer/ipad combined with very little sleep, hopefully I can recall the last few days as best I can. Also I'm not proofreading. It's too long and I'm sleepy. I might whine about being sleepy throughout. Enjoy that ;)

I woke up sleepily Sunday morning, pleased that it was not my morning to wake up with the boy. I slumbered out of bed, sleepily replied to a text from Grandma, and went to hang out with my boys. I was going to have a busy day cleaning, so
I wanted to soak in some time with Boi before he left for work. Grandma texted me back. 'Check Facebook.' Uuuhhhh.... ok? So I open it up... and there's a picture of a truck in the driveway. I only know one person with a truck who would elicit such a simple statement out of Gma. Uncle A had surprised us all and come to town.

So to heck with cleaning, Peanut and I got ready to head out, kissed Daddy goodbye, and ran out to visit with Uncle A. We had a few hours of fun in there, before I had to head out to Ntown to see Boi's family. Of course that also meant that Bupa had to run the trains some more. Plus we kept him awake so he would sleep on the hour+ drive to Ntown.

It was time to go, actually it was a bit later then I was thinking, but I lost track of the time. I didn't want to get there earlier then Boi's family, but I didn't want to travel at night. 330 was cutting it. I also just grabbed a few emergency items in case we decided it was too dangerous for us to drive back. So off into the snow Peanut and I traveled, it wasn't too bad until we had to start driving on the back roads. But we arrived safely, Peanut stuck to my side for ~10 minutes and then started opening up to his other grandparents, uncles and aunt. Plus it didn't hurt that a dog was there ;)

He charmed everyone, played with balls and jenga blocks, ate potatoes and avocado, opened up a RC car, got into general mischief, and had a fine time. Took me... felt like maybe 45 minutes till he would falls asleep and calm down.

We watched home videos, eventually Boi got close enough, I drove out to meet him. I started to fall asleep on the couch so I went to bed.

Didn't sleep. Peanut was stirring too much, occasionally wanting to climb into bed with me. Eventually Boi came to bed and Peanut wanted in and I gave in and we co-slept, if you consider me not sleeping cosleeping. I crashed on the couch for an hour instead.

Around 7 they came out, we watched WallE while trying to snooze a bit more, he watched happily for awhile. And Indiana Jones a little later on while preparing breakfast.

The Boys were supposed to make breakfast, obviously you can't ask a 2 year old to wait a few hours to eat, so he made him and I some eggs, then later Boi made toast to contribute.

Exhausted, I decided I couldn't stay any longer. We drove home through the snow, I was feeling rather ick so Gma watched him while I shoveled and tried to do stuff. Shoveling was all I could handle.

Went back, had chili, tried to stay awake. Came home, bathed Peanut and we both fell asleep. And I finally got some sleep.

 Woke up, Boi was back at work, Peanut watched cartoons while I wrapped presents and got things ready for us to be gone for awhile.

Visited Gma and uncle A for an hour to help me chill out after stressing and hurting my neck. Got gas, came back, Peanut watched Thomas while I did a few more last minute things, like running the dishwasher, and putting notes in the blog here.

Waited for Daddy to show up, had wrapping paper cut to match the expected last minute gifts, the car running, all set to go. Took off, I drove down to MLtown, Peanut napping the better half of the drive (daddy too).

Got there, ate dinner and some Egg Nog, we checked out the decorations and the cat in the dog crate. Opened presents and caused mischief. Got lots of neat things, like DVDs, a train set, clothes and more. If I were more awake right now, I'm sure I'd be able to rattle off the whole list, but nobody wants that, right? Right. *yawn*

Said goodbye, took off into the cold snowy windy night. It took extra long to get to Ntown, since visibility was low and the roads weren't too great. Got there safely though, Boi and I were able to keep our spirits up, took Peanut in... and for the next hour attempted to calm him down. He screamed and he cried and he writhed around. At one point I took some video so I could remember the happy memory. Until finally he fell asleep with his full weight like... on my neck :/ I gave it as long as I could hold out and shoved him off of me, and fortunately he stayed asleep and I put him as close as I could to his now equally passed out daddy and attempted to fall asleep on the 1/4 of the bed that remained. At least I ended up sleeping a bit better then the first night, however it was in short bouts as I switched from one arm falling asleep to the other as that was the only real way I could fit on the bed.

Peanut woke up around 8. We headed out into the living space, and promptly woke up Uncle K. We bummed around for awhile, snacking on some breakfast items. There were many a video call and regular call around the world to relatives.

Then the present opening began. Peanut has become a bit of a pro at unwrapping, you just needed to tell him he had another present to unwrap and he'd leave the dog food or the car and come over to help. He scored lots more neat stuff, including more books, cars, cash register, a grover doll and a penguin.

Lunch was served and enjoyed. Uncle K served a tofurkey and Abuela a ham. We cleaned up all our stuff and helped clean up after the mess of presents and lunch, but Peanut with his lack of sleep was fading fast, so we bid everyone farewell and took off. The drive home was much more pleasant, far from snow free, but the best drive yet. Apparently this is the most snow we've gotten at xmas in like 30 years. Woohoo? We got home, and somewhere along the way I was either glutenated or just the stress hit me. So it was a bit of a not so fun night. (Edited to add: And a mouse found it's way into the house, so the whole family pulled together to help catch and release that guy) Plus Boi went to work, and had to work late. However, Peanut and I trudged through, we looked in his stocking and found that Santa left him new bubble bath! So we filled the tub up above the jets, started it up, and got some really awesome bubble action. He also went to bed early and slept through the night. Can't complain about that! We went to bed early too, I had a bad headache (part of the reason I suspect gluten, I always seem to get one when I slip up) so no point to staying up and watch Craig.

This morning Boi rolled out of bed with the Peanut right around 8am. I soonish followed them, and got ready for the day. Boi and I started cleaning up the kitchen. You know, moving the presents and cleaning the dishes that didn't get in my last ditch effort while running around. Making room to make waffles! I had a new waffle maker and new maple syrup as xmas presents, and darn tooting I was going to put them to use ASAP! Used up the last of my rice flour, but it was still worth it, they were pretty delicious. And I have a little bit more to use tomorrow morning. Or maybe tonight as a snack? Mwaa haa haa! It was a chill out kind of morning. We had things to do... and none of them got done. To be fair, I did take care of two of them after his nap, but I don't think a single thing on my list got done before his nap. We spent a lot of time just going through stuff, all lazy like. We did open up presents from GG this morning, a few excellent new books :) I made some veggies and smilies for lunch, and then the boys went to brush their teeth and Peanut went down for a nap.

He napped pretty well, asleep quickly, but it was clear that the cough I shrugged off the day before had become a thing. Every 10 minutes or so in the monitor there was coughing. Poor bug. After an hour and a half, he woke up at 3ish and we turned on Thomas, didn't really feel like he got quite the rest he needed, so I was determined to have some chill out time afterwards. Then we thought we'd slip over to Gma's while Uncle A was between stuff so we'd see him a little, well, after stopping at the library of course. I made dinner, cheesy quinoa, wasn't as flavorful as I would have like, but Peanut liked it, right up to when he got distracted and wanted to get down. But Gma saved the day with brownies and cookies. That's saving the day, right? Sure, why not :) We headed over to Daddy's store then, I let him roam around without a cart as there were only a few other people in there. Niiiiiiiiice and quiet. We enjoyed a lunch break with him, picked up some much needed milk and some convenient cereal, and headed home.

He immediately headed downstairs, so I started on this ^^ intermixed with playing with toys to the tune of the Pink Panther of course. Priorities, don't'cha'know? Bedtime went well... if you consider reading books in the dark well at least ;) He wanted the lights off, so I did, finished up everything and turned them back on to read... and he got upset and hit the wall with his hand, demanding I turn it back off. Soooo we read stories in the dark. Fortunately I had 2 of the 3 memorized, and the last one enough to fake it. Then I told him no more, not in the dark at least. So a kiss goodnight, and he was asleep in 20ish minutes. Lot's of coughing, but he's staying asleep. THE END!

I've got a lot of videos, maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Trains and Cookies! And I Ramble on about Milk...

He only woke up once last night :) And it was only for a teeny tiny short while, and he put himself back down. And then woke up at 8. Sooooooooo happy!!! We'll see what happens tonight now though. Either we're making progress or it's an extreme fluke. But I made pancakes this morning! GF pancakes with coconut milk... mmmm... yeah he's really not digging the coconut milk. Which reminds me I was going to run out and get some almond milk to try. I'm really not a huge fan of the idea of soy milk... just there are so many weird things about soy. But really I'm not so sure it's going to do much? But I have to see. With his history, and his dad's family history... though we tried lactose free milk in the past with no change in him. So the thought is that maybe he has an issue to the milk and not the lactose. I just want to rule things out so I can say, I put him back on cows milk without issue. I guess I could also try goats milk?

Well whatever, today we had a big ol' fun plan in mind. GMa's house! At first I thought it was mainly going to be making GF xmas cookies, however when we got there, we discovered GPa set up the G Scale train in the living room! One giant loop of fun! So that ended up being the core of our day, though OF COURSE we made cookies. He enjoyed cutting out shapes, though he need a guiding hand to push it all the way through. We read our new library books, The Night Before Christmas, The Last Train and The Rain Train. The last two weren't quite what I was hoping for, they're more poetry and pretty pictures, and not so much a 2 year old story. But alas, they're new train books and I won't complain! The trains were overstimulating though, and he was not into taking a nap, so of course he ended up with a couch nap in front of train videos.

I ran out for some chocolate almond milk. Genius. Even if he doesn't like the taste of almond milk... it's freaking chocolate. And he loooooooooved it. If he goes tonight and tomorrow night and sleep as good as or better as last night, then we'll try cow's milk on Monday? Maybe? Or really we could go a few days out after xmas. A week of chocolate almond milk isn't going to hurt him (I don't think!) Obviously I just want him to sleep without crying or being up all night. Not sleeping. He was being very well behaved, he tried his dinner, some carrot potato and meat, but it was too spicy for him. So GMa made him a PB toast instead. And he downed another sippy and a half of chocolate milk. We headed home and started to clean up the house some. As much as one can clean with an excitable toddler at least, dragging cloth diapers all over the house and demanding snacks and milk... which GMa so thoughtly drove over after I left it! Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks! She turned it into a xmas light viewing venture. I love how he's almost so super excited to brush his teeth, he was actually doing a really good job tonight. We read... well, first he wanted the duck to play with him, so the duck suggested different books to read. He ignored it's reccomendations. So we read Noisy Train, the Kitten book, Good Night Train, then finally... Barnyard Dance. That sure is a good way to chill out for the night!

Later on I thought he was asleep and went to retrieve my SD card that got left upstairs, and he totally was faking it and jumped up as I walked by. But I tucked him back in and he stayed, fortunately. So I'm finishing this post in peace :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Trees of Light!

This morning our buddy IR came over with a present for Peanut to open! Which was great, otherwise I was going to wrap a not so often seen toy just to give him some practice ;) She brought a neat flap train book for him, he's already flipping through it solo looking for teddy bears in the flaps.

We went outside and played in the snow/shoveled a bit. Went for a sledride around the house. We ate a lot of fruit, finished up the banana bread, and he had to go down for his nap early. He slept ok last night... he woke up around midnight and 130, then up for the day an hour+ early at 7. Poor Daddy's turn to get up with him too. But he took his nap well at least.

He got up, ran around the house, we played with the playdoh some, he helped me feed the cats. We neglected to go to the library, but we'll do that on our way to Gma's tomorrow. Our big event of the day was to drive down to a place about an hour away for dinner and a light display. Dinner was a hot mess, Peanut wouldn't sit still, he wouldn't eat or drink, of course I didn't pack a toy or something to distract him, he ended up tipping his chair over and crying on my lap for a really really long time. Sighs. He's just been off his rocker and crying a ton lately. Darn good thing he's cute!

But we left in good spirits and headed for the lights. We all loved them, the kids gazed around in wonder, and I'm sure never would have wanted to leave if it wasn't so chilly (~20 degrees, bundled up like penguins). But he broke down at the end, his fingers were getting cold (he needs to make fewer snowballs, his mittens only work so well!) So we rushed him into the car and took off. I sat back there with him, as it took a block or two for the tears to die down.

But then we saw a train... then a light train. He was happy, and then he spent a good deal of time counting my fingers. Sometimes he'd miss one and I'd have four, or keep on counting and I'd have eight :)

We got home, had a snack, then read a bunch of books, including our new book, a Quiet book, a color book, Moo Baa Lalala... yeah. But it was 835 then and I sent the boys packing for bathtime. Then we read our Santa book, Noisy Train, and Happy Hippo, Angry Duck. I'm really not sure how much longer the gate will work, he gets halfway over and stops. As long as he doesn't feel safe climbing all the way over... but I feel like soon we're going to play the, walk back to your room game. That or get something so he can't open his door, but that's not a long term solution, that's just a fire hazard. Sigh. But he's asleep now, and my phone is done dumping pictures, so time to turn it into a flashlight and check on him and his covers.

He was sleepining cozily, pulled the blankets from under him and covered him up. We're going to go watch a movie now, maybe make some hot cocoa as I glare at him and his freshly made gluten filled cookies <3

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Day with Daddy and now... just go the f@#$ to sleep...

Listening him do anything but nap right now. Last night was just a comedy of errors and now all I want us both to do is lay down and close our eyes. But that's getting ahead of myself, eh?

Boi let me sleep in, that's always a good start :) Eventually Peanut stormed up to get me up though. I slowly began to assess things when I noticed a text from grandma to go workout. Soooo I left Peanut with Daddy s'more and went to work out. Way to go Daddy yesterday, pretty much taking care of him all morning. I got back, helped put him down for a nap, which went very well.

We got some stuff done around the house, like cleaning out the fridge and doing a little bit of xmas shopping. Peanut was a little prince at the store, no yelling or complaining, happily looking at everything and occasionally wanting to redo his buckle on the safety strap. We put on our library copy of the Little Mermaid... and could only watch about half of it. As it kept skipping to the next section. But you know, it's fine. We got to see 5ish minute segments ;) I made Boi some bread, and some GF Banana bread. Used a new flour blend, it seems to be a bit more crumbly then the last, but I think that's because there was no xanthan gum. So what I need to do is learn how to correctly add the right amount of xanthan to flour? I can figure that out tonight. The flavor was still good.

He went to bed... ok. A bit late.

Thursday: First I think he was cold. He wanted 'choo choo' pajamas and the only ones we had clean were lightweight ones. Then I think he got too curious about me changing the temp on his space heater, and went to play with it. Well I squashed that. Then I think he drank too much water and peed A LOT. In the end, he didn't sleep well.

So, it was my day to get up with  him, so at 745, I was up and out of bed. I turned on the TV for some distraction so I could sleepily get ready for the day, and it was a new (new to me at least) episode of Dinosaur Train AND Sesame Street. So we watched DT and the first half of SS before breakfast. Which was of course banana bread and string cheese? I was feeling pretty alert at that point, Boi woke up and came down to play for a few minutes, then went to get ready for work. A 10-8 today, joy. My least favorite shift. He's basically of no use to me or Peanut all day. If... IF he gets out on time, he can do bathtime, really the only time that happens is when he comes home for that, dinner, then goes back into work. I thought maybe we'd go to Gma's and make those Xmas cookies we'd been talking about making, but alas, she was busy today. I knew she had a lunch thing, but I guess she had some other stuff lined up. Maybe tomorrow then.

Well, we don't do much of anything productive this morning I don't believe. I wrap a few presents from the night before... we read a story or 3. I contemplated building a fort but my engery level was tanking. I went to put on some fun xmas music, and I see the full original Frosty the Snowman on Youtube. So he climbed up on my lap and we watched that. I had a crazy craving for nachos the night before, so since I drove out to get the stuff for that last night, I made us up some sausage and nachos for lunch. Score! Before we knew it, it was naptime. Brush our teeth, read a few stories, off I went.

He didn't fall asleep. In fact he pooped. This is of quite some significance. It was solid. And during naptime, just like before when he was a gluten free diet. Which we had done yesterday, and this morning. I'm really about ready to just say, hay, kid. You're going GF with me. I wish he could tell me if it helped his tummy. But I know most people feel better when they poop normally, and don't feel well at all when they don't. There is no good way to tell if you're gluten intolerant, or worse, other then seeing if you feel better. His legs broke out again in his Keratosis Pilaris and his face is starting to look a bit ick. I now want to give it a few more days again and see if both of those go away, as eczema and KP are both signs of a gluten problem. My KP has completely vanished, that's for certain. Last time, we got a warm spell when we tried it, and warmer air is gentler, so there's no way to know if it was the environment or the food that cleared it up. This time, we aren't in store for nice weather. Unless you count 20s. But the protector in me is seeing him seemingly healthier without it. So... it should be the right choice for us? He can't tell me if he's got other symptoms.

Anyways, we tried the old, tv on the couch gag, but he got up and went to the fridge. Guess he was hungry? So after eating a bit, I turned on some trains to keep him still, gave him a diaper to play with and he zonked out.

I let him sleep till about 430, which is my breaking point on naps. Any later and bedtime will start to get rough. I had switched to a Looney Tunes xmas video to help him gently wake up, and started on dinner. Rice, peas, a little cheese and a little sausage. He ate it pretty well, as long as he didn't know he was eating sausage. Though I did end up going downstairs with him with it. The mood he was in though... we had a full blown temper in front of the fridge, and many mini ones throughout the evening. I got a little tired of it, and I took him for a quick trip to the grocery store, then thought maybe Gma had gotten the cookie dough ready to roll out. Alas, it had been a busy day for her, but we rolled on over for a short while anyways. Honestly, I just didn't want to risk being home for more tantrums ;) He was a sweetie over there though, as always, and then we swung towards home. I decided to go the long way, went through a few wealthier neighborhoods to look for some 'good lights.' We found some neat displays, got Peanut saying something like 'Ho ho ho, Berry alkdsjfaslfjlsdj' which was close to Merry Christmas, says I! He also said 'Choo Choo Light' a lot... but there were no trains. Oh well.

We got home, and we still had a little bit of time before Daddy got home, so we set to work vacuuming. Honestly, yes. He loves to vacuum. I don't do it enough with him, quite frankly. When Daddy came home, I mentioned that we had gotten 3 presents addressed to him. I was pleased, as I told him he could order me presents, and if it shipped to him, I wouldn't open them. Alas... they were not for me. But they were from the GG's for Peanut! I looked at the notes, and saw that one was an XMas book. It seemed like the perfect oppurutnity to practice opening presents. You'd think this would be an innate skill, but alas my Peanut... he does not open a present well. He gets distracted too easily, maybe he fears ripping the paper. I don't know what it is, but it was good practice. We read a few pages of the book before bed, but it's a long book and he gets antsy about new books, so we stopped there. He was super duper quiet actually after we shut the door. Hopefully my little monster can keep his eyes closed tonight. And Boi comes back from work sometime (I told ya, he only comes home on time if it means he can go back in)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A New Week has begun

So Monday. Woke up twice that night. I'm going to keep a food log and match it up to sleep patterns. Because at this point he's fine with his bed, and he should be able to consistently sleep through the night again.

So on Monday Gma volunteered to babysit. Peanut was at her place A LOT, Friday Sunday and Monday, but she volunteers to babysit, right? :D So we went over and worked a little bit on her scrapbook and took off. When I got back a bit later, Peanut ran over to me excited, slightly distracted that I brought over one of his trains to stay at Gma's (HE HAS SO MANY TRAINS) but then climbed right up on me and I had no choice but to snuggle him for a good 20 minutes.

Then we went into the other room, we read the Froggy book, and then he wanted to read the Cow book, but it was on the sofa and not with the rest of the books. So first he jumped down saying 'one more!' I asked him which one he wanted. 'Cow.' A few seconds later 'Where'ditgo?' I told him to look on the couch, and he happily went over and said 'book.'

It was a pretty awesome conversation. Then he went and ate scalloped potatoes and not so much the peas. He doesn't like them as much at Gma's. Then we swang by Daddy's work, under my friendly influence, he remembered to ask to switch his shift on xmas eve to leave a bit earlier. Score. Peanut downed a pouch then was super greedy for Daddy's lunch. We did some light shopping and headed home. It was almost bedtime already so we quickly did the bath thing.

After he went to bed and I checked on him, he was completely zonked, I realigned him in bed, refilled his humidifier, he didn't bat an eye. Pretty sweet.

Of course then he woke up 700 times. Yay. Running on fumes today. Got up with him, got him ready for the day, moved around slowly, then suddenly remembered Boi, somewhere around 4AM, said he'd take Peanut to story time solo today. He knows he can sleep through a lot of the waking up, but I'm stuck awake until he finally completely falls asleep. SCORE!

Yeah... apparently he did really well for the first two stories, liked the song, then fell apart. So they were back in a half hour flat. I spent a lot of my free time today finishing up xmas gift stuff. Yay... Ummm... What else. Blanking... blanking... He was liking his truck a lot. Oh I made lunch, chicken for me, pasta for Boi, and Peanut ate some of them both. Then we went and tucked him in for a nap, and Boi left me for work.

After his nap we turned on PBS for what was supposed to be a few minutes to wake up, and it was a new Peg + Cat. And I've fallen in love with her so we HAAAAAAD to watch the whole thing. He downed some of his cereal he had left out from breakfast (or I suppose, I left out from breakfast) and then he wanted cheese. So I got him some cottage cheese.

He was doing really well till it got to the end and it was harder to scoop, so I got together a last spoonful and asked him 'one more bite?' And he replied back, 'One more bite.' My heart swelled! That was, I think, his first for real three word phrase! 'Daddy, whereyou?' or 'daddy, Iloveyou' don't count as the phrases are kind of like one word to him. But first he said 'more' then he started to say 'one more' then he tacked bite onto it :D Then later that night... he said 'Need help, mommy!' I'm dying here people! We were playing with train stickers 'green choo car' or something like that. So not only are we using new 2 word phrases, but a third word stuck in there. Please oh please let this trend continue. He's also getting really into saying 'happy!' I hope he understands what that means, we have been working on happy vs sad.

I went upstairs for a minute, and I heard a clunking coming up the stairs. He was dragging the gallon of milk and his sippy up to me. So... we could still use that bit of communication where he ASKS me for something instead of just bringing me stuff... but you know :) It was cute. Not that he's supposed to take the gallon out of the fridge or anything, he can grab his milk or go in there to show us what he wants. Otherwise it's 'not a toy.'

Then we turned on youtube to google 'Twas the Night Before Xmas' videos, so we could talk a bit more about next week. He doesn't listen to me very well, but he gets it a bit better when I'm talking about the pictures on the screen. I think. At least he doesn't run away to pretend he's a train then. We took the pictures then, that's why he's transfixed looking over my shoulder. But then I said we were done and he ran over and turned off the TV.

Eventually, things came to pass that he was running around mostly nakid... and I decided it was time to brush our teeth.  HAH! We read 'Noisy Train' 'Thats not my Kitten' 'Goodnight Train' and finally something new, the 'Eyes Ears.... yadda yadda' book. And I was free for the night! It's 11 now, waiting for Boi to call... I'll go enjoy this video and wait for that :)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pulling Through on the Post!

I said I'd post tonight and here it is! So where were we... he was poking his head out right around 8am. Usually either Saturday or Sunday we go over to Grandma's just to hang out, the both of us for awhile. But they got a late start so it wasn't going to be this morning. So we were hanging out inside, that became clear. We came down and got ready, he had a bowl of cereal and I had a GF cinnamon roll and some leftover eggs from the night before. He got his train going, and eventually we headed up to wake up Daddy. We crawled into bed, and Peanut sang 'Daaaaddy, I loooove you.'

Which was adorable.

We tried to get him to say it to me, but he just said no. Which was adorable in of itself.

Blanking... blanking... I know at some point Boi ran out for soda, into the bitter cold... I was trying to finish up my video montage... no cleaning got done today, whoops. Except the diapers got in the washing machine. They watched some football... trains were played with... naptime came along, and along with it, poop from butt to socks. All down his leg (I assume as I undressed him I  caused that somehow) Soooo icky, then he grabbed the diaper as I was trying to figure out what was going down and threw it poopside down on the carpeting ><

So there's your disgusting tidbit for the day. Oh, since I was bad about photos today, here's the update on the lights on the house, at least I don't think I've posted it.

He fell asleep for his nap IN HIS BED. First time! He didn't stay asleep for long enough though. I went up there, he wasn't too happy to be awake, so I wrapped him up in my arms and we rocked for awhile. Once he was stirring a bit more, I asked him if he wanted to see Gma and Gpa, and he jumped down IMMEDIATELY and said 'Bob!' and I laaaaaughed. So we headed over, enjoyed some... oh shit. Oooooh shit. He didn't eat much dinner. I didn't refeed him tonight.... will he wake up hungry? Kids all over the world sleep hungry (i'm not saying that's a good thing or anything) so he should sleep, ya? It's not like he didn't drink, or doesn't have water, or didn't eat anything... just feeling a little guilty now. He had some corn and some ham and some sausage... but not much of any of it. Lot's of milk though?

Well, hung out, I freaked out some more at Gma's about all the pictures I'm missing since we lost the laptop. But I got pictures off of Gma's phone and that helped some. We read stories for awhile, hung out, that sort of thing. I forgot my phone though, so no pictures, really no pictures today except this morning. And some video I took tonight for a different project.

That's what I need, a project! Aside from... you know... cleaning the house. Sigh. And getting Boi to finish his xmas shopping. And finishing my xmas projects. I spend far too much time blogging, clearly THAT'S the issue ;) Actually I kind of really want to head to bed. I'm a little nervous about Peanut tonight, not sure why exactly, he was acting a bit... off... oh yeah, he was likely hungry. DAMNIT! I suppose if he was super hungry he'd of just gone to the fridge, yeah?

Ok. Well. Nothing much happened today that I remember. If I remember otherwise at some point, I'll let you know. So instead, enjoy this video from his second birthday party ;)

He Slept Through The Night!

Did you read the title? He slept through the night for the first time since we introduced his bed! So of course, I'm awake early. Yay me.

Friday was a super entertaining day, but let's see if I can remember Thursday... who am I kidding, who could forget Thursday?


The day the world ended! Peanut woke up around 1am... after being asleep for like 3-3.5 hours? And so began 4 hours of really not sleeping... much... if at all. I hadn't even fallen asleep yet, and Boi could sleep inbetween cries and through the talking. Finally at 5am I finally was able to get him to go asleep... till 630. Which he woke up screaming/crying so hardcore he had a hard time breathing. The closer he got to bed, the harder it got. I tried changing his diaper, I tried reading him a story in our chair, I tried taking him back to bed with me... and I ended up on the couch watching PBS with him. He was extra antsy for awhile, so I fed him.

Then once the sun was up and we survived a few hours of sleepy weirdness, I took him over to grandma's house to play. She had already agreed to babysit on Friday, and boy did I remember that with a vengeance! Where he only took an 1.5 hour nap. I can't say much though, I couldn't nap either.

I went back over at dinnertime, and he was a spitfire of energy. Basically all we did was play over there for awhile, Grandma and I worked on her scrapbook, then we took off for daddy's store. We  quickly did some grocery shopping for eggs and milk and a few pouches for Friday.

We came home and started bedtime pretty darn fast. And he went to sleep pretty damn fast. He fell asleep nodding off in front of the space heater. Mmmm... warmth...

He woke up 3 times that night.

The next morning, we got ready to go! We were going on a 2+ hour drive to Mtown to see GG! We got a later start then I would have liked, but you know what? I needed the sleep pretty bad. Peanut was pretty excited for the first 45ish minutees just by watching all the cars and such and playing with the train on his lap. Then began the toy/book shuffling in and singing... till we hit Mtown and he passed out ;) Fortunately we had to drive all the way to the other side of town to reach our destination of the gluten free bakery. Then we received the call from GG that they were on their way, so we hightailed it to the capital building to look at the lights (and toy train!)

Ahhhh, the capital building. Peanut was in awe, first the tree, but very quickly the train that ran around and around the tree. We had to keep reminding him that the barricade around it meant "Stop!" Whenever we talk about stop we put our hand up to help it give more of a fun action to the meaning. We stop our feet, put our hand up and say stop! He also even looked up at the ceiling once or twice, and stared seemingly amazed... I assume by the height but perhaps by the decor. But 5-10 seconds later it was back to staring at the train. GG and Grandpa GG showed up a bit later and we took off for lunch. Peanut behaved nicely, nomming on some roti and some of my gf brownie I stashed in my pocket just for that purpose, and bites of our food. The GG's gave Peanut a gift of a Duplo train, and then they had to leave. We took off then for a really exciting afternoon at the children's museum! Just a short cold walk over there :)

We got there and we were having fun before we could even pay an entrance fee! But then it kept getting better. The 5 and under area was full of circles, tunnels, bridges and slides. We got wet in the water house, so we took off his sweater at that point. Then we headed upstairs, where the cow on the pully, the hamster wheel, the block world, the arts and crafts, the telephone booth, the diner, etc etc were. Peanut was in love with the hamster wheel. It would have been a lot of fun being in there alone, but I had to try to not go too fast so that he'd fall down. I think the person outside could force it to stop, but whatever, trying to keep it at a fun fast pace while holding his hand was a fun challenge :) He had a lot more fun in the arts and crafts area then I thought he would, so maybe he's finally going to start showing more of an interest in drawing. Or maybe he just liked how wet and messy the area we chose was. Water was constantly running through and there were cups of paint. We barely managed to get an apron on him before he dove on in to explore and play. I  took off my sweater and dove in with him :)

Man, trying to remember all the details, but I'm so glad we went. He so happy running around and completely unafraid to just dive in and figure out how to play how he wants in a new area. We got back to the car and drove home, Peanut slept most of the way. Our car is really bad at keeping warm in cold weather, for the longest time I was having to alternate the defrost on and off once the sun went down, but eventually figured out if I turned on the rear defrost too, the temp in the car didn't seem to drop as fast. So we managed like that for the last 30 or so minutes home. We got home, I made some smilies and some veggie egg cups for dinner (and a gluten free doughnut!) and put together his new duplo train.

And of course, like I mentioned, once he fell asleep, he didn't wake up till 8 <3 He could have slept longer, but I dun care because hey. No wakeups! He didn't cry or anything this morning, I heard him shuffling around on the monitor, so I poked my head around the corner and sure enough, he was poking his head out of his door :) I'll try to post today... tonight! We'll see.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Daddy's Day Off and a Music Class

Yesterday was Boi's day off. I like to think of it as a vacation day, as I'm not sure why else he got 3 days off this week. (He didn't use all his vacation, and can't use it anymore after this). Alas the day got off to a rocky start as he didn't get home till 5AM. But he did his best to be awake late in the morning and hang out with Peanut. And hang out we did! It was a FRIGID day, never getting above zero. So we all stayed in our pajamas! Here in the picture we were playing downstairs so we wouldn't be quite so loud for the sleeping daddy. Not that we were quiet... just it's harder for the sound to travel :)

We broke out some leftovers for lunch, then on to his next try at a bed nap. It... didn't happen. He pooped at somepoint, the nap ruiner!!! But I put him down then for a Rick Steves on the couch nap, and that worked like a dream. We woke him up at 430, likely too early for him at that point, but it had to be done. I set to business making dinner, cheesy brocolli, onion and quinoa. He must not have been hungry at first, but later on he down the bowl easily. Then we called GG, Peanut is getting much better about video calls. Not that he'll sit still, but in realizing that we're on the iPad with another person, a person who can be interacted with, and therefore until we say byebye it has to stay open and no games on it.

Oooh, look, action shot! 'Dune? (Down?) Swide! (Slide!) Wee!'

After that, it was time to get the crib out of his room. We left it in there as an 'oh shit, the world is ending' backup, however the time had come that we knew he would eventually be able to pass out somewhere in the room if he wouldn't lay in the bed. So we took off the back and front so we could get it down to the lower floor, then reattached the back. So now it's acting kind of like a futon, though I need to figure out exactly how much weight the crib is supposed to be able to hold. But he can climb fine on it, obviously.

Bedtime was... kind of rough? Basically he fell asleep in the closet around 1015. Hardly an ideal time or place, but he was more then willing to get into bed. Woke up twice, once at 245 and again around 415. Up for the day at 8, today, which is Thursday!


Music class day! Well we decided if the Peanut alarm clock went off on time, then we'd go. And it did, no extra sleep for us poor old saps. So down we went to music class... which went poorly. I guess he has this thing right now where he likes to say 'ow.' And he's horrible at listening to direction. Listening in general, or staying on task. He did really well for the dance in a circle game, well, he was into it by the end when he figured out to listen/copy. But after that he just wanted to hightail it for the window or door and not interact at all.

So instead we skipped out a bit early and went up to the museum. Which he loved, he played with trains, a giant cow, drums, slides, rock walls, tumbling mats, a balance beam, paints, you name it, he loved it all. So we've decided to blow off music class till January. He's just not that kid yet, I want him to do what he enjoys, and in the meantime, we'll continue going to (Free!) story times at the library(s) to work on learning that sometimes it pays off to sit quietly and listen and interact with an teacher/leader/other kids.

Oh, did I mention he decided to nap in front of his space heater today? Nice.

I've also decided that we're going to do a week with no iPad/TV. No early morning Sesame street to drowsily let mom and dad start the day, no post nap Jeopardy. No, mommy needs you distracted for a bit so play with this iPad. We've really tried to cut back, as it was silently becoming more and more of a thing, but it seems like a good opportunity to just slash it all right now.

Oh , no screen went good and he said 'one more!' And 'oh no! Where 'd it go?' During story time :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday Monday Tuesday!

So much for posting last night! Oh well, whatever, the kid's asleep, I'm waiting on something for work, I has time right now.

Update on Saturday: He grew .5-.75 inches! Woo Hoo!

Sunday: We woke up (early) and played downstairs on the new bed for awhile. Daddy worked late, so we headed over to Grandma's to keep the house quiet. We came in our Packer gear to cheer them on. We enjoyed their new xmas tree, and lots of snuggling time. We stayed up extra late waiting for Daddy to stop by, then he crashed for his nap.

Grandma took extra good care feeding us, making Peanut french toast, me eggs, and everyone turkey bacon. Peanut demolished it all eagerly. Plus I was extra lucky with a twin yolk egg scramble!

We discovered that Peanut, with his new height, was now trying to go up steps one foot alternating on the steps. Awesomesauce! At bathtime, I taught him to float/lay on his back in the tub for a fun new way to play in the bathtub. He thought it was fun to turn his head and slurp up bathwater. Sighs.

Monday: We donned our new Batman shirt and cape, and attacked the day! We had chickpea nuggets and mango picnic, then we headed out into the cold to Walgreens to take his passport picture. While we waited for them to be processed, we headed to Target and picked up some new Thomas toothpaste and Daddy's Xmas present. Hmmm... I really should have Peanut make a present for him too. Then he started experimenting jumping off the couch. But the real big thing on Monday was that it was  'New Bed Day.' Went to bed a bit late at 945, fell asleep around 11:00. Woke up at 330, and frequently was awake and playing between then and 600. Then up for the day at 800. Sighs. But about what I expected.

Napping awkwardly by the door
Tuesday: So, clearly we're all overtired. But we plan on going to city hall one way or another, so we head to Storytime. Yeah, that worked out horribly, we ran for the hills after two stories. Part of the problem was that he really wanted to go over to the train tracks across the way. But umm... no. Sorry. Cold and icy/snow. So instead we head in to finish up his passport. I alternate letting him run up and down the hallway, and ducking in with him to see if we're needed for signitures and DL handing overage. Then the boys had pizza and I had chicken, and we put him down for his first bed nap. Boi went to work, and I went up... once or twice to check on him. When I was sure he was asleep about an hour after putting him down, I peeked in and he fell asleep kneeling on the ground, his head in his hands on the bed. So I shoved the door past his feet (he was by the door) and put him back in the bed successfully.

When he woke up he was UBER cranky. I tried giving him a teething toy, and he went to town on it. So I dunno? He's likely just overtired, but that's something to watch out for. He ONLY wanted crackers with peanut butter spread on them. Picky guy. Not even yummy berries. He kept asking to go outside, to the point of insanity, so I took him over to grandma's for a short while, then headed over to daddy's work to have a 'lunch break' with him.

Went home for more... yeah... peanut butter and crackers. Though I convinced him to have a pouch too. We keep pouches on hand since they're pure vitamins when he's being cranky about healthy eating. I didn't want him going to bed late, so we just filled the sink with water and splashed our hands and face wet and clean. A few stories (including City Bus and The Little Train) in bed, and I tucked him in. Only went up once to resettle him and he was out in < 30 minutes. Woo hoo! So hopefully he sleeps better throughout the night now that everything isn't quite as new and exciting. I fully expect him to wake up once and maybe play a little, but hopefully not for 2.5 hours.

This >>> is just a picture of the curly hair he has on the back of his head. The center back of his head has always had different hair. Fuzzyier, lighter, curly. The rest of it is fairly thick but straight and not frizzy at all. So will they fight the rest of his life, or will straight give in to curls, or vice versa?


Oh, and here's Peanut jumping off the couch.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Catching up

Ok, looks like I've got through Tuesday. So time to catch up so I can... be caught up for my daily project? *turns on youtube to drown out the obviously not sleeping toddler*

Wednesday: It rained most of the day, but we  got out anyways and built our snowman. Three... times... the rain just leeched into him and he'd fall over. In fact, I'll try to get a picture, by the time it froze, he's pretty far leaning over again. Peanut was really into making teeny tiny snowballs, but they'd stick to his glove. Then he'd run them over to me and I'd dislodge them and throw it at him. I'm such the loving mother :) Boi was home, and in the evening we all went out to shovel as much slush as we could before the freeze. One of the neighbors was doing the same with their dog, so Peanut ran over to play with the dog. She loves to lick, so that's always a surprise for him!

We also played on the sled some, but we had to be careful as we still don't have boots for him. Need... boots... I pulled him up and down the sidewalk, then down the hill in back. He loved it, so improvement on last year and sledding!
Thursday: Things were fine on Thursday until 'nap time' then he just went full out crazy. 5 seconds into brushing his teeth and he had a full out meltdown. Then the whole day was interesting. Very intense. Like him crawling out of the crib. Yay? Yeah, big boy bed very very soon. I felt like I had to be 'On' nonstop all day.

But we did fill up balloons with colored water, we cracked those open this morning. I wanted to make sure they were frozen at least most of the way through. So that was fun. And very green. For whatever reason the red was fine but the green got everywhere. Then for dinner he had peanuts, cereal, blueberries, cauliflower (well, some) grilled cheese sandwhich and a few pears. Then like 10 oz of milk. Growth spurt?

Ok, I know I took more pictures then that train one on Thursday, but I can't freaking find them... I pulled up the trundle bed and we took pictures downstairs... sighs.... oooh... for some reason they're still on the memory card even though I did a dump ... I thought that night? Well, whatever, they're still safe.

Once he went to bed, I sat on the couch watching Chopped :D Ahhh, streaming.

Friday: Tree lighting! We went down to the Great Hall, saw Mrs Claus (he said 'Ho Ho Ho'), stared at a man in a bull/cow/Minotaur suit, then played with D&I a little bit. There were a lot of people and Peanut was antsy, so we went to the mall and found some cheap work pants for Boi since he ripped another pair. Also found Peanut a new Thomas the Train tshirt.

Ahhh, what else yesterday... it was a lazy day. Boi fixed our dishwasher, so I'm back to being able to do the dishes the easy way. I'm way pro that. We were out too late and missed movie night, and the movie is due back... hmm. I guess Peanut and I will watch it tonight. It's Ratatouille, I'm stoked to watch it again.

We never get the pictures on the right day...but we get them!
Today - AKA Saturday! Today was going to be aweeeesome. We were going to go down to the children's museum, sit on Santa's lap, hang out with friends both our ages. But then some unfortunate stuff happened and she had to cancel. So then no problem, we can still go, right? 6ish wakeups overnight, Peanut woke up weird. Boi went and got him out of the crib and he ran away from him :/ We were all tired and worried about him having a bad time thanks to whatever was going on last night this morning and so we decided to hold off. So no Santa. So then I thought, we can still salvage today and play at Grandma's! ... but she was busy :(

The Peanut is on the couch now, he's quiet... I can watch his head from down here, but I don't want to creep up too early and startle him out of falling asleep. My floors are majorly creaky. The fact that he's still on the couch 10 minutes later 'watching' This Old House though... I think he's likely asleep. I'll get a picture of him sleeping in a few minutes. Oh here it is >>

He actually slipped down a bit so I can't see his head from down here. Ah well. He'll be asleep for awhile longer.

But that's enough, I'm caught up.