So last night, I decided to try operation crib full force again. I let him zonk out, put him in, and he slept fine for about 2.5 hours. Alas, he zonked out almost 2 hours before Boi got home, and I really didn't manage to nap or be productive during that time. After that, the struggle began. 115, up, fed him, made sure to get a good burp out of him, moved the footrest next to his crib to soothe him to sleep, but then he spat up a few times after that, got another good burp out of him... and around 230 he finally was asleep.
Crawled back into bed, but I'm a horrible sleeper and I maybe slept 15 minutes before 330ish and he was up and crying again. Went in, he was a poopin' so I held him for awhile for him to stop, changed him, fed him, burped him, and this time I swaddled him to see if that would help. He fought it for awhile, but fell asleep again like by 430. Was a little less grunty... that or I fell asleep sooner, but before 6 he was up again. Rinse and repeat, but this time... he wouldn't close his eyes. And freaked out if I didn't have my face within view. Decided, ok well if he just wants to see me he can just come to bed with me now. So, 7amish we crawled into bed... but now he wanted to be rocked and see me. Didn't want to lay on my chest either or in the crook of my arm. Thought maybe he didn't eat enough, fed him again, but he kept it up.
Boi was awake thanks to all his crying by now, so I took him down to the couch. But now he was overtired and not productive awake, so we walked and walked and walked. Finally got him to rest quietly on me on the couch and I dozed off. Boi came down around 9 shortly after he calmed down, took him, changed him, and this time Peanut allowed the swing to put him asleep, while I napped restlessly till about 11. Boi made lunch, I fed him again, and thanks to his morning fit, zonked out and I put him back in the crib. I crawled into bed and Boi put up the gate so the cats couldn't bother us. Around 230 Peanut was getting too restless to sleep through, we got up.
Now I just got him to sleep... but now I have to wake him up to feed him because K&B are in town and we're going out to dinner. Oh well! Better go do that! He should hopefully fall back asleep in the car regardless!
-cut to this evening-
Mom watched and played with him this evening while I nursed a headache and exhaustion on her couch. Fortunately it's gone now, and I just fed him to go to bed, alas I see eyes. EYES? Kid, you were just awake for a few hours, now is the time to sleep! Ah well... wish us luck. At least he's calm so he should go to sleep soon.
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