Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Day Out!

Ped_office Tuesday was quite the day! Peanut had a follow-up appointment with his new Ped yesterday afternoon, things went great, he pee'd all over the scale, but didn't get enough height/distance to take any records. He's now 6lbs 14oz, up from his birth weight of 6lbs 5oz, so BIG EATER! He aced the rest of his exam, the doc decided we could skip coming in for a two week visit (woohoo!) so he's good for another month and a half or so. He then spent most of the day napping, we picked up K and went to Target and Ace, then went out for some nummy sushi. Much nummy sushi, it was so nice to look at the menu and not have to scout for the cooked rolls. Just ordered whatever sounded good :D Peanut was a champ through it all, napping peacefully, wooing the waitress. So our first public outing was pretty much a success! Yay us, not messing things up! We'll have to try going to my parents house sometime when Dad's not sick anymore!

FirstBath He then got a sponge bath later that night, he wasn't a huge fan of it, he's got this thing about being nekkid. But he calmed down by the end, as you can see in the picture. Though when we went to give him his diaper change at the end, he decided it was a good time to start pooping non-stop... filled the diaper, so I said to heck with it and just let him poop into the towel. Breastfed poo breaks down fine in the wash, why should I worry about it, right? Of course then Boi let his back hit some of it, and part of his bath had to be redone, lol!

Boi was gone yesterday again, and once again Peanut was a fussy little monkey. Finally got him  to sleep in the afternoon again though, and then Mom and brother stopped by with subs and they held him and kept him happy and not thinking about food. It was another exhausting day and still riding that hormonal roller coaster, but I pumped Boi a bottle and he let me get to bed a few hours before him so I could rest mostly undisturbed, aside from Peanut crying bloody murder when he got undressed for a diaper change.

Then this morning Boi took him to change him in-between nighttime nappings, I heard a loud yell, and figured that meant I likely should get out of bed and help. Peanut got his first really good distance, got poop on the closet door, the floor, all over the changing table, then when we kind of got  things cleaned up enough to resume, he pee'd all over everything! Ah well, it woke us up, but we still managed another nap after it :)

Now we're chilling, Boi is playing video games, which Kairi approves of. The girls haven't been getting the attention they need, so this kind of normalcy is likely very comforting for her, and she's gone and curled up on his lap. Hopefully once I'm cleared to lift things again, I can start to right the wrongs I've committed towards them as of late, but I can't do too much play with them right now unless they come to me, and I'm not holding Peanut. Then right now I've got my feet up and the laptop on my boppy pillow (keeping the weight off my incision, but I can keep my feet up and type two handed still this way), Peanut is laying at my feet, swaddled up and contently napping. Aside from an occasional squeak. What a cutie patootie!

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