Friday, October 21, 2011

Sister is home!

KirazakpeanutYay, my sister and her bf flew home yesterday! AND she says she wants to change a diaper, score! Though I have to say, for being a SAHM, I have it pretty easy on the diaper front. A) Boi is totally cool about changing him when he's home, so I only change 1 or 2 when he is and B) Peanut is usually pretty relaxed about chilling out in a nice moist diaper. So sometimes I just go to feed him, forget to change him first, and he zonks out... and I let him sleep. I feel a little bad since he's pretty much still always pooping, but if he doesn't care, then hey. Occasionally going an extra few hours isn't the end of the world. He's going to do that when he starts sleeping through the night (sttn) right? Which will totally be soon.

Last night was waaaaaay better than the last two. And by way better, I mean, that last stretch he slept 3.5 hours. I woke up, and I'm used to the last stretch lasting 2, so I ignored him for a little while to see if he was really awake or if he just prematurely woke up (I really need to move a clock so I can see it while vision impaired).  But when he sounded a little more anxious than fussy, I got my glasses out, checked the time, and was like, whoa. Little boys who let me sleep that long can totally get fed right away!

We got a soothie paci yesterday to complement his gumdrop, and tried it out last night. Alas he sounds different with that in his mouth, but he seems to have a harder time loosing it. So just get used to the new noises, I guess. We also moved my white noise fan closer to him, I think that helped as well. The bedroom has completely changed, fan moved, we have a nightlight by his rock 'n play, and when that still freaked him out, we put a red light in my bedside lamp, and we keep that on all night. Red light is not supposed to affect your sleep, and it really doesn't seem to. But it's really dim so we still need the night light to enhance it. I'd probably sleep better in the dark, but if it minimizes his fussing, well, he is still only 3 weeks old, he wins.

ChesttummytimeSighs, Kairi is much happier at the moment trying to claw my feet than laying nicely next to me. Alas, this means much tossing around for her, since I'd be much happier without puncture holes.

Anywho, Peanut's neck is getting a lot stronger. Yesterday we were doing tummy time on my chest, and he had his head up and looking around for... maybe 30 seconds? It was a really freaking long time. It dipped a few times but never  actually hit my chest. At what point do I say he is 'holding his head up' I wonder. When I can sit him up and completely not worry about it? I suppose that's what I'm thinking. The nurses say he could hold his head pretty good from when they got him, so there was really no point where he couldn't. Oh well, some day I'll say he's learned that skill :)

Boi has a random short shift tonight (assuming he doesn't stay late) due to his overnight, so we have time today to finally swing out to look for the light fixture that may be on sale. Then while we're in the store we'll work on my walking some more. I'd say I'm completely drug free now, it's only uncomfortable unless I'm laughing or coughing or moving funny. Then it hurts. But nursing Peanut, now that I'm not constantly taking drugs, is rearing a painful side, and now I get headachey and nauseous.  The intertubes say it should go away around week 6-8 and I should treat it like morning sickness, but yay. It could be worse though, there's one lady I know that has D-MER too, which basically I guess is like sudden depression every time you nurse. That'd suck.

The rest of the invasion starts tomorrow! Run for your lives! Well, not me, not quite up for running yet. But soooooon!

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