Sunday, October 16, 2011

3 Weeks Old

ArikpeanutjedWe're three weeks old today, so he's been home for 2 weeks <3 We're a happy family. We're in the midst of Boi's 5 day stretch, but now that I can drive again I've been taking advantage of my parents and their desire to constantly hold Peanut, and so far I'm staying sane. Tomorrow I'm planning on staying home though, we'll see how things go! Peanut's Great Grandma and Grandpa came to visit this evening, and I've been continued to be assured that he is still the cutest thing ever :) We also got a few books from my Aunt K, including The Giving Tree, which I find to be very exciting. I was surprised that I was really the only one in the room to recognize it, but at the very least Boi said he's heard of it. Maybe we'll have our first real story time before bed tonight :)

We went to D&I's house last night for their housewarming, conveniently after everyone had left so Peanut was less exposed to random germy people. I brought my camera but forgot to snap pictures :( but it was good to be out with friends again. Already my life is completely consumed by Peanut, if I'm not feeding him, changing him, holding him, comforting him, watching him... I'm blogging, organizing his pictures, arranging his outings, etc etc. I've quickly gone from person to mom. Which is fine, but it was a bit weird when I left him with Dad and Mom and I ran out to Walgreens to pick up pictures so I didn't have to carry him in the store (him+carrier may now fit in my lifting limits, but I'm still slow as hell when I'm carrying him). It was a bit weird not having him attached to me... so soon and my brain is fried.

RnpBut as soon as I'm able to comfortably lay on my stomach, mom's promised me she's sending me for a massage. Alas, I've regressed, I was able to lay on my side for a week now, but my hip pain is increasing. I was laying there the other night, watching Peanut in his rock and play (pictured) and shooting stabby pain suddenly started up in my right hip (I was even laying on my left) all the way up my back, almost to the point of tears. Suckage! It's been worse the last few days now. Sighs.

Well, can't expect things to just work right right away after giving birth I suppose. My doc said she'd send me in for a xray or pt or something if it wasn't gone by my 6 week appointment, hoping it fixes itself before then. Oh hay, appointment, no blood draw, yay! It was fine, incision is healing good, no more tape on it, Peanut was adored by everyone. Maybe we'll brave the next appointment alone, me and my new guy.

Boi is sitting there just gazing at Peanut right now, so cute :) What a good daddy he is, going out and earning the big bucks so I can stay at home and change diapers and get gnawed on. Even when that means leaving me alone overnight... could be worse I guess, I could be a military wife. Now that'd be hard and lonely! Perspective!

Oh, and here you go, another video! We were doing some tummy time and he took a break and started licking his hand :)

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