Ok, so, crib is going to have to wait. His grunting syndrome is much much worse when he's flat on his back, so the plan has been altered to him sleeping in his own room, but in his rock 'n play. He's elevated in it. So I'm trying to put him down for naps laying down flat on his back so he doesn't become too dependent on the elevated position... but alas today that backfired on me. Every time I'd put him down, he'd slip into a light sleep, but wake up 5 minutes later. After being awake for 3.5 hours and now being completely inconsolable, I packed him in the car for a drive to grandma's, taking all back roads so he'd be sure to be asleep upon arrival. Then after they kindly fed me, I woke him up, nursed him, packed him back in the car to sleep. He's still sleeping actually, heh. I finally got to that pile of laundry, got some work done, played with the cats, and other random things I've been ignoring.
No nap though :/ While last night was better, he slept... ignoring feedings, 10-1, 1-3, 3-4, 4-7. I slept... well, tiny chunks. Itty bitty bits. Actually I slept the best around 8 when I came upstairs from trying to nap on the couch and curled up with Boi. Of course if I had tried that earlier it likely wouldn't have worked. Or so I'm telling myself.
We didn't really get any good Halloween shots. So tomorrow or Friday (depending on my energy) I'll likely try to reproduce it. What's a few days, right? Unless Mom and Dad managed to get some good ones, we tried some different poses, but all mine turned out blah.
So I declared on Saturday he could hold his head up properly. Nice and steady, not forever, but if he's resting comfortably on my chest he can raise his head up to gaze at me for quite a while now, without his head bobbing around. Of course then the next time he picks it up it falls towards my shoulder :D but I have to imagine it's pretty tired from impressing me at that point. He's also trying to hold his head up when he's awake during burpings. That is quite annoying because unless he burps quickly, at some point I know it's going to crash in some direction so I have to multitask to keep him safe. But I let him anyways, to become nice and strong! (Video evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Wv_S0Wcts )
Ok, so I mentioned something about monthly pics. These were my two ideas - for the life of me I couldn't get him to FACE THE CAMERA but the face one is cute anyways. So we'll have a years worth of pics of his head. Then a monthly one with him on the chair. We'll see how long I can keep up with these :)
Oh, other milestones! So yeah, clearly he's rocking the head thing, and he's been tracking things since we brought him home. He has no problem looking me in the eye. Hand-eye coordination is awesome, I'm still working on getting a good video of him on his mat, but he's now a pro at grabbing onto hair and shirts. I think that's all the milestones. He has no desire to try to roll over or anything, but that'd be waaay advanced.
Oh also, I think he's growing more hair :) his upper forehead is feeling rougher, and I see little hairs. I hope it's hair and not like cradle cap or something that's making it rough. Let's stay positive!
I think that's it with the updates.
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