9:45 PM (Last Night) Peanut and I chill out on the couch, he has minor gas issues, doing some work
10:45 Peanut wakes up and bedtime starts, got almost as big of a smile as Boi got a week ago while giving him a massage.
11:15 Talk to Boi, he's not going to be too late so I stay up and wait
11:20 Fold laundry
11:30 Curl up on couch staring mindlessly at 'No Reservations' then an episode of 'Inuyasha' on Netflix while poking at the facebooks. Wishing I was tired enough to fall asleep or awake enough to be productive
12:30AM Boi comes home
1:00AM Go to bed
1:00-1:45 Awake listening to the loud radiator
1:45 Change a stinky diaper, Feed Peanut and lie awake for awhile listening to the radiator some more
5:00 Feed Peanut and lie awake for awhile listening to the radiator and now a snoring Boi and scratching in the walls
6:30 Boi's alarm goes off. More than once
730 Boi is gone and Peanut wakes up. Bring him to bed with me and feed him. Doze on and off while a noisy grunting baby chills out next to me who is suspicously doing a lot of coughing/sneezing
10:30 Feed Peanut, get up, put him in the swing, do morning things while he half dozes and half stares at his fish above him
11:00 Eat eggs on toast and ham (Boi got me a giant free ham) while watching 'No Reservations' on Netflix
11:15 Peanut permanently wakes up. Play with Peanut (tummy time, fish on mat)
11:30 Hoping Peanut has had enough awake time to poop if he's gonna, change him. Peanut pee's three times, but I avoid. Dress Peanut in something cute. Peanut starts spitting up clear liquid. Still sneezing and coughing. Nose looks clear though
11:40 Peanut starts pooping
11:50 Peanut gets changed and pee's again. All over his cute outfit. Still sneezing and coughing so I decide to try to get him to sleep a lot today and put him in something warm.
12:00 Peanut gets the hiccups and I nurse them away while watching a new episode of 'No Reservations'
12:10 Put Peanut down on the couch for hopefully a nap. He stays asleep
12:15 Start looking up possible heating repair guys while talking to Mom about getting their guy over to patch up the siding outside our bedroom.
12:30 Eat more ham and a few oatmeal cookies and get a can of coke for headache and continued sleepiness
12:40 Start blogging and start looking for something randomish to put on. See 'Wonder Years' and figure what the heck
12:50 Start working
12:55 Peanut wakes up
1:00 Finish up an amazon order thats been open a few days while holding a coughing baby
1:15 Put Peanut in his swing to watch his fish, put on the next episode, clean up kitchen/do dishes
1:25 Watch Peanut to see if he's sleepy or going to stay awake. Uncertain. Kairi starts to want attention
1:30 Attempted playtime (singing and dancing and spinning and the mirror) after downing ibuprofin for headache. Got a few semi-gummy smiles.
1:35 Take a picture of him next to a Pooh
1:40 Settle down on the couch with him on my lap after more coughing up clear liquid. Is he just becoming a drooly baby or is a symptom of being sick? He's never spat up anything but milk. Sounding a little congested. Start new episode
1:45 Radiator goes on the fritz and give in to his his fussing and feed him
2:00 Peanut goes back into his swing, eat more ham and finish coke. Kairi goes to the window, and turn on a new episode
2:10 Peanut falls asleep in his swing, KMFX that he stays that way
2:20 Peanut wakes up for a minute, falls back asleep. Feeling hopeful, brings work back up.
2:25 Eyeballs again. Push swing.
2:30 Peanut falls aleep again, will he stay that way? Start a new episode and continue working.
2:45 Radiator makes a loud bang and Peanut wakes up again.... and falls back asleep. Phew. Get a Powerade, Kiara becomes interested in me, meowing... she better not wake him up! Sickish boys need their rest!
2:55 Next episode, Peanut wakes up again... and doesn't fall back asleep
3:00 Pause TV and take Peanut up to the bathroom so I can shower and hopefully that'll help him sleep good.
3:20 Realize the broken radiator makes the bathroom no longer a restful spot. Smell a dirty diaper, change. Skillfully avoid getting peed on
3:30 Feed him, hoping my antibodies will keep him from getting sicker.
3:45 Season 1 of Wonder Years ends. Start season 2 as Peanut sleeps on boppy. One handed interneting while he goes in and out of sleep
4:15 Transfer Peanut to couch and go feed two annoying loud meowing cats. Peanut stays asleep, huzzah for acheiving deep sleep at last!
4:20 Collect snacks (cookies and... yeah. Ham) and more water. Call Boi and ask him to pick up some saline spray for the little guy. Start working again.
4:25 Deep sleep didn't last long, squirming starts. Likely objecting to sleeping flat on his back. Hand on chest seems to calm
4:35 Peanut starts to fight sleep laying on his back (he dislikes it) so I transfer him into his swing. Start to watch him to see if he'll wake up or go back to sleep
4:40 Give him one last chance and turn on the fishes. He quckly zonks Start warming up a pan for pea soup
4:50 Start sauteeing onions. Peanut wakes up coughing.
5:00 Soup bits all together and simmering, Peanut once again napping. Switch into night mode, lights on, shades drawn, fold laundry, play with the cats a little
5:25 Feed Peanut
5:45 Peanut dozes off
6:10 Attempt to put Peanut for a nap in his crib and finish up soup
6:15 Peanut is awake and crying, singing and dancing commense! Spits up on my shirt, this time normal milky color!
6:20 Activity mat time
6:25 Peanut becomes unconsolable
6:30 Boi calls, is headed home
6:40 Finally accpets his nook and sleepily lays on my lap. What was wrong, no one knows, but he's no longer coughing/sneezing and his breathing sounds better
6:50 Place Peanut in swing and put sweet potatoes in oven
6:55 Attempt to keep Peanut happy
7:15 Feed Peanut
7:20 Boi comes home
7:30 Eat soup
7:40 Potatoes are done! Boi changes Peanut, yay!
7:45 More soup and a potato!
7:50 Back to Wonder Years and Peanut is now happy in his swing. time for chat!
8:00 Peanut fusses up, back in my arms, attempt to finish potato.
8:02 Attempt failed, lament potatoes
8:15 Start bedtime, bathtime!
8:30 Feeding
8:45 Asleep
Pretty much a 24 hour period there. *sighs* time to relax and hope he sleeps well tonight! He's sounding and looking better than he did this morning at least, hopefully tomorrow it's the same :) Time to hopefully work and enjoy the evening!
*update* 10:45 now and he's not actually asleep yet. He just fooled us with a short nap. So much for working after he went to bed...
*update 2* 4:00 AM now, Boi went to bed at 2, and it took an hour and a half of him laying on my chest but I finally was able to move him into his rock 'n play to sleep. Of course it's been over 2 hours now since he was last fed so who knows how long this will last. We're down in the living room, I could go upstairs to bed, but I might as well stick it out here, and hope he sleeps awhile. And when he does wake up, goes right back down. I guess if I don't update again, we were both able to finally get some sleep.
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