Monday: Went to play at the gym! Peanut used the phrase "Watch Winnie the Pooh on the TV" which was jaw dropping. And then at the park he kept asking "hot it work?" and ducking down to try to figure out how the different equipment worked. Overall a good day.
Tuesday: School today, so we'll spend some time getting ready for the party while he's there. Afterwards I'm thinking we might have a Winnie the Pooh movie night to psych ourselves up for Thursday.
Wednesday: School today. Mr Veggie works, but Uncle A flies in! We'll be playing at Meemaw's house in the evening.
Thursday: BIRTHDAY!!!! We go to school just in the morning today, then we come home for our AWESOME Winnie the Pooh party! With GG and Grandpa S!
Friday: GG and Grandpa S are around for awhile. Chilling with all ze families.
Saturday: We're going on a train ride!
That's the general plan.
New gems out of Peanut's mouth:
"Watch Winnie the Pooh agin?"
"Sleep in a tall bed!"
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5!"
Also singing the alphabet song with us! Ahhhh life is good :)
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