New PJs! |
School - it's going great! He's communicating so much better - still not in the normal range, but damn it feels like we're getting close to whole thoughts, pronouns are sneaking it, and he's often attaching 'the' and 'a' in front of nouns. And he's a singing fool. I go pick him up and he's playing trains with another kid, or pretending to make lunch with another kid, or playing chase/tag with groups of kids. There are always a chorus of kids who yell 'goodbye!' when we leave, and it only takes a nudge from me to get him to reciprocate (the first few weeks it was a lot of coaching 'say byebye back. No louder. No yell really loud!'). His teachers say, aside from a few quirks he always is a great role model, great at cleaning up, and participates in group activities (quirks? Yeah, well, he likes to dump his water on the floor when done drinking).
He's tooooo big |
We've been discussing his birthday party, a small thing on Thursday then the train on Saturday. We have a great idea for Thursday, but I gotta give the beginning credit to Mr. Veggie. The rest was all me ;) He suggested that we have a Winnie the Pooh birthday instead of trains, since Saturday was going to be about trains. And considering he wanders around quoting pooh lines and singing pooh songs, we can have a lot of fun with that. My beginning plan:
Hiking |
So that's our running idea. That's enough rambling for tonight.
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