Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just a few More days till...

--- A few days ago ---

Birthday Month! Yes, September is Peanut's birthday month. And it starts Monday. Please oh please let us all be over our colds by then.

We went for a long walk this morning. Not that the distance was long mind you, just the time. I wanted to get out of the house for awhile so I suggested we'd go for a walk around the block. Just enough activity that I should come back breathing (that's the bare minimum I ask for, right?). Well... he wanted it to be a stroller ride. Ok, whatever, in you go. Two houses later, he wanted back out so he could push it. Into all the curbs. Repeatedly. What no curb? How about this driveway! Oh, wait, not into either of those? Let's beeline it for the middle of the road! We spent most of the time making zero progress. Finally he decided he wanted to get down on his back to examine the underbelly of the stroller, and my patience wore thin, picked him up and forced us forward a few houses (past the next storm drain, which also is a few minute delay). So you know. That's how it was. Finally when we got back to our street, he decided that he wanted to run instead, and bolted down the sidewalk. So, you know, there's that too.

I really should have been tracking that walk.

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