---forgot to post yesterday, my bad ---
Upside down stamps! |
Ok, so, I know that I loved going through my parent's files of all my artwork growing up. And he's bringing stuff home from school, but some of it is just... 99% teacher and 1% Peanut. So what I'm thinking of doing is taking photos of the stuff he makes, and keeping the stuff that is actually him doing stuff, and ... tossing the stuff that he clearly had next to nothing to do with. I love it regardless, I love walking into his school and seeing stuff in his cubby waiting for me. But I'm not going to care about most of it in 15 years. Obviously. "Ooooh, lookie, 100 sheets of paper with one crayon stroke on it, with the teachers carefully hand drawn fish depicting friendship!" So yeah, that's my plan right now.
I'll do a little montage on here, that's one of my goals today!
A run through of school mornings:
Peanut didn't nap yesterday so we were really hoping he'd sleep 12 hours last night. Nope, only 11. At least it's a good night sleep overall. But it did mean he crawled into bed with us at 630. And kicked us for awhile. Then gave up on kicking, crawled out of bed and turned the lights on and stood around demanding we get up. He's so nice to us.
Family tree! |
So we get up and get him begrudgingly on the potty. He eats breakfast just in his pj shirt and underwear usually, there's no point to getting him dressed, more on that in a sec. We head down, he sometimes demands to go play with his trains right away, which means I have to release the cats. I want to get the basement to the point where I can lock the cats up there and Peanut will have free range of his trains in the morning. We ask him what he wants for breakfast, and it's usually peanut butter toast. He eats it with a towel on his lap, but usually he gets some on his clothes. Hence not getting him dressed right away.
So he eats, either a bite or all of it. While he's doing that, I start his lunch. I take a piece of bread out of the freezer and toast it to defrost. Then he gets a one slice grilled cheese for his lunch, fruit (this week raisins, as he's been anti non dried fruit) and veggie straws in his lunch.
He's done at this point and Mr Veggie has come down to head off to work. Peanut runs to the window to wave goodbye. Then we head up and Peanut now INSISTS on picking out his own shirt. Alas he does so indiscriminately, so I think I'll just be hanging up the shirt I want him to pick at the end where he always grabs. We're getting closer and closer to him getting the shirt on completely by himself, but I still need to tug the shirt down over his head, as if it's not a baggy neck hole, he freaks out with it over his face. This morning I actually did it all - he was determined to no wear a shirt, despite the fact it was like 40 degrees out there.
So we're dressed, lunch is ready, so we head on out. Usually we need to hop over multiple cracks in the garage/driveway before he'll hop in the car. But it's usually not too difficult to get him in the car. He likes going to school, just playing outside is pretty fun too. And that's our morning at home before school!