What's a tree? |
Soy and wheat have been reintroduced, and apparently successfully. Peanut is sleeping bits and bits better. Some nights he'll sleep straight from 10-6am, and then till 9. Most night he still wakes up at 11 and 12 before sleeping till 6ish though. Must be when he gets hungry. I don't mind waking up once at all though. I don't go to bed typically until that second wakeup, so we're good.
So today he figured out how to play his toy. Video!
He got a little confused, he'll play with the blankets or pillows while it's playing the music, and then it stops and he turns it back on, but if he pulls one of them over the orange thing, he gets confused. But then we just go over and pull it away from the toy and voila! He gets excited and turns it back on again :)
I didn't have any baby sunblock so... blanket! |
830 - Wake up for Tim and shower/eat
9-930 - Watch Millionaire. Peanut wakes up, nurse and play
1015 - Feed oatmeal
11 - Naptime
~~~~ Tidy up and veg out. Do any prepping for dinner and eat lunch. Also stare at computer/phone.
1230 - Nurse and play. Try to wear him out a bit.
230 - Nurse and go for a walk
330 - If he didn't nap in the stroller, naptime. Start any food for his dinner
~~~~ Watch Jeopardy. Also stare at computer/phone. Nurse and play whenever he wakes up.
530-630 - Naptime and I eat!
~~~~ Usually I start thinking about laundry and cleaning up the kitchen. Also stare at computer/phone.
830-900 - Dinnertime!
930-1000 - Bedtime! Diaper change, PJs, Story, Nurse, Put down in crib with Sasha
Then I get to play video games or stare at the computer or work or do whatever I want :)
His 11:00 wakeup has come and gone, he cried for about 20 seconds? And it sounds like he put himself back to sleep quickly. Atta boy.
I might try walking him down to the IGA. It's a longish hilly walk, but if it's a nice day, I can plan on just getting the food I need for the next 24-48 hours. But tomorrow I'm going with Mom on a trip. Maybe we can get baby sunblock while we're out then.
I'm going to go curl up with a kitty or two and Boi. Nite!
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