I started out this morning getting the scrapbook 100% up to date through Valentine's Day. Woot woot! Auntie M will be proud of me! I also updated the baby book, but I always seem to have the photo I need in vertical or horizontal the wrong way. Le sighs tis the life I guess.
I sorted through Peanut's baby clothes, and now have a few bags for storage. I hung up his bigger stuff, so there should only be stuff in there that he can still squeeze into, stuff that fits, and stuff he'll wear sometime soon. Boi will appreciate this when it comes to dressing him. It's kind of sad to see it go, but it'll be fun/exciting to see him in all sorts of cute new outfits. I also did some tidying up in the guest bedroom, and hung up mom's wall hanging (yes finally, but now it has a good home!) The cats have been sleeping in here, so once they get bored of it, I'll have to wash the comforter. Trivia is coming up eventually and people have allergies to them. I still need some serious help with the bookcase in there, I think I might need some expert help with that though. I've got to make it really sturdy with Peanut around now, and well, it's a mess. Maybe Dad can give me a hand when he gets back in town from visiting Sister down in Texas. They should be back on Thursday. Peanut misses you guys!
I also cleaned his room pretty good. Not that it was messy, but you know how these things get. I've got the bag of diapers next to me all ready to be stuffed and put back, alas Peanut right now is asleep. Or should be, I haven't heard him. We got him a "Magical Seahorse" he hated him during his nap though, but he didn't throw a fit this time. Last night in his swing, tomorrow night, after he's spent the day getting aquainted with his seahorse companion, he's going to sleep in his crib all night long. And you aren't going to wake up 20 times kid, ok? Good, I'm glad we're in agreement on this. Makes me tired just thinking about it :/
I'm also considering what to do with his babyshower onesies, since they don't really fit anymore. Plus a friend sent us some bigger ones, so we're set for awhile and we don't need to wear the ones that fit like a second skin. I set up the sewing machine finally, it's not threaded, but it's in it's home. I did buttloads of laundry, and I stripped all of his old liners finally. They were only lasting about 2ish hours where before I could easily make it 3 hours, assuming it wasn't the morning. Morning diapers go faaaaaaaaaaast! I've got a bit of folding left to do, but that's it. Folding and putting away that is /yawn that makes me tired too!
Peanut and I also took a walk. It got up into the 50s today! So excited for the nice weather and daily walks with the little dude! We saw a little girl, prolly around 12-14 months down the street, next time I see them I guess we'll have to introduce ourselves. They'd likely/hopefully become friends one day.
I'm going to learn how to crochet. I think I'll enjoy it more than knitting, and maybe if I can get into crocheting, I can get back into knitting. Hopefully I'll take my first steps into that tonight, if not tomorrow.
Back to work I guess. I'm hungry too, I should eat something.
As a finale, a video.
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