Wednesday, March 28, 2012


He's trying!
It's a Tuesday, folks. After this I have to survive two more days until Boi has another day off. That also means it's kitchen cleaning day. Yay.

I'm tired and lethargic. But I'm making myself workout. is a new blog I started. By making it public, I'm now forced to start. I've kinda started it a few times now, but since I didn't make it public, it was easy to back out on. Now I can't.

So with this I also now need to plan a healthy dinner. I lack the basic ingredient of salad fixings, the greens, so if I want to do that I have to go shopping. I'm not sure if it's warm enough this week for a walk to the grocery store - for Peanut that is. A walk to the park, sure, but 40 minutes stuck in a stroller in 50ish degree weather? I think I should set the minimum to 60 for that kind of walk. But I don't have a lot that's healthy here. I have a coupon for free bread from the "new" Target. I could use that and see what they have there. They supposedly expanded their grocery section. Peanut would enjoy a car ride.


Ok, it's the next day now, I had a headache for most of the day yesterday. So really nothing got done in the last half of the day :/ Dumb headaches. I'm trying to wean myself off caffeine, and that's always a pain. If only I could keep off of it permanently. "Just one can" turns into, "just one can" the next day... plus another in the afternoon... and yeah. I've lost already.

Peanut woke up to cry for 15 seconds or so at 11 per the norm. Then he skipped crying for 15 seconds at 1AM. I may go to bed a bit earlier tonight now :) Hearing him cry really wakes me up, so if he's done with that - awesome. I can't wait *read sarcasm* for his vaccines on Friday to completely mess him up :/

He got SUPER CRANKY today around when it was naptime today. Usually he starts to get cranky, but he was full out crying hysterically today. :/ I hope he's ok. I'm sure he's ok, he's a baby and baby's cry. But you know what I mean. I'm going to shut up and go stuff some diapers.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Six Months

Peanut is 6 months old.


6 months ago at this time (820 as this paragraph is being written) my water had been broken and they were likely trying to make things worse with pitocin.

Yay pitocin. You're a bitch.

By 9-930 it was clear we weren't getting anywhere. I'm guessing at least, I was too far gone to know what time it was.

Oh little boy. The pain you caused me. All 6lbs 5oz of pain you were. Back breaking pain. 5 minute long contractions you little squirt. Then the spinal came. And I was good. And then you came. And then all was good. And not just because they knocked me out after that with the good drugs.

Oh, but I love you. So you're forgiven. THIS TIME! Last night he woke up to whimper twice before we went to bed, but then he stayed asleep for the rest of the night w/o a feeding. Glorious. Too bad we woke up early due to a phone call :/ I don't have a problem with feeding him at 5am, which is our normal, but I have no problem with skipping it.

We had THE BEST 6 MONTH PARTY EVER! Well it was the best until Kairi popped a balloon. I made a banner and hung up balloons and got him a present and made a fishy dessert. He jumped and Grandpa sang to him old boyscout songs. We ate food and he just got milk, his next one will be better. SMASH CAKE!

We just got finished feeding him carrots and green beans. He ate it like a champ, after he got acclimated to his chair. He's also learning about the sippy cup. I'll have to ask the doc about juice and whatnot, what he can/should be learning how to drink the the next 2 months, if anything. But since he doesn't like bottles, I thought maybe Mom could try milk in this instead. We'll see. So far he eats...

  • Avocado
  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Green Beans
  • Bananas
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Prunes
  • Oatmeal
Next up we have pears and grapes. The grapes are harder to prepare, so I'm cheating on that. We have a healthy balance of cheating and homemade. Balance is good. Right now I'm using disposable diapers because for some reason his diapers are leaking after an hour the last two days :/ I'm hoping something just happened when I washed them last, I'll do a double rinse on them this time and see how they go.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I can't seem to kick this panic-overwhelmed feeling lately. Anxious I suppose is a good word. It's been lingering, and last night when I was trying to fall asleep it spiked :/ Maybe I just need the bathroom finished. Maybe I need to do less. Maybe I need a day off. Boi is taking a week off before Trivia next month, if I can just survive until then, that would be good. 3.5 weeks and counting?

Leaves are budding on the trees. That's just weird. Peanut has a new extra big sleep sack to grow into for the summer. And now I'm going to try to get some work done. Hopefully I can convince mom to come over this afternoon to play with Peanut for awhile.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Our First Long Stroll

We took a 3 mile walk today, to the nearest 'bigger' grocery store. Keep in mind that it was winter when I got pregnant, then when things got nicer I developed SPD, then I went and had myself a c/section, and then it was winter again. So generally I'm in fairly crappy shape. My legs and shins were kiiiiiillling me. And it's not like it's a 3 mile walk on flat ground. I live on a hill. Sigh. But we did it, and i got myself a couple cheater things of baby food, which I used tonight since I was feeling sorry for myself for being so sore. So Peanut had carrots for the first time. Didn't seem to mind them too much either.

Ah but I'm jumping around. So yes, we took the walk. I kept thinking to myself, man maybe I should just turn around now. But I told a few people I was going to do it, so I had to finish it. We went over the highway on the way there, it was alright going that way, not much in the way of sidewalks though. As long as there's not much traffic though it's fine. He did good in the store, and I used the pouch underneath as my shopping cart. Picked myself up some liquid refreshment for the walk back, and took the busy underpass road on the way home. Had to cut through the Shopko parking lot till I got to where the sidewalk started, and we had to deal with traffic lights. Though we had more shade on the way back, which was good since we were walking into the sun, and his feeties lacked sunblock, but I was hitting up every shadow I could to keep him protected. I ended up with a tiny bit of color, but he looked fine. Winning!

Then we walked through one of the parks by us during the grueling climb up the giant hill we live on. I stuck him in one of the seats, here he is swinging! (Alas I discovered he was quite damp on his bottom when I got him out of the stroller >.>)

But by the time we got to the park the worst was over. It was just another 5 minutes of nothing too horrible and we were home. I was suuuuuuuuper hot, but I was full in the sun, he seemed ok, his torso was warm but his limbs were cool, yay for shade! I changed his diaper and his outfit, and he likely could have gone down for a nap, but I didn't want to stick him in his warm sleeper until I was sure he was cool. So we chilled out for awhile, he nursed, I rested my weary legs. Then he napped 2.5 hours *heeeeeaven* I got loooooads done around the house.

I didn't actually manage to get any good stills of his standing extravaganza. We were having fun before this, I sat him right next to the chair and he was having fun feeling it. But then he got bored and I tried to get him to move around a bit, but all he would do was rotate a bit, and wouldn't go after his toys. So I figured, fine then, you have no interest in rolling onto your tummy, or doing much of anything productive on your tummy, so who knows when you'll even think about wiggling around on your belly, let's just go straight to standing! And lo' and behold, that was what you wanted.

He grabbed on like a pro, one handed from time to time, and jammed away on the little piano on his jumper. I had to make him sit down at one point so I could walk away, and he was desperately clawing at the poles, trying to figure out how to pull himself back up.

Oh boy.

No 40 minute wakeup tonight, maybe he'll sleep till 9am! Wishful thinking, but I did go ahead and take the swing out of his room. Progress!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We've Got A Stroller!

What's a tree?
I didn't actually take a picture of it, but you know what, we've got so many nice days coming up, we have time. 70s in March, WTF? And not just one, but more are coming! We spent a good chunk of the day outside, playing on a blanket, climbing trees, swinging in the swing. Also cleaning the garage and crushing cardboard. And I was sacreligious... I made a cake on Pi(E) Day. BUT I WANTED CAKE! I haven't had cake in a very very very long time. So I had it.

Soy and wheat have been reintroduced, and apparently successfully. Peanut is sleeping bits and bits better. Some nights he'll sleep straight from 10-6am, and then till 9. Most night he still wakes up at 11 and 12 before sleeping till 6ish though. Must be when he gets hungry. I don't mind waking up once at all though. I don't go to bed typically until that second wakeup, so we're good.

So today he figured out how to play his toy. Video!

He got a little confused, he'll play with the blankets or pillows while it's playing the music, and then it stops and he turns it back on, but if he pulls one of them over the orange thing, he gets confused. But then we just go over and pull it away from the toy and voila! He gets excited and turns it back on again :)

I didn't have any baby sunblock so... blanket!
So I guess I'm going to have to work out a nice weather schedule, go for a walk everyday when it's not raining... or snowing, lol! My days will likely look like this:

830 - Wake up for Tim and shower/eat
9-930 - Watch Millionaire. Peanut wakes up, nurse and play
1015 - Feed oatmeal
11 - Naptime
~~~~ Tidy up and veg out. Do any prepping for dinner and eat lunch. Also stare at computer/phone.
1230 - Nurse and play. Try to wear him out a bit.
230 - Nurse and go for a walk
330 - If he didn't nap in the stroller, naptime. Start any food for his dinner
~~~~ Watch Jeopardy. Also stare at computer/phone. Nurse and play whenever he wakes up.
530-630 - Naptime and I eat!
~~~~ Usually I start thinking about laundry and cleaning up the kitchen. Also stare at computer/phone.
830-900 - Dinnertime!
930-1000 - Bedtime! Diaper change, PJs, Story, Nurse, Put down in crib with Sasha

Then I get to play video games or stare at the computer or work or do whatever I want :)

His 11:00 wakeup has come and gone, he cried for about 20 seconds? And it sounds like he put himself back to sleep quickly. Atta boy.

I might try walking him down to the IGA. It's a longish hilly walk, but if it's a nice day, I can plan on just getting the food I need for the next 24-48 hours. But tomorrow I'm going with Mom on a trip. Maybe we can get baby sunblock while we're out then.

I'm going to go curl up with a kitty or two and Boi. Nite!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Scoot scoot, the wrong way!

So today I tried to get a lot done. And I'm not quite done with getting a lot done, but I thought I'd let you, the interwebs, know about them. Also, I've been messaged about the commenting, I tried changing a setting, does that help at all?

I started out this morning getting the scrapbook 100% up to date through Valentine's Day. Woot woot! Auntie M will be proud of me! I also updated the baby book, but I always seem to have the photo I need in vertical or horizontal the wrong way. Le sighs tis the life I guess. 

I sorted through Peanut's baby clothes, and now have a few bags for storage. I hung up his bigger stuff, so there should only be stuff in there that he can still squeeze into, stuff that fits, and stuff he'll wear sometime soon. Boi will appreciate this when it comes to dressing him. It's kind of sad to see it go, but it'll be fun/exciting to see him in all sorts of cute new outfits. I also did some tidying up in the guest bedroom, and hung up mom's wall hanging (yes finally, but now it has a good home!) The cats have been sleeping in here, so once they get bored of it, I'll have to wash the comforter. Trivia is coming up eventually and people have allergies to them. I still need some serious help with the bookcase in there, I think I might need some expert help with that though. I've got to make it really sturdy with Peanut around now, and well, it's a mess. Maybe Dad can give me a hand when he gets back in town from visiting Sister down in Texas. They should be back on Thursday. Peanut misses you guys!

I also cleaned his room pretty good. Not that it was messy, but you know how these things get. I've got the bag of diapers next to me all ready to be stuffed and put back, alas Peanut right now is asleep. Or should be, I haven't heard him. We got him a "Magical Seahorse" he hated him during his nap though, but he didn't throw a fit this time. Last night in his swing, tomorrow night, after he's spent the day getting aquainted with his seahorse companion, he's going to sleep in his crib all night long. And you aren't going to wake up 20 times kid, ok? Good, I'm glad we're in agreement on this. Makes me tired just thinking about it :/

I'm also considering what to do with his babyshower onesies, since they don't really fit anymore. Plus a friend sent us some bigger ones, so we're set for awhile and we don't need to wear the ones that fit like a second skin. I set up the sewing machine finally, it's not threaded, but it's in it's home. I did buttloads of laundry, and I stripped all of his old liners finally. They were only lasting about 2ish hours where before I could easily make it 3 hours, assuming it wasn't the morning. Morning diapers go faaaaaaaaaaast! I've got a bit of folding left to do, but that's it. Folding and putting away that is /yawn that makes me tired too!

Peanut and I also took a walk. It got up into the 50s today! So excited for the nice weather and daily walks with the little dude! We saw a little girl, prolly around 12-14 months down the street, next time I see them I guess we'll have to introduce ourselves. They'd likely/hopefully become friends one day.

I'm going to learn how to crochet. I think I'll enjoy it more than knitting, and maybe if I can get into crocheting, I can get back into knitting. Hopefully I'll take my first steps into that tonight, if not tomorrow.

Back to work I guess. I'm hungry too, I should eat something.

As a finale, a video.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just Another Day In The Neighborhood

Peanut and a chaotic mess of toys!
March has come in, for days now, and I have neglected to blog. Whoops, my bad! Peanut is now sitting independently :D He still will topple if he tries to crane his head quickly or is handling an oversized toy, but I can plop him down on the floor on his butt, make sure there are a few pillows around him, and go about my business while he plays. It's aweeeesome! He loves it too! Alas, in turn I'm also noticing the begining of some separation anxiety. It's not so bad if he's having fun or distracted, but if he's chilling out and I'm out of sight, he usually freaks out. We were visiting a friend the other day and we were at the mall and she was holding him and walked away with him to get some grub, and apparently when he realized that in the big scary chaotic place that I wasn't in eyeshot anymore, he freaked out and she had to rush him back over to me. Poor little boy, emotional growth is hard! But necessary! He had a lot of fun on that visit, he got a bit cranky, but fortunately he didn't resist his nap... too long...

Momma, I can kick and play?!
Hmmm what else has been happening. The bathroom hasn't been exciting. We were supposed to get the window in on Friday but he didn't show. He did show up on Saturday to set up the scaffolding though, and apologized for not showing up. Window now on Monday! We'll give Peanut a bath again on then after that! Oh! His first big boy bath! It's so slippery and fun! I'm halfway considering buying him this but I dunno, we'll see how the next few weeks go. I kinda like jumping in there with him too. But it would be nice for him to be more stable. It's one of those 'nice to have' things. Hah, I've got a nice long list of 'nice to haves' though :D Maybe when my points build back up.

I've got to buy him underwear though! Gasp! My mom's group is putting together a book, all the letters, numbers, colors and shapes, every baby gets one. We picked "U" so my tentative plan is that U is for Underwear, and I'll have him in an upside-down umbrella surrounded by underwear, and some on his head :) Figure though, no harm in buying it early, right? I'm thinking superheroes!

Laying in your Rock 'N Play is for babies!
Next week is our anniversary <3 I bought a Groupon for a photo shoot at JC Penny's, so we're going then to get our first 'official' family picture. I have no idea what we're going to wear though :/ Maybe I can borrow a pair of pants from K? I'm not feeling my cozy khaki's for the picture, and all I've got to wear besides that are loungewear, one pair of blue jeans and maternity pants. Stupid stomach flub. I was losing weight, but alas, the "pouch" isn't going away any time soon, and I have no idea how to dress myself anymore with that, I'm not used to my stomach being the largest part of my body.

Mom and Dad are in Texas visiting Sister, we Skyped tonight, Peanut impressed them by gobbling down avocado-applesauce, sitting and playing, kicking his legs and chilling out on his tummy. Someday video chats will be more fun, when he realizes that the faces on the screen are somewhat interactive.

No dust bunnies under the bed!
I ate wheat, and no noticeable reaction! I started out small though, and we're working our way up, today I had actual pasta. So far so good. He's sleeping good so far tonight - but that's because he's in his swing. He's in his swing until Wednesday, hopefully on Wednesday we're going to get Seymour the Seahorse. He lights up and plays gentle music when squeezed. If that doesn't help his sleep, we're going to invest in some weighted sleepsuits :/ I know we're getting to the point where he's a big boy and he needs to learn not to wake up every 40 minutes in his crib. But he sleeps so darn good in his swing, we're just continuing on the 'whatever works' theory for a bit longer. He should only wake up once tonight, around 5am. If he were in his crib he would have already woken up at least once, if not two or three times. Exhausting.

Stripping diapers? Not making baby stew?

So assuming wheat goes ok, I'm going to try soy. Supposedly around 6 months he can start to grow out of his allergies. But I want to give him some time, giving up dairy/soy/wheat did a number of things for us, including him nursing better instead of kicking and screaming. I want to make sure that doesn't return as it builds up back in my system. But the lack of immediate reaction is great!

So yeah, tomorrow is going to be great, window, Boi will be home, I have a few things in mind to do. Hopefully the day goes as good as I'm planning it to. I really should get a haircut sometime too, it's getting pretty darn long.

New outfit for him tomorrow as well! I purchased something for him *gasp* with money and not credit card bonus points! But it was on clearance. Well, the outfit was, not the cute hat. But damnit if it wasn't completely perfect for the upcoming nice weather!

Gonna go play with Boi now, we only have so much more time left in WoW before it's gone again!

I almost forgot! Here's the latest video up on YouTube. He's got abs of steal. Plus he's a ham with his yawns ;)