Thursday, February 2, 2012

We played the piano today!

Just a quickie post, took some video today of Peanut playing his piano. It's pretty epic. He played hard today, he was reclining on my legs, at a pretty good angle I thought, and sat himself up from it. I was actually trying to give him a break and keep his head inclined at the same time because sitting up creates SO MUCH SPITUP! We've been through so many outfits... So that was exciting, the getting himself into a seated position from a reclined position. Alas I think he got pretty sore after that though, because he started making a different noise after that, but he didn't realize that sitting was hurting him and he kept wanting to siiiit!

So I distracted him with a different game, handing him his nook for him to put in his own mouth. He was getting pretty good. So tonight he started crying (actually it's been a little reminiscent of his colicy days, hopefully those aren't coming back now that we've stopped the probiotics) and Boi went up there, said he saw him take it out with his left hand, switch it to his right, and then pop it back in. He's such a showoff!

But he seems to have forgotten how to roll from stomach to back. He's been trying like mad the last few days and has gotten no where. Silly kid!

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