Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Sitty Uppy Diaries

 Ok, so I know I said it didn't seem like he was getting much better. But he is. I just was frustrated because he wasn't doing it for me that night. So here are some pictures! And video! Also he's getting good at spinning himself. Both on his back and belly, we'll find him in positions where we didn't leave him (like waking up in the morning, he'll be turned 90 degrees). Mobility is beginning! Slowly but surely!
 Ehh ok it's formatting weird, but whatever. I don't have a whole lot to say today, I'm hungry, but Boi found me some plausible bread I can eat so that's yummy. And we picked up some counter samples, so that's fun. I signed the contract for the bathroom and wrote out some checks. Bank accounts, depleted! Hehehe... but it'll be great when it's done.
Boi goes back to the grind tomorrow. And I go back to same ol' same ol'  trying to get the house straightened up, trying to figure out what the heck I can eat (full time job right there) and trying to raise a good little Peanut. Last night he slept 3 hour stretches, woo hoo! Hopefully he can keep that up tonight! Please oh please oh please! I'm tired of being tired!

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