Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Months Old!

Lookie, lookie, guess who's 5 (months) yesterday! Oh yeah, it's Peanut! And he can officially sit up nicely and play with his toys! So exciting! I'm thinking in the next week or two he'll be completely independently sitting, how crazy will that be? I better start figuring out how to childproof now!

Peanut has had an eventful few days. He went to visit his Great Grandma and Grandpa, who just had his birthday. That was pretty exciting. And yesterday a bunch of his Great Uncles and Great Auntie M came to visit, along with Grammy and Grandpa and Uncle A. He showed off a bunch of his toys and his piano playing prowress. He even consented to some cuddle time, which he doesn't do a lot anymore unless he's sleepy since he just wants to sit up and look around and play all day.

So foods, here's the lowdown so far

Avocado: Not bad
Sweet Potatoes: Meh
Squash: Pretty tasty
Bananas: Yummy
Avocado+Banana: Not bad
Oatmeal+Banana: Pretty tasty

Next time we try sweet potatoes, we'll probably try adding some spices, since that's how I prefer to eat it.

Hee, Daddy is putting Peanut in a new outfit after he demolished his couple tablespoons of oatmeal. Picked out an outfit that's likely too small for him now. I guess we'll enjoy it for the last time today! Peanut is giggling something fierce! But Boi can almost always get him to giggle now.

Boi has the day off today, hopefully we'll all enjoy it! Here for your viewing pleasure, was Peanut's dinner last night. I have frozen chunks of avocado in a freezer bag, and I just eat a banana whenever he gets some :) Yummy for us both!

Banana-avocado before
Banana-avocado after!

And finally, a video of his piano playing prowress. It's a comparison video. Changes - they be coming faster now!

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