Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Months Old!

Lookie, lookie, guess who's 5 (months) yesterday! Oh yeah, it's Peanut! And he can officially sit up nicely and play with his toys! So exciting! I'm thinking in the next week or two he'll be completely independently sitting, how crazy will that be? I better start figuring out how to childproof now!

Peanut has had an eventful few days. He went to visit his Great Grandma and Grandpa, who just had his birthday. That was pretty exciting. And yesterday a bunch of his Great Uncles and Great Auntie M came to visit, along with Grammy and Grandpa and Uncle A. He showed off a bunch of his toys and his piano playing prowress. He even consented to some cuddle time, which he doesn't do a lot anymore unless he's sleepy since he just wants to sit up and look around and play all day.

So foods, here's the lowdown so far

Avocado: Not bad
Sweet Potatoes: Meh
Squash: Pretty tasty
Bananas: Yummy
Avocado+Banana: Not bad
Oatmeal+Banana: Pretty tasty

Next time we try sweet potatoes, we'll probably try adding some spices, since that's how I prefer to eat it.

Hee, Daddy is putting Peanut in a new outfit after he demolished his couple tablespoons of oatmeal. Picked out an outfit that's likely too small for him now. I guess we'll enjoy it for the last time today! Peanut is giggling something fierce! But Boi can almost always get him to giggle now.

Boi has the day off today, hopefully we'll all enjoy it! Here for your viewing pleasure, was Peanut's dinner last night. I have frozen chunks of avocado in a freezer bag, and I just eat a banana whenever he gets some :) Yummy for us both!

Banana-avocado before
Banana-avocado after!

And finally, a video of his piano playing prowress. It's a comparison video. Changes - they be coming faster now!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun with Food

So avocado was fun and ok. Sweet Potatoes were meh. Of course he doesn't really get eating yet, so I can't blame him too much on the sweet potatoes, we'll come back to that one :) Tonight we're trying butternut squash. It was going to be bananas, but alas, we don't have any. So squash it is!

Thank goodness he has discovered he can have fun on his back again. For a few weeks there, he hated being on his back. But right now he's playing laying down, he can kick the piano while he's not playing with his feet, and he's got a few things around him he can grab.

Last night he slept! He totally slept! He was in his swing all night, but who cares?! He slept from 9ish to 4ish, then ate and slept till 8ish. Holy moly, and I slept too! I feel aliiiiiiiive! Boi comes home at 6ish, and I'm finally going to be able to get some work done! Zomg zomg so happy!

Tomorrow Peanut gets his shots again :( And Boi got his schedule changed and since I forgot to write it on the calendar, he had it changed so he works during the appointment. So I'll have to deal with the appointment with post-vaccinated Peanut all by myself. Not looking forward to that at all :( He reacted somewhat ok to it last time though, maybe with each time he'll get better and better? I don't know, we'll see.

Today the wallpaper got scraped out of the bathroom. I thought the inspector was going to be here, but I guess it's tomorrow. Then things can start getting closed off. Also they told me the tub is 100% ready to go, so I guess Peanut's next bath will be in there! Which is awesome because he is way too big for the sink now! I've already pulled out his bath toys, whether or not he plays with them, they're going in there!

Boi is home! Time to go finish up dinner (smashed rosemary potaotes, anything else he can make ;) and start working!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A post full of video

It's been a long day. I verified another growth spurt, he's grown another half inch or so in the last week, so he's 25.5 inches. Which hopefully explains the craptastic sleeping. We had *several* 20 minute stretches of sleep, the rest weren't great, and he wanted to wake up at 7 this morning even though he didn't sleep till after 10 last night. Well, he did sleep 4 hours after the avocado. But even with that I ignore a few wakeups, like one always after 40 minutes, and usually another one an hour or so later. But he's asleep now, let's hope.

And now, I really was just posting this because I have video overload for you! We had the funs tonight!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yummy Yummy Avocado

 Today has been a good day. The plumber came and did much work. Boi was home and we did much cleaning. We got some shopping done. We invented a new way to get Peanut to not play with his feet while sitting. I got to eat meatloaf. And Peanut eated Avocado! Omnomnom!

The last two days we've been trying to do one stretch of 3 hours awake time. It's worked out really well. Usually we just do 90 minutes, because that's how long sleep cycles are, so he naturally is more tired at that point. So a second cycle hits at three hours. He's pretty pooped by the end, but he isn't fussy or anything really much. Just ready for his nap. I think we'll continue doing one long awake period a day. That is, as long as he seems like he's happy. Obviously if he seems tired, to bed he goes! I'll try adding on a second long awake session after he's 5 months. He'll be even more active then. And his Great Auntie Mary will be here to see him on his 5th Monthday!

Mmmm Avocado. He seemed to like it. Though he wasn't entirely sure what was going on. Look at those cute big ol' blue eyes though! So I'm kind of thinking, once we get a few foods under our belt, we'll do like say, oatmeal and peaches or something in the morning, and like, avocado and squash or bananas in the evening. Or whatever we're doing that night. After a few days of this, we're going to move on to sweet potatoes. And once he gets used to eating, we'll add on the morning startch session. Kid doesn't know how yummy he has it! ;) And maybe he won't wake up every 1-2 hours tonight! Especially tonight, I can't ask for Boi to help since he leaves for work at 630, which is rather early for us.

Tomorrow the contractor should be here. We've decided on having one really long vanity with only one sink. And it'll also contain a hamper unit. He might also start to cut for the window or take down the wall. Excited for more progress! A lot of the stuff the plumber does is less appreciated because I can't really see the pipes and such. It's all important, sure, but it's no window in the wall.

And also, a video, the beginning, middle and end of the session.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

20 Weeks!!!

 Guess who's 20 weeks old? That's right, Peanut is! Here's a blast from the past, what life was like at 20 weeks pregnant (remember I was alternating calling Peanut a boy/girl since I didn't know then) :

Ding! Times up, turn baby around when halfway done. Wait what? Erm. I think I'm just going to leave her in there and hope she finishes cooking. Less than three days till the possible gender reveal! The cats are practically giddy with excitement.

Oh yeah, we're halfway through, woohoo! Celebrated today with Mom for Mother's Day at the Great Dane, then worked s'more, and worked s'more on the garden. Then Boi raked up leaves, and I discovered a limit in the number of times I could bend over to assist while cleaning up the yard. So many sticks, too few times able to be able to bend over.

Crazy no? We're working on getting our master bathroom remodeled. So far no sign of mold, water damage yes, but no mold. Which is great, but I wonder where the awful smell was coming from. Maybe something in the pipes? Either way, we'll soon have a bathroom we hopefully both will love and use. And Peanut can have his own bathroom! Though I'll be bathing him in ours for awhile, just more room by the tub. Can't wait for it to be done so I can stick him in there!

Hee hee!

 Hello, I'm Peanut and I'm a sitting up boy! We picked out tiles today, it's going to be more grey than I originally imagined, but it's cool. I can make this work. It's still going to be waaaaaaay better than it was before. I didn't even really like going in there. Peanut is bouncing on his Grandpa's knee right now, looking at a toy train. Gotta teach him early. So tomorrow the work begins anew. We still have to go look for a new mirror, the one we have screams "I live in a rental." I want something more... well, not rental. We can put the mirror up somewhere... or freecycle it or something.

Peanut's going in his jumperoo here while we eat. Jump-jump-jumperoo! He's really good at jumping in the one here, he's just starting to figure it out in the one at home. I guess they are all a lot different. This one has fish. He looooooooves fish! And he loves red/orange.

Changing table! It's almost impossible to change his diaper these days, because he's got his hands on his toes the entire time. We distract him a bit with a musical toy, but you have to be swift! His baby-hawk will be gone in the morning, washed his hair and brushed it down, gotta keep it interesting I figure.

Well, I better get back to more important things. Like working and cleaning and eating potato chips. Mmmm potato chips. Potatoes have been my staple as of late, and I've got more from Mom's! Tomorrow I'm having mashed potatoes and bacon wrapped chicken! Omnomnom, can't wait!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I forgot to post this picture! I was laying on the couch and he was sitting on me, playing with his feet, when he decided today was the day to eat them. So he did. They must have been good because he kept going back to sample them s'more.

The screaming... the screaming! 40 minutes after he fell asleep for bed, he screamed on and off for an hour. Sighs. If you're going to do this, you'd better sleep longer now kid! This stops eventually I hope. Like by the time he's 18 he won't still be crying/screaming after going to bed I hope.

I told myself after I did a few things online, I was going to finish cleaning the kitchen. Alas, the screaming has worn me out. Craig Ferguson is on in a few minutes, I also might read. My fellow mom friends are doing a book club thinger, we're on our third book, we're reading Wyvern.

Argh the screaming again! I missed the beginning of Craig! At least Boi should be home in a few minutes... early bedtime tonight I think... assuming Peanut is done screaming.

Monday, February 6, 2012


So the last two nights, I did bedtime, rocked him till he was pretty drousy, put him down in his crib, kissed him goodnight, left... and he fell asleep :D win win win win win! I'm going to try it for a nap tomorrow. The only problem is his nook... everytime it falls out when he puts himself asleep, he wakes up. Bleh.


I never did finish this last night. Boi was able to use the same technique to put him down for a nap. And without his sleep sheep. So another step towards sleepy independence. I want to take away his nook sooner than later too I think, especially if his sleep stretches don't improve. Of course, then we also need to be more firm about no nook except  for sleepytimes. We'll see where we are at 5 months I guess. If he's sitting independently I would imagine he would be less fussy since he would have more abilities to do things. Maybe I'm just crazy.


I never did finish it yesterday either! Or was it the day before? Ah well, this post is dragging on now so let's just finish it up. If he's in a good enough mood, Peanut will do a 180 while on his belly. The video takes awhile, but it shows most of it.

The bathroom should start this week. I guess our contractor had a little extra difficulty getting the permit, the village needed some guy in another town to authorize it or something? Anyways he said it should be good to go tomorrow, so yay! I've started to set my alarm for a half hour before the earliest time they said they'd arrive, so if nothing else I can be dressed and have the bed made. Peanut usually has a wakeup around then, but I'm still hoping one of these days he'll sleep through the night and not wake up every 2 hours! It looks like he made it past 40 minutes without looking for his nook... so that's a good start!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We played the piano today!

Just a quickie post, took some video today of Peanut playing his piano. It's pretty epic. He played hard today, he was reclining on my legs, at a pretty good angle I thought, and sat himself up from it. I was actually trying to give him a break and keep his head inclined at the same time because sitting up creates SO MUCH SPITUP! We've been through so many outfits... So that was exciting, the getting himself into a seated position from a reclined position. Alas I think he got pretty sore after that though, because he started making a different noise after that, but he didn't realize that sitting was hurting him and he kept wanting to siiiit!

So I distracted him with a different game, handing him his nook for him to put in his own mouth. He was getting pretty good. So tonight he started crying (actually it's been a little reminiscent of his colicy days, hopefully those aren't coming back now that we've stopped the probiotics) and Boi went up there, said he saw him take it out with his left hand, switch it to his right, and then pop it back in. He's such a showoff!

But he seems to have forgotten how to roll from stomach to back. He's been trying like mad the last few days and has gotten no where. Silly kid!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Sitty Uppy Diaries

 Ok, so I know I said it didn't seem like he was getting much better. But he is. I just was frustrated because he wasn't doing it for me that night. So here are some pictures! And video! Also he's getting good at spinning himself. Both on his back and belly, we'll find him in positions where we didn't leave him (like waking up in the morning, he'll be turned 90 degrees). Mobility is beginning! Slowly but surely!
 Ehh ok it's formatting weird, but whatever. I don't have a whole lot to say today, I'm hungry, but Boi found me some plausible bread I can eat so that's yummy. And we picked up some counter samples, so that's fun. I signed the contract for the bathroom and wrote out some checks. Bank accounts, depleted! Hehehe... but it'll be great when it's done.
Boi goes back to the grind tomorrow. And I go back to same ol' same ol'  trying to get the house straightened up, trying to figure out what the heck I can eat (full time job right there) and trying to raise a good little Peanut. Last night he slept 3 hour stretches, woo hoo! Hopefully he can keep that up tonight! Please oh please oh please! I'm tired of being tired!