Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So tired

Sleep has not been kind to us this last week. Almond likes waking up all night, starting as early as 3 hours after going to bed. Which is when we are usually just falling asleep. That might sound late, but it's not, because she's been going to bed early because she hasn't been taking satisfactory naps. So she goes to bed at 730, Peanut at 9, we wind down for an hour then go to bed and then she's up. Sigh. She's just sitting there in her crib now as we speak. Kicking. Trying to stay awake.

15 minutes later, she's asleep. Pacifier in her mouth. It's become a bit of a thing. Anything that will give her comfort these last few weeks we've heavily encouraged, and she's finally taken a liking to them.

If only she'd stay asleep. Just stay asleep. Hard to believe it wasn't long ago we were having issues with her naps being too good. Issues being I couldn't leave the house. Way better than this.

We were downtown at a island park area earlier in the week. Peanut had fun pretending every turn on the path was a lighthouse. And he learned about quicksand! Then we stopped at the playground where some older boys were playing. Peanut thought he was playing with them, but they politely just ignored him. He thought he was playing along, kind of a happy sad thing. I'm happy that he was having a good time of course, but just felt sad to me. I wish I had more friends his age I could call on.

Almond did well, I wore her the whole time and she was pretty cool just looking around. She really loves the swings though so she was happy when we stopped. I'm uploading the video I took there, you can see Peanut running around in the background some.

I really hope we get back to normal soon. We're halfway through her antibiotics. It should be pretty close to feeling good for her, they always say people think they're all the way better before they finish so they want to stop early. So yeah? She should be feeling good? Then why all the crying :( I know I have a lot of videos, but I think most of them are on the Hubby's phone. So here's the park, and I'll have to get his phone tonight to transfer the files. A little under an hour till I pick up Peanut from preschool, just 5 days left for him after today! Then the summer is free until 4k starts this fall. And the SCHOOLBUS! No more picking him up or dropping him off!! Not that it's this terrible thing to do, but it's inconvenient when Almond just wants to nap. Ya know. I actually am looking forward to walking him to school for Kindergarten. If we're still here. And I'm still a stay at home mom. You know, all those good things.

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