Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My little crawler

Almond started crawling 2 days ago. I had taken her inside to change her diaper, decided her drooled on clothes were damp enough to need an outfit change, put on a new top and was looking for pants when I saw her eagerly try to get at the iPad on the floor (her white noise). So I tried scooting it far enough away that she couldn't just belly flop, but there wasn't enough space. So I unplugged it and pulled it to the middle of the room. The cord was still towards her, and as I tugged it away, THAT was what finally did it. The thrill of the chase of the power cord got her to take her first crawling pace. Plus... I had my camera rolling!

Since then she's still pretty cautious about it. She isn't crawling very fast or very far yet, though being in the play room gets her the most giddy to practice (all of Peanut's planets!).

We had to lower her crib mattress down too, shes can get seated in her crib now, and she's interested in pulling up... sooooooo yeah. Down it went. Need to find a new place for the monitor now, we can't really see her face.

She's also PRO at her walker. We put her in it while we're playing the front yard to keep her entertained and away from eating rocks and stuff... but she definitely requires much supervision now.

Cutie pie!

Peanut has been big into worms and volcanoes along with his other normal stuff. He has a tupperware type container filled with compost and worms, and he distributes them around as he likes. Then he has a cardboard box that is their "home" in-between getting new homes. He's really really into it. Plus here he is flying a kite. He drops the string still a lot, but he was getting into it here. He was playing at the neighbor's yesterday and he fell down and scraped his finger. He's very concened about it, about losing blood, about keeping a bandaid on it, about checking on it. Trying to teach him to be calm about it, silly kid. He wants a new bandaid every 5 minutes. Sigh. Well, he's on bandaid 3 so far so we do give in every now and again obviously. He's also been dressed every morning when we go downstairs. So that's a neat little change, we'll see how long he keeps that up. Of course that meant he's not in Star Wars today as he doesn't know about May the 4th. But hey, oh well :)

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