I've been so busy this week, with Baby E here, and other family, and just everything. Peanut's been thrown for a loop too, regressing on cup drinking and potty training :( But he's a cutie and we'll all get through it.
We've gone lots of places and had lots of fun, and tomorrow while we're at work he'll be spending all day with Baby E, Aunt K and Meemaw. I'm sure they'll be driven insane by the end, but Peanut will have fun!
Crazy to think that he's that tall now. Sheesh, and he's 34 months now. Tomorrow's my birthday month, then it's his. He's going to be freaking 3 years old. Doesn't seem that long ago that he was a little baby crying all night while I rocked him.
It's a good thing that it's his Uncle A's birthday today, gave him a legitamate reason to sing Happy Birthday. A rare treat, someone to sing it to! Too bad he's not up here though, that'd be waaaay better :) He's upstairs restless right now, but I think about to crash, he's been having a hard time falling asleep, but that last tooth is almost all the way through, hopefully a more normal schedule next week combined with that tooth finishing up and we'll have our completely sweet and less complicated boy back. In the meantime... IT'S A BABY!
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