Typically I start these out with going to wake him up, however this time, the opposite happens. Peanut, being in a bed instead of a crib, woke up before us at 630 (awww, I prefer it when he makes it to 7-730) and came into bed with us until I could manage to crawl out. He didn't sleep great last night, but it was great compared to a few months ago. He's been fairly consistently sleeping through the night, he had a hard time falling asleep though last night, woke up crying at 4, and woke up early. But he does have two molars pushing through (the last two!).
So he convinced me to get up, he begrudgingly took care of business, and we headed downstairs. I asked him if he wanted to play or eat, and he said "play." So we went downstairs to feed the cats and play with toys for a little bit. Peanut immediately grabbed a truck and headed for the train table. Then after that he strung all the train cars together and tried to take them under the bridge and up, but they got stuck, and he got quite distraught :/ I'm hoping this was random and not an indicator that we're going to have a more emotional day.
We headed upstairs for breakfast. Usually he's a peanut butter toast kind of guy, but ever since Daddy brought home some Chex on sale, he's been begging for some. So I've relented a little on the Chex stance (we had a cross contaminated box in the past) and let him have some. And now that's all he wants to eat. I'll likely hide the rest of the boxes after we finish this one - it just makes me nervous that both us and the internet have had bad luck with them. But he gobbled it down with one little problem. He freaked out a little bit and started babbling on when I got him set up, and it took me a few minutes to figure out why. He's often dressed by the time we eat, and especially if he's headed to school, I put a bib on and a towel over his lap. So he wasn't happy that his normal company was missing.
But that was easily remedied and breakfast went on with peace. Up until he noticed his favorite book sitting on the table, The Big Red Barn (well, it's his favorite book this week). And of course he wanted to red. Sly me asked him to take it upstairs to sleeping Daddy and have him read it to him. So we went up, I got the picture, and came down here to start this up. So begins the day of pictures!
It'll be fun, trust me.
So soon after this, it was time to go get dressed, I gave him a few choices in shirts, and he choose the green one. Excellent choice kid! It'll be great for later *foreshadowing* we came back down (well, Peanut chose to pretend to fall down the stairs a few times.
Then we got out some different trains and train tracks and got out our 'funnel tunnel' and played around with that for awhile. The light even chose to work on it today :)
But the morning was quickly was going by, and we had some tasks to do. We needed to hit up the library to return a few books and a movie, I wanted to get a few pictures at the park for a side project, and we need to go exchange his sandals. More on that later.
For now, there are few things that Peanut loves more than a car ride, also I inched up that chest strap after the photo, should have just done that before, but ah well. Adventure time!
So we took off, here's the new car, I don't think I've posted a picture of it yet. Fairly confident. We took off to exchange his shoes. A few days ago we tried on a bunch of sandals as the velcro is dying on his current pair. We found a nice pair... got it home and it was a WTF? It was clearly too small. So not sure what happened there, but we went back and... there wasn't a single sandal that fit him there. We even had an employee scan each one to make sure.
And he loves it.
Loves. it.
Of course he was getting tired and there wasn't a lot of time to let it cool, so there was a little drama when he forgot to blow, but otherwise he cleaned his bowl. Omnomnomnomnom!
-----Nap Time---
He took a good nap and woke up in a pretty good mood. Here he is showing off his bedroom, it's kind of haphazard right now, we're planning on getting him a nice bed for his birthday and doing some redecorating in there, now that we know he's a trains and vehicles type of guy.
It'll be crazy bright in there, but none of us care :) It just makes it fun! And zomg I can't wait for the new windows to be in! New curtains! Everything!
Apparently also we lost a big branch/trunk thing (well, significant) we were checking it out with Kiara before we left the room. Though it doesn't look like you can see it here. I've always loved the view from his room though <3
Anywho, after that we just had some generic free play time. Lot's of train plaing, I had some work to finish up that didn't quite fit into his nap period, dinner to plan, misc around the house stuff. I had been thinking of setting up a ton of animal crossing and seeing if he was maybe interested in checking that out. Maybe in a few months, it was fun and nostalgic though. Makes me really want a 3DS so I can check out the most recent version though :) Ah well, dreaming! We'll save those upgrades for when Peanut's older and we'll go, hey, you've been playing SNES/Gamecube/Sega, but check out THESE graphics, mwaa haa haa haa haa! Yeah, we're raising a gamer ;) there are worse things.
But the boys had rice and chickpea curry for dinner and I had egg drop soup (I only eat grains for one meal). It was apparently pretty tasty, we have to get that cleaned up so we can fit in the rest of our plans before bedtime!
Oh, after the hornet incident, Peanut took his revenge by... shoving a thermometer into the screen door? Great >< good thing we have a new sliding door in the works.
So yeah, soon after this we decided we needed to run to the store for Peanut's school lunch tomorrow. So I took him out as we were getting ready to go and got this awesome shot of him playing hopscotch <3 I think this one will end up on FB too.
We played, headed out, stocked up on food for tomorrow and used a few coupons. We love coupons! Then we decided to make a detour.
Guess where?!?!
Yeah, the train tracks of course. We parked nearby and walked up and down them for a little while, sending him into preschooler fandom.
It was fun and lovely and then I realized I was getting texts from I who had stopped by. We hurried to the car so we could have a quick rendezvous, which was delightful. We ran around the house outside (well, one of us did) and chilled out till bedtime.
Of course when we went in we realized Peanut barely ate any dinner.
So we sliced up some cherries and we warmed up some leftover and Peanut polished off every single bite. Hungry boy! The up the stairs for bath time, which when Daddy's home, it's a freaking blast.
We read wore warm pajamas since it's like below zero out there in July or something. We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Big Red Barn and The Blue Train. He was an excellent sport and actually fell asleep right away. I presume, I haven't heard him so he must have.
So that's his day, it was a pretty good day, I like to think it was swell, but he's got school tomorrow, I'll try to update on... Thursday! We'll see how that goes! Thanks for reading!
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