9 weeks old and he's getting quite good at stuffing half his fist in his mouth. Also, here he is taking his morning nap, zonked, arm completely comfortable straight up in the air. I thought it was cute :)
Boi says hi and says I should write "stuff." So there you have it.
I get to snuggle against his shoulder as I type, that's nice. He's got two more days and then I get him for 2 or 3 days. We're both too lazy to go find out. Ok, he's not too lazy, apparently I'm STOPPING HIM from going to get it. The only way I'm doing that is by snuggling against him. What I think he means to say is that he was silly and didn't look when he grabbed the schedule, when the whole point to bringing it home was to find out if he worked on Friday or Saturday. He makes a point in that if that was really all we wanted, then he would have looked and not have brought it home. I SAY THIS IS PREPOSTEROUS! Really, all I want is food. Yummy food, like baby cheeks or baby toes. I bet they be tasty. But no, I don't think you should go wake him up and bring him down here Boi, we spent an hour getting him to sleep. I cheated by putting a finger on his temple and another on his nose, and his eyes shut due to the proximity of my hand, and then he just fell asleep before I lifted them BRILLIANCE I SAY! But then he ended up waking up - which he usually does do at least once before drifting off into nighttime sleep.
Boi gave him a massage, I usually do it, but he got home as I was putting him to bed, as he was becoming fussy and I couldn't wait any longer. He did a good job. Ok, Peanut was becoming fussy, if any of you were confused and thought I was talking about Boi. No, but Boi did warm up a tofurky while I was getting Peanut to bed. LEFTOVERS OK, SHEESH. Anyways, it was stinky and I thought Peanut had farted. INSERT PICTURE OF PEANUT CRYING AT TOFURKY! Boi thought of the picture, so you can thank him for me putting it in. I'm no longer snuggling against his shoulder as I had to reach for my Powerade. It's green flavored. I should just switch to water, as I've already consumed one today (orange flavored), but I needed to take my vitamin so I opened another. I also should be working but I've gotten several hours in and now I'm staring at and going blaaaaaaaaaah so I'm taking a break by snuggling (not that I'm doing that anymore mind you) and blogging.
What else should we talk about Boi? THAT'S RIGHT, BABY HAIR! I had three pictures to choose from, one was blurry, one was EXTREME CLOSE UP and this one was a nice in-between. Boi agrees that you can see the new hair growth nicely in this picture. My tummy gurgled, foooooooooooood I want! Anyways, baby hair, isn't it cute? I hope he doesn't loose the stuff he was born with. I don't know what the chances are of that exactly. I know he doesn't currently have a baldspot, he has baldish spots, but not a baldspot. Just the silly infant hairlines. He's excellent and sleeps on different parts of his head and doesn't favor one spot over another. I don't think. We'll see what the doctor says on Tuesday. I've decided to go with the Sears vaccination schedule. So he'll get the DTaP and the Rota then. And we'll go in at 3 months and get two different ones. And we'll hold off on the HepB for awhile. So there's that.
HANDS! Here are our hands. We tried like a bazzilion pictures, we didn't get any real great ones, here's the best. Boi just left me temporarily for his soda and a cookie. OH that's right, I bought root beer with caffeine in it, darn it all! Bad job me! But it was on sale. But I didn't know. Or I didn't realize. I knew one had caffeine in it, but I can never remember which. Boi is watching the football game and is no longer reading what I'm typing, so I can type evil things about him, like he's a doody head. BIG FAT DOODY HEAD! Hahahaha!
Peanut is slowly improving, I don't think I'll have to cut out soy. Which is good. The rash is still on his face, but his diapers are more normal - so normal THEY TRIED TO DESTORY HIS SWING! He got poop on the safety strap, the cover, and it soaked through that. Eeeeuuu! He also got poop up his tummy and up his back. Way to poop little guy. DARN IT HE'S AWAKE! he slept for like 40 minutes, I wonder if he's gassy? If that's what's wrong, Boi should be able to fix it with a pacifier... we'll see. And while I'm waiting to see, I'll embed a video I took right before bedtime. Yup, he was just crying in his sleep so it was likely gas. I could feel the bubbles moving when I was rocking him to sleep, I guess they started up again. Nothing like plastic in your mouth to make it all better!
Ok, g'nite y'all, and enjoy this video!