It's been awhile, but I've been busy! I guess the biggest happiest news was my appointment on Thursday. I managed to keep pretty close to my required schedule that morning, and we got to the clinic on time. I started to get worried though as according to my cell phone, we had one minute before my hour was up when we got called (plus I was super uncomfortable as Peanut was stomping on my southern regions thanks to all the sugar). But she managed to get the blood drawn in a few minutes (same lady as last time) and we discussed what would happen if I failed with my problems getting poked and my disappearing veins. She said instead of doing a finger poke I'd likely just get an IV thinger put in. FORTUNATELY THAT WASN'T NECESSARY! Before we left I passed my GD with a 109 - anything over 140 would be a fail. And I'm not anemic either, I was a 12.1 when I think anything under 9 is a fail. So I was a healthy distance from both failpoints :)
BP and etc were normal, and the great measuring of my uterus showed him on track and his heartbeat was at 150 :) Alas they weighed me in at +8 pounds, which I don't believe, but I've been super swollen so I'm going to attribute it to that. I had been showing myself on my scale as +3, so I'm aiming to have lost a few pounds of water/bloat for my next appointment in... like 12 days. Yay for 2 week appointments now?
I've got Kiara kneading her claws into my foot right now. Hopefully she'll find a leak!
Since I was feeling well, we took off around 11 for Milwaukee. Well, I was feeling ok, but Peanut still hadn't settled down. He was getting his feet into the most uncomfortable/painful of spots during the drive, so not only did I almost continuously wince, but I kept looking for rest-stops to maybe just maybe take the edge off what he was also doing to my bladder. We stopped for lunch at Chili's (of course he calmed down for that, yum yum!) and then it wasn't long after we got back in the car that he started to be mean again! So I gave up, I felt bad for Boi driving, but I just need to get my mind off of it, so I closed my eyes, and managed to drift in and out of sleep for the next hour. He was a lot calmer around Madison. Then we just had to make it to Brookfield to find our hotel and lay down for a few.
Lalala - we all survived the trip. We went to his dad's, but left early knowing I'd have a hard time making it from general parking to the stadium. Boi's dad sweetly offered us his handicapped thingie, but we both felt that that would be a bit underhanded, and plus he likely needed it more. Fortunately we got good parking, right on the edge and by one of the bridges. I needed a break on the way in, but we found something nice I could sit on for a spell. We looked at the baby Brewer stuff, I was happy to see that while it was expensive, it wasn't as bad as I thought. So maybe we'll buy him something next game, even though he'll grow out of it quick :) Or I suppose something way too big the first year ;) We took a Peanut picture for my Aunt M, my shirt didn't really show my bump too well, so I've got it accentuated best I could. And the Brewer's won, yay! Saw someone I knew from my Best Buy days sitting near us - he OF COURSE noticed me shortly after Boi got me a hot dog and I had just taken an elegant giant bite of it. LOL! We made the trip out in one long spurt, but my feet hurt (they were swollen for bulk of the trip) so I just wanted to get my cute tush in the car. Pushing through the side cramp and aches at a slow walking speed for the win!
The hotel's fire alarm went off at 3am that night though :( that certainly didn't have a good effect of the quality of my sleep for the rest of the night! It was mostly uneventful after that though, aside from me attempt to drink as much water as I could and get my legs elevated whenever I could. Thursday was really the big day!
Peanut is now 29 weeks - so third trimester based on everyone's way of measuring it! "Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day."
Guess I should have a glass of milk with lunch, huh? Mmmm lunch. That goes well with a day of keeping my feet up! Boi even reminded me of it this morning before leaving. My swollen feet and ankles aren't pretty to look at! lol!
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