9 weeks 4 days to go, or 67 days. I can distinctly feel a body part in my upper left quadrent. At first it was cute, then it was, aww he must be comfy, he's still there. Now it's like, umm, kid *poke*? You're gonna bruise momma at this rate. I think it must be his feet because I get a few good (becoming increasingly painful) kicks in the spot, which would mean he's likely in a good position, and I don't want to discourage him from liking his head down and in, but sigh.
Oooh ow.
We hit the 30 week mark on our dear friends D&I's wedding. Yayhoo! Peanut was so well behaved the whole day, hardly made a fuss, and even let me go bowling with a 6 pound ball (I joined in just for fun, but Boi was bowling AWESOME and got a 187), but when we got home, started to relax, when my entire middle region tightened up into a giant ball of pain. I could barely stand or walk without Boi, or lay down. Kind of similar to the crib night crash. Ugh! It was only margionally better by bedtime, and then I was still sore the next morning.
Then Sunday I was just completely exhausted and headachey, which I guess I was asking for after being active on Saturday. Yesterday it was all But my dad called me out of the blue yesterday early afternoon just to tell me he loved me, which cheered me up, and nothing like getting cheered up to take the edge off and help you fight past it all.
Boi has now been happily putting his hand on my belly more and more now that movements are easily seen and felt externally. Which gives me a happy :D This little 3 pound bugger of joy (my new expression, classy I know) likes to give him a show when he feels the pressure from daddy's hand. He worries he's squishing him, but I like it as I'm often laying on my side when they hang out together, and it gives me a break from Peanut kicking the couch.
Well, back to my normally scheduled activities... mainly staying cool.
There's nothing like a dad's love to perk up his little girl!! That's sweet!!