Thursday, June 2, 2011

More Allergies

I've been trying and trying, knowing no meds is always best, but I've given up today after waking up at 5am coughing until I threw up :( So Boi is out now getting Benadryl and cough drops for me. Hopefully it clears it up AND it rains and washes it all away. So this shall be a two part post.


Sooo we gave it a shot, it cleared my head and made me drowsy at the same time. Not a whole lot more... at least not for sure with my airways, they still closed up on me. Too late to call aside for an emergency situation though, so we'll see how I do tonight.

Boi has finally felt Peanut! His hands are too rough, or something, but today he put his ear up against my belly and a few seconds later Peanut gave his ear a kick :D He kind of gave a giggle and went back for more and got another little kick. Super exciting! Now he has an idea of what I mean when I say it's weird ;) Well, the rolling around is more weird than the kicking, but hey.

Boi has off today and tomorrow, he's been a good sport today, and he got to play WoW on my PC (which is a far different and better experience than his laptop). I'm very lucky to have him, I would have been very lost this week without his help.

I haven't watered anything this week... that can't be good... hopefully I'm not killing everything Mom!

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